Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 445: Famous Anti-Japanese General Yang Yuting

"Wait, let me think about it." The landlady thought hard for a long time before saying: "By the way, Lao Song said that the list is very scary, and it will bleed out on its own, like tears."

My intuition told me that this list was a ghost item, so I asked the landlady if she knew of any other clues.

As a result, the landlady shook her head.

But I think things are not that simple. If only five security guards discovered that the list was haunted, why would Yu Hua risk killing them?

The only explanation is that they discovered some secret hidden in the list.

Thinking of this, I asked them if they had seen Song Zhong's mobile phone? After all, the death span of the five people was so long, it was possible that they had contacted each other during this period.

"The phone is at home, come with me." After saying this, Song Zhong's wife led us back home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Yu Hua pacing back and forth in the yard.

Li Mazi's face turned cold and he was about to take action. I quickly warned him with my eyes not to be impulsive, and then asked with a smile why Yu Hua was here?

"I came here to see you early in the morning. I didn't know that Song Zhong was dead, so I came to his house to have a look." After saying this, Yu Hua looked sad and sighed sadly.

Seeing that his expression didn't look like he was pretending, I suddenly became entangled in my heart. Could it be that I had misunderstood him?

At this time, Song Zhong's wife ran out of the house in a panic, gasping and saying, "Master, the phone is missing!"


"The phone has been kept in the drawer. It was still there this morning, but it will be gone now." Song Zhong's wife said.

I looked at Yu Hua and frowned tightly.

After leaving Sheshangou Village, we went straight to Shenyang Museum and found a hotel nearby to stay.

Yu Hua said that he still had work, and left after making arrangements for us.

As soon as Yu Hua left, Li Mazi couldn't bear it any longer and cursed: "Brother Zhang, why should we bother talking to him? I see he stole the phone."

"I know, but now is not the time," I said.

Although it has been determined that Yu Hua is the murderer behind the scenes, there is indeed something sinister behind this incident. I think it will be much easier for us to act in the museum with Yu Hua here.

Li Mazi knew this and didn't say anything else.

I called Yin Xinyue at noon. She told me that the crew had finished filming and was ready to come see me.

I asked her to wait for me at home, and I would be back soon. She didn't believe it, so she insisted on coming, and finally relied on Li Mazi's clever words to convince her.

But she asked me to call her every day to keep her safe, just like a child.

With nothing to do in the afternoon, Li Mazi and I went to visit the Marshal's Mansion in Shenyang.

The Marshal's Mansion was the place where the warlords Zhang Zuolin and Zhang Xueliang lived during the Kuomintang period. For a long time, it was the core of the Northeast Army.

It is filled with cultural relics from the Anti-Japanese War period. Through these items, you can feel the great era when heroes emerged in large numbers.

Compared with my investment, Li Mazi seemed bored. He also said that these things are not valuable at all, what is there to be intoxicated about?

"You will only care about money in this life."

I rolled my eyes at him, ignored him, and continued to feel the atmosphere here.

Unexpectedly, this ordinary visit led me to find a very important clue!

The most famous thing about the Marshal's Mansion is the Tiger Hall at the main entrance. There are two tiger specimens placed in it. It is said that Marshal Zhang Xueliang caught them while hunting. Moreover, Zhang Xueliang once held a Hongmen Banquet in the Tiger Hall and shot two generals in the Northeast Army who had defected to the Japanese: Yang Yuting and Chang Yinhuai. Therefore, the name of the young marshal spread throughout the Northeast.

Li Mazi, who had never caught a cold, became immediately interested when he saw the two tiger specimens. He ignored the "Keep Out" sign and unscrupulously crossed the railing to touch one.

It was too late for me to stop him, so I had to let him go and even prepared to call the administrator over as a prank.

But as soon as Li Mazi touched the tiger, he slipped back with a solemn expression and felt uncomfortable all over.

"What's wrong, are you scared?" I joked with interest, thinking he was afraid of being fined.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhang, this place is a little weird. It's so cold around the stuffed tiger, it's like there's a big refrigerator. I've got white hair all over my body in just a few seconds." sweat."

Li Mazi's words made me frown involuntarily and said, "You didn't lie to me, right?"

In broad daylight, if there is only one place in the entire Marshal's Mansion that is bone-chillingly cold, then there must be something wrong.

After receiving confirmation from Li Mazi, I stepped over the railing and touched it without thinking too much.

True to his words, the air suddenly became colder as he got closer to the tiger specimen. The further inside he went, the colder it became, like the twelfth lunar month in the dead of winter.

The cold air was mixed with strong resentment!

The grievances that appear here are probably only Yang Yuting and Chang Yinhuai.

I have read some history and know that both Yang and Chang were diligent generals back then. Although their tempers were a bit eccentric, they would not be considered traitors and join the Japanese even if they were beaten to death. Zhang Xueliang fell into the Japanese's alienation scheme and killed these two powerful generals.

These two people died unjustly, and their ghosts must still linger. I didn’t want to get involved in this muddy water, so I weakly prepared to retreat, but suddenly discovered a problem: this resentment seemed to be very similar to the ghost that haunted Song Zhong. picture!

Could it be that the evil thing this time is related to the famous General Yang Yuting?

I couldn't help but shudder when I thought of this, but it wasn't because I was afraid of him, but because I was in awe from the bottom of my heart.

Thinking back to the conversation in the cemetery, when he said that he was dedicated to serving the country and the people, and the lonely superior look in his eyes, I can almost conclude that the Yin Ling is Yang Yuting.

In the end, I pretended that nothing happened and left the Tiger Hall.

Along the way, Li Mazi kept asking me why I didn't intervene?

I was too lazy to pay attention to him at first, but then I couldn't stand his ink marks anymore, so I said seriously: "That's a national hero who once killed Japan and refused to compromise! Do you think I can do it?"

"Oh, forget it about being a hero." Li Mazi nodded pretending to be sensible.

I sighed heavily.

Li Mazi asked me why I sighed. I shook my head and smiled bitterly: "It's nothing, it's just a sudden emotion."

Now I completely understand the T-shirt man’s difficulties. He didn’t interfere in this matter. He just didn’t want to face General Yang Yuting, and he was also afraid of influencing my thoughts, so he was unwilling to tell me the details of the vaginal object from the beginning to the end.

But I still know, and I happen to respect General Yang Yuting!

At that time, the Fengtian Corps was stationed in the Northeast and was invincible. General Yang Yuting followed Marshal Zhang Zuolin and fought countless Japanese devils. The Japanese were so frightened that they did not dare to step into the Northeast.

If Zhang Xueliang hadn't destroyed the Great Wall, killed generals without firing a shot, and led his troops to escape from Northeast China like Sun Tzu, would the Japanese have launched a war of aggression against China? Absolutely not.

Either you don't get involved in the business of femininity, or you'll have to deal with it for the rest of your life. I've never broken this rule, but now I'm a little shaken...

But when I think of Yin Xinyue waiting for me at home, the helpless eyes of Song Zhong's wife and children, and the murderer behind me, I feel more responsible.

Can not give up!

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