Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 449: Black-hearted Businessman

After solving the trouble in the museum, my mind was filled with the last words of the leader, and I felt extremely heavy.

The man in the T-shirt said hello and left without telling me where he was going.

Just as Li Mazi and I were preparing to go back, we received a call from Song Zhong’s wife in Sheshangou Village.

"Sister-in-law, is there anything else?" I asked with a frown, wondering if something had gone wrong again?

"No, no..." Song Zhong's wife said quickly.

I was relieved and asked her if there was anything else.

She asked me if I was still in Shenyang. I said yes, but she seemed to hesitate to speak. It took a long time before she cautiously asked me if I could do her a favor.

"Is it related to femininity?" I was stunned for a moment.

She hesitated for a while and said she didn't know, and then told me the general story in detail.

It turned out that there was a cousin in her natal family named Yuan Datou. Yuan Datou was a businessman who traveled around the three northeastern provinces all year round.

As the saying goes, no businessman can be a traitor. After Yuan Datou started his business, he started to have bad ideas. He got involved with a group of gangsters and gangsters, and often helped some high-ranking officials and rich people to deal with some shady things.

A few days ago, he took over the business of a Taiwanese businessman. After the success, he received a large sum of money, but before he could be happy, something happened.

Yuan Datou's temper suddenly became violent, and he got angry at every turn and even beat and scolded his children. At first, Yuan Datou's wife thought that he was under too much pressure recently, so she didn't care about it, thinking that things would get better after a while.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Datou changed completely from then on and became hating everyone around him, as if the whole world had offended him.

The family wanted to send him to a mental hospital for treatment, but the doctor said he had no mental problems. Seeing Yuan Datou's body getting thinner day by day and his complexion turning sallow, Yuan Datou's wife realized that something dirty might have been provoked and hurriedly looked for the expert everywhere.

When Song Zhong's wife heard about it, she immediately thought of Li Mazi and me, so she tried to call and ask, but she didn't expect that we were really still in Shenyang.


After I listened to what she said, I slowly said, "Sister-in-law, since it's not your business, then according to the rules of this industry, you have to charge money."

If it was her own problem, I would rather take risks than help her. After all, it is not easy for orphans and widowed mothers. But since it's someone else and a treacherous businessman, let alone Li Mazi, even I can't help but take advantage of him.

"I know, I know, his family is rich and can give you a lot of money!" Song Zhong's wife said quickly as if she was afraid that I would not agree.

I nodded, asked her to wait for us at home, and then hung up the phone.

Li Mazi was right next to him. He heard the content of the phone call clearly. He looked at me with a smile and said, "Hey, let me tell you, this trip was not in vain, right?"

"Look at you!"

I followed Song Xiaobao's words and scolded him, and then smiled knowingly with him.

In the afternoon, Li Mazi and I went to the market to buy a batch of things we might need, and when the sun set in the evening, we rushed to Sheshangou Village.

As soon as I entered the village, I saw many old men and women sitting under the big trees playing mahjong, and many children playing around.

Many people recognized us, greeted us warmly, and asked if we needed help.

Looking at them like this, it was obvious that they had gradually forgotten about Song Zhong's tragic death. I lied that I was leaving Shenyang and wanted to visit Song Zhong's wife again. This saves the folks from having to worry anymore.

In fact, I made a special trip just to ask Song Zhong's wife to take us to Yuan Datou's house. But when I arrived at her house and saw the two children, I suddenly changed my mind, asked for the address and contact information, and left directly.

Li Mazi asked me why I suddenly changed my mind. I said that everything depends on cause and effect. It was hard to say whether what Yuan Datou encountered was a ghost creature. There was no need to involve this orphan and widowed mother.

Yuan Datou's family lives in the Fifth Ring Road of Shenyang City. As he walked there, he found that the building in front of him was like an urban-rural fringe, with domestic garbage and vendors setting up stalls everywhere.

Finally, we found Yuan Datou's house deep in the building. It was an independent villa. Standing at the gate of the villa was a woman in her thirties or forties. When she saw us parking our car, she hurried up.

"Are you Yuan Datou's wife?" I asked.

I had already called a contact number on the way here, and I thought it was her.

"Yes, I am Yuan Datou's wife, you can just call me Xiaoli." The woman nodded repeatedly, while constantly bending down to look into our car.

Li Mazi's face turned ugly when he saw this, and said, "Sister, what are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything..."

Xiaoli smiled sheepishly. Even though she said this, she still glanced hard at the car. Apparently she saw that Li Mazi and I were young and thought there were experts in the car.

"You don't need to be suspicious of people, but you don't need to be suspicious of employees. Sister-in-law, do you need us or not?" I asked calmly.

Feminine dealers also have tempers. If she says no, I will leave immediately.

She simply had some discernment. After hearing what I said, she immediately apologized continuously.

I didn't have time to talk nonsense with her, so I asked her to tell me in detail how Yuan Datou came back.

She led us into the villa, made two cups of coffee and handed them to Li Mazi and me, and then said worriedly: "My old Yuan suddenly changed his temperament after helping a Taiwanese boss rob something from the countryside. , always getting angry for no reason. His personality was not like this before, why did he suddenly disown all his relatives..."

"Tell the important point!"

I didn't have time to listen to her talk about her sad history, so I frowned and said.

"Okay, okay..."

Xiaoli paused for a moment, her face turned pale as she recalled it, as if she had thought of something terrible.

After a while, she said: "What's even more weird is that he is crazy during the day, but he becomes gentle at night, like an elegant gentleman. He often sits alone on the bedside and talks about love! And he talks His tone was very focused and affectionate, and no matter what I said next to him, he would never get angry or stop."

"Seeing him like this, I felt very strange, but I couldn't think of anything wrong. I just thought it was his conscience."

Speaking of this, Xiaoli suddenly trembled. I knew she was frightened, so I quickly patted her shoulder and motioned for her to continue.

"It wasn't until I went back to my parents' house a few days ago. It was already very late when I rushed home. I thought Lao Yuan had gone to bed long ago. Who knew that as soon as I walked in, I heard him saying a series of sweet words. My first reaction was that he was betraying me. As soon as I brought another woman home, I kicked open the door angrily."

"When I entered the room, I saw that our Lao Yuan was the only one on the bed. He was sitting on the bedside talking to himself. He refused to answer no matter how many times I called him, as if he was talking to a ghost."

After Xiaoli said all this, she kept patting her chest.

After that, she realized the seriousness of the problem and never dared to live in that room again.

"It seems that your man is fascinated by the female ghost!"

Li Mazi proudly crossed his legs and said in a pretentious tone.

He was retaliating for Xiaoli's disrespect for us at the beginning. Xiaoli was really frightened after hearing this and hurriedly asked Li Mazi what to do.

"I don't need to do this little thing myself, just let my apprentice take care of it." Li Mazi pointed at me.

I shook my head helplessly. Li Mazi did look much older than me, so many times he pretended to be my master in business, and I couldn't refute him.

Xiaoli didn't care about this, and immediately looked at me with tears in her eyes. I had to say: "Don't worry, sister-in-law! I will definitely help you."

After saying that, he gave Li Mazi a hard look.

While Li Mazi was chatting with Xiaoli, I carefully looked at every corner of the villa and found that the rest of the villa was very dry, except for a bedroom on the second floor that exuded a strong moisture, just like the one on the beach. Same as the house.

If you look closely, there is even a black mist shrouding the door.

I couldn't help but frown, pointed to the bedroom and asked Xiaoli, "Is this Yuan Datou's room?"

"Yes." Xiaoli looked at me in surprise: "How do you know? Did you see any ghosts?"

I nodded expressionlessly, walked up to Li Mazi and whispered a few words to him. Li Mazi blinked and went out without saying a word.

After he left, I asked Xiaoli if there were any other weird things happening at home during this time.

It can be seen from the black mist at the door of the bedroom that the evil thing entangled with Yuan Datou is extraordinary! Since he can possess Yuan Da's head and tell little love stories to the room every night, it means that there are probably other weird things in this room!

At this moment, I stared at Xiaoli. Xiaoli’s eyes flickered, but she said no.

I was sure she was hiding something from me, so I smiled coldly and said, "You'd better tell me every word, otherwise your husband has an accident. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Master, let me tell you, can't I say it?" Xiaoli bit her lip and hesitated for a long time before telling me the truth.

It turns out that this villa was not bought by them, but Yuan Datou used the power of the underworld to snatch it.

The person who lived here before was the lover of boss Yuan Datou. The boss bought the villa as a gift to his mistress, but died before he could sign the house transfer contract.

After his death, Yuan Datou came to power, so he came up with the idea of ​​building this villa. The mistress was eventually forced to commit suicide in the villa by the gangsters who threw paint and wrote threatening letters every day.

Yuan Datou is a social person, so naturally he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so he quickly moved in.

After Xiaoli finished speaking, she looked at me nervously and asked, could it be the ghost of the mistress who came to the door?

"I can't control this matter. You can find someone else." After hearing this, I frowned and left immediately.

I'm just a half-assed femininity dealer. When I encounter a slightly more powerful femininity, I have to work hard. Now the origin of the evil thing is not clear, and there is actually another female ghost in the villa with a lot of resentment. Unless I am stupid, I will never get involved in this muddy water.

Seeing me like this, Xiaoli realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly came up to hold me and begged me, crying as she spoke.

I'm most afraid of women crying, not to mention that it was Yuan Datou who did the bad things, and Xiaoli was just a housewife.

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath and said, sister, don't worry, I'll give it a try. It's hard to say whether it will work.

"Just try, just try." Xiaoli repeated stammering, obviously frightened.

Then I asked her when Yuan Datou would become gentle? Xiaoli said without thinking about it every night around twelve o'clock.

It seems that my guess is correct. Twelve o'clock belongs to Zi hour in the ancient time, which is the moment when yin and yang hand over. The person who can come out to talk to the negative things at this time is definitely a very evil ghost.

Then I asked her what Yuan Datou would be doing at this time.

"Sleep, except for saying disgusting love words at night, he sleeps all the other time. He even needs to be fed by me to eat." Xiaoli said helplessly.

Since Yuan Datou can't even eat stably, he seems to be dying.

After a while, Li Mazi came back in disgrace, holding a large bag of plant ash in his hand. He walked over and threw the plant ash to me and said: "Damn, let my brother do all the dirty work. This time the transaction will cost more." , must add money!”

I ignored him and asked Xiaoli to take me into Yuan Datou's room.

She looked at the plant ash in my hand curiously and asked me what it was for.

"Willow branches soaked in salt water, ten pounds of willow branches are burned into one pound of ashes, what are they used for?" I smiled coldly and looked at the black mist at the door.

"Master, will this thing hurt my husband?" Xiaoli asked nervously, her face full of worry about Yuan Datou. I felt more favorable towards her in my heart and told her not to worry.

She nodded, then opened the door with confidence and took us into the house.

When she opened the door, I stared at the strange black mist carefully, and found that it did not dissipate as the door was opened, but had a vague tendency to grow larger.

At the same time, there was a pungent smell in the room. I walked over and took a look and found Yuan Datou lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. His face was pale and skinny, and it was obvious that he could not last long.

"Is he using this place as a toilet?"

Li Mazi pinched his nose and said. I followed his gaze and found that there were many bottles and jars filled with excrement on the ground. Many of them were spilled out, causing a stink in the house.

I couldn't help but frown, Yuan Datou is like this, doesn't Xiaoli care?

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