Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 447 The secret under the floor

Li Mazi also got out from under the bed at this time, but he did not dare to face the raincoat man's boning knife.

Fortunately, there were footsteps in the corridor, it should be someone from the hospital patrolling!

Looking at the back of the man in the raincoat, I suddenly felt something was wrong. I felt that his figure was very familiar, but also felt strange.

I winked at Li Mazi, and then swung the Heavenly Wolf Whip fiercely, trying to temporarily tie the opponent's arms, and Li Mazi rushed to subdue him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Sirius Whip hit him, the man in the raincoat screamed and fell to the ground. At the same time, a strong smell of corpses emitted in the air.

I quickly stepped forward and took off his raincoat, and I was shocked to find that he was actually the dead Song Zhong!

Song Zhong's head and body were sewn together with needles, and an eye-catching blue talisman was attached to his chest.

Obviously Song Zhong's body was controlled by someone, but what was he doing here?

Could it be that he wants to frame us?

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that something was wrong, so I quickly put the raincoat on him again, and then prepared to help Song Zhong out with Li Mazi.

As a result, before he was discharged from the hospital, he saw flashing police lights all around him.

"Paralyzed, this is pushing us into a pit of fire! The camera shows that he entered our ward and then died. We can't even explain it."

Li Mazi asked me in a panic what should I do? After all, the only one who came into contact with us this time was Yu Hua, who is still in a coma.

At the critical moment, I had an idea. I picked up Yu Hua's cell phone, found a number in it that was marked as the leader's, and dialed it.

I thought, since we are the leaders of Shenyang Museum, we must know about Li Mazi and me.

Sure enough, after hearing what I said, the leader said angrily: "Don't worry, young man! The organization will not wrongly accuse good people, and it will never let any bad people go."

Not long after hanging up the phone, the police cars downstairs dispersed. I breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the empty space below Yu Hua's knees, and shook my head helplessly.

We can only wait for him to wake up and let him guess who is responsible for all this? After all, I didn’t know the people at the museum at all.

Unexpectedly, before Yu Hua woke up, I received a call from Song Zhong’s wife.

She told me that Song Zhong entrusted her with a dream, saying that there was some information hidden on the floor of the haunted hall of the museum, and that these information must be handed over to Yu Hua.

"Information?" I thought of a lot at once.

Since Song Zhong could not let go of the information he had hidden after his death, this information might be the cause of his death.

Perhaps it was some big shot in the museum who killed them.

The big shot must be working hard to find information at this moment. Time was tight and I couldn't tell Li Mazi in detail. After telling him to protect Yu Hua, I left alone.

When I arrived at the entrance of Shenyang Museum, I found that the staff on duty who had left before had returned.

How could they look a little lazy? Everyone is standing guard guarding the door.

It seems that my thinking is correct, the problem must be internal.

The main entrance was inaccessible, so I had to climb over the wall behind the museum. Unexpectedly, there was someone guarding the inside, so I had to knock him out.

Maybe these people on duty didn't dare to go near the haunted place, so I easily went to the hall where the weapons list was stored.

The surroundings were still quiet, not even the movement of Yin spirits.

This is not a good sign.

But I couldn't care too much, and I bravely turned on the lights in the exhibition hall, and then I lay on the ground and knocked on the floor one by one.

Song Zhong said that the information was hidden in the floor. I think there must be an empty floor here. But I knocked on all the floors and found that they were all solid.

"Did Song Zhong's wife hear wrongly?"

I muttered and quickly called Song Zhong's wife, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

At this time, all the lights above my head went out with a 'pop', and my eyes instantly went dark.

Before I could react, a yin wind blew around me, and the powerful yin energy formed a vortex more than two meters high, surrounding me in an instant.

I hurriedly waved the Sirius whip to block it, and then took a few steps back. At this moment, I didn't bring any props. I only had a Sirius whip in my hand. I didn't know if I could withstand it?

After being blocked by me, the whirlpool gradually turned into a black shadow, slowly emerging in front of me.

I took a closer look and saw that the dark figure was tall and burly, with a ferocious face, and was wearing a straight uniform of a Kuomintang general. Who else could it be but Yang Yuting?

Before he could speak, I quickly bowed to him and called General Yang respectfully.

It's not to beg for mercy, I respect him from the bottom of my heart.

Yang Yuting, who originally planned to attack me, seemed very happy after hearing this, and his anger suddenly became much less violent.

It seemed that he was not incompetent. I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "General Yang, if you have any wishes, just tell me and I will find a way to help you fulfill it."

"What can you help me with? Can you help me realize my ambition?" Yang Yuting asked with red eyes: "Xueliang is still a child, and I help him wholeheartedly so that he can inherit the Marshal's family business. But I didn't expect that he would Because a Japanese female spy blew the whistle on me, she killed me! This kid is really hopeless. How can he defend the Northeast like this? How can he be worthy of the handsome man in heaven."

It is difficult for an upright official to stop family affairs, let alone nearly a century has passed.

There is still no historical conclusion about Zhang Xueliang’s murder of Yang Yuting. But most experts know that Yang Yuting should not be killed. Killing Yang Yuting would be equivalent to pulling out the tiger's teeth. From then on, the Japanese were no longer afraid of the Northeastern Army.

I listened to his sad words silently and found that he never mentioned himself, but only lamented the rise and fall of the country.

It seems that even though he is dead, he still loves the Chinese nation!

I rubbed my face and advised cautiously: "General Yang, don't worry! Now the Japanese have been driven away long ago, and China is no longer the China it used to be. China is now prosperous and powerful, and can be ranked high in the world. No one dares to bully us anymore!"

"Yeah, it's better now than before."

"Then what are you..." Although I didn't finish my words, the meaning was obvious. Since you think the country is developing well now, why do you still want to cause trouble?

"Yes, why did I come out?" Yang Yuting suddenly became a little confused and asked me if I knew what he had done.

Seeing his cute look, I told him everything.

After hearing this, he angrily shouted that he had not killed anyone at all. Even when he heard the news of Song Zhong's death, he became furious and said, how could he kill a fellow villager?

Only then did I realize that Song Zhong was from Sheshangou Village and Yang Yuting was also from Sheshangou Village. No wonder the circle of graves was full of resentment. One of them was Yang Yuting's grave.

"It seems that my guess was correct. Those security guards were killed by someone with deliberate intentions and then framed them on you." I said.

The mastermind behind the scenes wanted to use the gimmick of the exhibition hall to be haunted and kill five security guards who discovered their secret.

Then let me come and deal with it and subdue Yang Yuting for him.

In this way, Yang Yuting really took the blame!

Thinking of this, I asked Yang Yuting if he knew if the security guard on duty had hidden anything in the exhibition hall? After all, as a Yin spirit, not a single plant or tree in the exhibition hall can escape his eyes.

If Song Zhong really buried information here, Yang Yuting would definitely notice it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yuting thought for a while and shook his head.

How is this going?

I called Song Zhong's wife again, and this time the call was quickly answered. But before I could say anything, the cry of Song Zhong's wife came from the other side.

She cried and said: "Master, I'm sorry for you! But I can't help it. Someone just broke into my house and forced me to trick you into the museum. If I don't do it, they will kill my child, woo woo Woo..."

"Oh shit!"

After listening to this, I couldn't help but curse, the matter is already very clear, there is no information at all here.

So what is the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes to trick me here?

Do you want Yang Yuting to die with me, or do you want to move me away so that he can kill Yu Hua?

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