Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 446 Weapon List

In the evening, Yu Hua picked us up at the hotel on time. Li Mazi and I took our things and followed him into the Shenyang Museum. The Shenyang Museum is the second largest museum in China, second only to the Forbidden City in Beijing. It contains countless historical relics, which are dazzling and dazzling.

Logically speaking, there would be someone on duty in the museum after get off work. After all, there are national treasures everywhere here. But in order to make things easier for us, Yu Hua asked all the personnel on duty to withdraw to the periphery.

For a moment, there were only three of us left in the entire exhibition hall.

As the night gradually deepened, the last bit of sunlight disappeared, and the entire exhibition hall became extremely dark and eerily quiet.

Li Mazi's legs trembled unconsciously. I knew that what he was afraid of was not the ghost that appeared at any time, but the murderer Yu Hua.

In fact, I am also afraid that the smile on Yu Hua's face looks like there is a knife hidden in the smile.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Li Mazi and I were looking at him, Yu Hua asked inexplicably.

I shook my head and said it was okay, and then looked at the empty exhibition hall seriously.

Many things here are spiritual. I asked them not to play with their phones or make any noise. The three of us just sat on the ground, and the atmosphere seemed a bit weird.

When it was approaching twelve o'clock, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the exhibition hall, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

I stood up suddenly and called to the sleepy Li Mazi and Yu Hua: "That thing is here!"

The wind came and went quickly, and except for the faint smell of blood in the air, it seemed like nothing had ever happened.

Yu Hua looked around and saw nothing unusual, so he asked me what was going on?

I signaled him to be silent, and then I pursed my lips towards the exhibition hall.

After a while, subtle footsteps came from the quiet exhibition hall, as if someone was pacing there.

I held my breath, held the Sirius whip tightly and looked over.

As the footsteps became clearer and clearer, I finally saw a piece of yellowed paper swaying slightly in mid-air!

Every time footsteps sounded, the paper moved in the air. Even though there was no wind, it still stayed in mid-air without any sign of landing.

"Brother Zhang, can you go up?" Li Mazi asked in a low voice.

I shook my head and said to look again. Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, the paper seemed to have discovered us and floated over with a hiss.

Only then did I realize that the piece of paper was really a list, with many words written densely on it. Unfortunately, it was dark all around and I had no idea what was written on it.

Li Mazi cursed and couldn't care so much, then turned on the flash of his mobile phone and looked at the piece of paper.

In this photo, I was surprised to find that there was blood seeping out of the paper!

At first, tiny drops of blood appeared on the top, and soon the entire paper was stained red with blood. The blood slipped from the paper like tears and eventually dropped to the ground.

At the same time, Yang Yuting's angry voice came from the paper: "Since you are seeking death, I will help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blood stains on the list suddenly disappeared, and then the list floated a few times and fell to the ground.

I quickly stepped forward to pick it up and saw that it was a list of weapons. The brain quickly recalled and soon knew the origin of this list.

Back then, the President of the Republic of China bought 40 million yuan of arms with a loan from Japan. As soon as they arrived in Qinhuangdao, he was defrauded by a mysterious man with a bill of lading.

It was Yang Yuting who defrauded the arms!

Since then, Yang Yuting has gained the trust of Commander Zhang Zuolin, and has prospered since then, becoming a fierce general in the Northeast Army. It can be said that the reason why Yang Yuting became prosperous was entirely due to this bill of lading. It is no wonder that a trace of his ghost would reside on the bill of lading after his death.

It’s just that I don’t understand why he suddenly went crazy this year after he died without making any noise for so many years?

Could someone have irritated him?

Thinking of this, I subconsciously looked towards Yu Hua, only to realize that Yu Hua was missing.

Not only him, but also Li Mazi disappeared. Two living people disappeared out of thin air under my nose, and I didn't even react.

Damn it, it must be Yang Yuting’s ghost playing tricks on me!

He used the list to attract my attention and then took the two of them away.

But after all, it was just a ghost. How could it take away two living people quietly?

In just one minute, Li Mazi and Yu Hua should be nearby. I looked around with a flashlight.

Sure enough, he saw Yu Hua dragging Li Mazi slowly out.

Yu Hua's eyes were red at the moment, and his whole body exuded strong resentment. Needless to say he was possessed.

Logically speaking, it was the best thing for Yu Hua to be possessed. I took the opportunity to subdue the Yin spirit and then deal with him.

But then I thought about it, things shouldn't be that simple. If Yu Hua really had a cooperative relationship with Yang Yuting, how could Yang Yuting fall in love with him?

Therefore, Li Mazi and I may have wronged Yu Hua.

But if the murderer wasn't him, who could it be?

While I was thinking about it, Yu Hua had already dragged Li Mazi out of the museum. The staff on duty outside did not show up at this moment, and I don’t know where they went.

It would be difficult for me to save Li Mazi by myself, and besides, the Yin spirit didn't seem to be in a hurry to hurt him, but was dragging his body where it wanted to go.

I simply followed behind, but unexpectedly they came directly to the railway and lay down on the railway track.

My heart thumped, this Yang Yuting is really cruel. If this happens, when the train comes, Yu Hua and Li Mazi will be rolled into two pieces by the wheels.

At this time, the train whistle sounded, and I looked over in panic. A train was speeding not far away.

"Damn it, let's fight." I gritted my teeth and rushed onto the railway. I swung the Sirius Whip and hit Yang Yuting. Every time I hit him, he would let out a shrill scream.

But he never dodges and has no intention of letting Li Mazi go. The train was getting closer and closer. I put away my Sirius Whip in my heart, yelled and rushed towards it.

Yang Yuting obviously didn't expect that I would be so desperate, and was stunned for a moment. I took the opportunity to push hard and pushed Li Mazi out of the railway track.

At the same time, the train roared past me, accompanied by Yu Hua's shrill howl.

After the train left, I wiped the sweat from my face and quickly checked on Li Mazi. I was relieved when I saw that he was fine.

Li Mazi's face turned pale and he said, "Brother from the Zhang family, this time it's so damn scary!"

After saying that, Li Mazi took off his pants, and I realized that he peed his pants. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise Li Mazi would have made a fool of himself.

At this time, I looked at Yu Hua. He was not as lucky as us. Both legs were cut off from the knee down. Blood stained the railway track. He fell to the ground and kept twitching.

It seemed that Yang Yuting had left his body. I couldn't care so much, so I hurriedly sent him to the hospital with Li Mazi.

When the doctors pushed Yu Hua into the operating room, Li Mazi and I felt anxious in the corridor.

Li Mazi also realized that we might have wronged Yu Hua and asked me what to do next?

"Go to the museum, Yang Yuting must have gone back." I thought for a moment and said decisively.

Why did those on duty leave, and whose orders were they given?

Although Yang Yuting hijacked Li Mazi to go to the railway track, I know that he mainly wanted to kill Yu Hua!

The crippled Yu Hua, the five dead security guards, and the departing staff on duty, these things are connected together, which obviously proves that someone else is at work in the museum!

He failed to murder Yu Hua with the help of Yin Ling, so he would definitely hide in the dark to finish the job at this moment.

So I took Li Mazi out of the hospital with great fanfare, but after walking around for a while, I quietly returned to the hospital.

The single ward where Yu Hua lived was just convenient for us to hide under the bed.

Time passed by, and the little nurse on duty sat on the chair and dozed off. Later, she cautiously looked into the corridor and slipped away quietly.

Apparently I secretly went back to sleep. I sighed. Even the angels in white were slacking off, so what kind of service can be truly for the people?

"Brother Zhang, do you think the murderer behind him will come back?" Li Mazi asked with some uncertainty.

I said it would definitely happen, unless the murderer was Yu Hua himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, intermittent footsteps suddenly came from the corridor. It was obvious that someone was coming.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other and clenched our fists. Soon the ward door was opened, and it was the man wearing a fat raincoat and a mask who walked in.

When he saw that Yu Hua was the only one in the ward, he suddenly took out a bright boning knife from his arms, raised it high and stabbed Yu Hua in the chest.

Even though I had expected him to come, I was still shocked to see him committing murders in the hospital!

Before his knife could stab him, I kicked him hard and knocked him over.

The man took a few steps back and when he saw it was me, he was stunned for a moment and ran outside quickly.

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