Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 448 The real murderer is caught

Since I was safe and Li Mazi might be in danger, I quickly called Li Mazi, but no one answered.

Before leaving, I repeatedly told him to take good care of Yu Hua and keep the phone open. Li Mazi would never not answer the phone for no reason.

Thinking of this, I bowed to Yang Yuting again and prepared to leave.

He nodded slightly, then turned and disappeared.

I can also see that the real murderer is the murderer hiding in the secret. As long as he is found out, Yang Yuting will definitely not appear again in the future.

"Wait a minute, young man." I was just about to leave the museum when Yang Yuting's voice came from behind me again.

I turned my head in confusion, wondering if he had any other wishes?

Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned around, Yang Yuting came close to me, no more than ten centimeters away from me. I could feel his rising resentment every time I breathed in and out.

"Senior, what's wrong with you..." I asked weakly.

However, Yang Yuting suddenly opened his mouth and sneered: "I'm going to send you to death!"

He suddenly reached out and grabbed my neck. I was so confused by this series of changes that I didn't react at all for a while.

Why did General Yang, who was gentle and kind just now, suddenly change his temperament? Is he pretending to be good, or is someone controlling him?

While I was thinking about these questions, Yang Yuting's hand became a little stronger.

I tried my best to use the Sirius Whip to greet him, but he was like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. No matter how hard I attacked, he would not let go.

Gradually, I lost strength, and the movement of my hands stopped. I felt that my mind went blank, and every breath required a huge amount of effort.

At this moment, there were rapid footsteps behind me, and then I heard Li Mazi's voice: "Brother Zhang, let me save you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed over and threw a handful of salt at Yang Yuting!

Li Mazi moved very quickly, and Yang Yuting was caught off guard. His whole body burned with black smoke. I took the opportunity to squat on the ground and breathe in the fresh air.

Li Mazi successfully attracted Yang Yuting's attention, and Yang Yuting was completely angered. He punched Li Mazi fiercely, sending Li Mazi flying away.

This blow was so powerful that Li Mazi hit the glass cabinet and spat out a mouthful of blood. But Yang Yuting didn't intend to let him go. He picked up Li Mazi again and hit his head.

Judging from this posture, it seems that Li Mazi is being used as a punching bag for fun.

I didn't dare to delay any longer, gritted my teeth, rushed forward and hit Yang Yuting's head with the Sirius Whip.

This blow directly penetrated his head, and a black mist emerged from his head, making a sizzling sound.

At the same time, there was a scream outside. I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that Yang Yuting was being manipulated.

So when I punch through his head, the caster will suffer a backlash.

"Someone is controlling Yang Yuting's ghost, and he's in the museum. Follow me!"

I shouted to Li Mazi, and then chased in the direction where the scream came from.

Sure enough, at a corner, I found a pool of blood on the ground. It seems that this person is also a second-hand swordsman, otherwise he would not vomit blood due to backlash.

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued following the blood trail. Soon I noticed a dark figure walking hard in front of me. When I caught up to it, I saw it was the man in the raincoat.

This time it must be him. He didn't dare to fight me, he just tried hard to run away.

During the tracking process, I found that this guy knew the terrain of the museum very clearly. I almost lost him several times and only relied on the blood stains on the ground to find him again.

Finally, I forced him into a corner at the back of the museum. He suddenly jumped up, grabbed the top of the wall, and climbed over.

I wanted to imitate him in climbing over the wall, but as soon as I grabbed the wall, I felt a huge numbness in my hands and my whole body was bounced to the ground.

Only then did I realize that the wall was electrified, and the man in the raincoat was wearing insulating gloves on his hands, so he could easily climb over it.

I couldn't help but feel frightened for a while, and almost got electrocuted to death. After waiting for a long time, I got up and walked towards the exhibition hall with some annoyance. If I couldn't catch him this time, it would be difficult in the future...

When I walked over and took a look, the lights in the exhibition hall were on again. Seeing that I was injured, Li Mazi limped over to help me, and mysteriously told me that there was a surprise in the next room.

I was in a bad mood, so I didn't ask any questions. After following Li Mazi in, I was surprised to see the man in the T-shirt sitting inside, with the man in the raincoat firmly under his feet.

And Yu Hua was sitting in a wheelchair, watching from the side.

The mask on the man in the raincoat has been taken off, revealing his true face in Lushan. I looked a little familiar to him, but I didn't know where I had seen him before.

Finally, Yu Hua told me that this was his leader. Only then did I realize that I had seen him on TV.

Yu Hua said: "As the head of the museum, this guy has repeatedly stolen and sold precious national treasures to foreign businessmen to make profits. After five security guards and I found out, we began to secretly collect evidence of his crime and submitted it to the police station. . Unexpectedly, he was discovered, and then he wanted to kill us one by one!"

After hearing this, I couldn't help but shake my head, then looked at the man in the T-shirt and said, "Don't you want to get involved in this matter?" Why are you here again?

"I don't want to face Yang Yuting. Since he is just being used, it's easy to talk about it." The man in the T-shirt spread his hands and said softly.

The leader originally wanted to control Yang Yuting's ghost to kill people for him. Unexpectedly, Yang Yuting had no intention of harming people at all. He had to change his approach and release Yang Yuting to scare people, while he committed the murder behind his back, making everyone think that the five security guards were The wronged soul claimed his life.

After Li Mazi and I arrived at the museum, he became nervous and wanted to manipulate Yang Yuting's ghost to kill Yu Hua.

After I rescued Yu Hua, he set up a conspiracy to frame me, but I didn't expect him to escape. In desperation, he rushed to Sheshangou Village overnight and forced Song Zhong's wife to call me.

And then kill us all in the museum!

The whole plan is foolproof, and once we die, all secrets will be lost forever. But despite all his calculations, he never expected that the man in the T-shirt would suddenly appear...

In the end, Yu Hua handed over the criminal evidence that the five security guards had paid for with their lives to the Discipline Inspection Commission.

This leader was also sentenced to death for intentional homicide and theft of state property and was to be executed immediately!

Yu Hua gave me the arms list, and I donated it to the Shenyang Museum in my own name.

This change of hands did not violate the rules of the femininity circle, and it was considered the best ending.

Before the leader was arrested, I asked him why he wanted to steal the national treasure. Couldn't the state's salary support him?

But he told me that what he lacked was not money, but power.

He has become accustomed to this kind of life, using money to buy an official, and after buying an official, he continues to sell antiques, and then buys a bigger official.

I felt heartbroken after hearing this, because this is not a tragedy for him alone, but a tragedy for many people in today's officialdom.

The big dyeing vat of society is so chaotic!

I asked him again, do you really desire power that much?

He told me that he had also devoted himself to serving the people, but in this society, honest officials cannot survive. If they are not corrupt or corrupt, and if they don’t use money to please their bosses, they will have no official career. Without an official career, how can they serve the people?

I was momentarily speechless.

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