Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 450 The Ghost Room


Xiaoli seemed to see what I was thinking, and sighed heavily and said that when Yuan Da loses his temper, no one is allowed to enter the house, and he just locks himself in the room. She tried to sneak in to clean up the garbage several times, but Yuan Datou beat her out, and finally she just let it go.

"Then clean up now and open the windows for ventilation." I didn't know what to say to her, so I left the room after a few words.

As soon as he went out, Li Mazi took a few breaths of fresh air and said that this room was really cool.

"I always feel that this matter is very strange. Let's be careful." I said to Li Mazi.

It took Xiaoli two hours to clean Yuan Datou's room and open the windows for ventilation. Although there was still a faint smell of rancidity when we entered the house again, we at least had a place to stay.

I took out a pre-drawn calming charm and put it on Yuan Datou's head. This would prevent him from going crazy suddenly.

Then I opened his eyelids and looked with a magnifying glass. I was shocked when I saw that his pupils had begun to dilate, and dense reddish-brown dots had grown on the inside of his eyelids, some of which had suppurated.

If this continues, Yuan Datou will definitely die within two days!

Thinking of this, I quickly asked Xiaoli to go to the drugstore to buy some supplements, and then together with Li Mazi, we sprinkled a layer of willow ash on the entire floor of the room.

Willow ash is a good thing to attract evil spirits. Whenever a ghost appears, it will definitely leave footprints on it.

It's just that some powerful ghosts will deliberately use the wind to blow away the ashes on the ground, so I asked Li Mazi to mix black dog blood in it. This way, the ashes can be harmonized with yin and yang, which can achieve the effect I want and will not be shaken by the evil wind. .

After a while, Xiaoli brought a bowl of Changbai Mountain ginseng soup to Yuan Datou and forced him to drink it, and then asked me what should I do next?

"Wait." I said a little nervously.

At the same time, he gave the magic talisman in his hand to Li Mazi and Xiaoli, and told them to follow me into the house when there is any movement in the house. If there is any situation, just use the magic talisman to greet them.

I learned to draw the magic charms myself. Although they are not as powerful as those drawn by the man in the T-shirt, they are still useful.

Li Mazi took the magic talisman and put it into his pocket. Then he sat in the living room and watched TV as if he didn't take it seriously. His eyes even glanced at Xiaoli's breasts intentionally or unintentionally.

I thought that after I was done with this time, I would take him back to see Ruxue quickly, otherwise this kid would be easily suppressed and commit a crime!

Xiaoli carefully folded the talisman and asked me where I was going to get it. She also saw that my spreading willow ashes would not be of much use.

"In our field, when dealing with yin objects, we first understand the origin of yin objects, and then prescribe the right medicine, either to transcend or to surrender."

I patiently explained to Xiaoli: "Especially in Yuan Datou's case, it is obvious that he is not being haunted by a ghost, and he needs to understand it more carefully."

She nodded in understanding and said nothing more.

Li Mazi watched the TV for a while and turned it off when he found it boring. The three of us sat in the living room without speaking, quietly waiting for midnight to come.

The only sound in the entire hall was the ticking sound of the clock. When it was almost twelve o'clock, I turned off all the lights and looked seriously at Yuan Datou's room.

The black fog at the door became thicker and even completely covered the door. It seemed that the thing was about to come out.

Li Mazi felt sleepy, yawned and asked me what was going on. If I didn't come back, he would go to bed.

"Stop talking, hurry up..." I whispered, and then asked Xiaoli if there was any spicy food at home, such as onions and garlic.

Because I always feel that Yuan Datou's urination and defecation in the house is closely related to the Yin spirit. Onions and garlic can ward off evil spirits, especially when dealing with dirty things, and sometimes have unexpected effects.

Xiaoli was stunned for a moment and said yes. I asked her to bring some over quickly. She hurried to the kitchen and took a few onions and handed them to me.

“Take one for everyone, so you’re prepared.”

After saying that, I took an onion and put it in my pocket, turned around and continued to stare at the door, but was surprised to find that the black mist had disappeared.

At the same time, there was a rustling sound in the room, like someone moving around.


I lowered my voice and said, Li Mazi and Xiaoli suddenly came to their senses and became extremely nervous.

Sure enough, less than a minute later, a man's soft voice came from the room: "Xiya, why are you here again?"

The voice was full of Northeastern dialect and had a bit of gangsterism. Xiaoli said it was definitely not Yuan Datou's voice.

"The husband sings and the wife follows. Wherever you are, I will be there."

Then a woman's voice came, and my heart suddenly skipped a beat, thinking that I had really guessed it.

But judging from the reactions of Li Mazi and Xiaoli, they didn't hear the woman's voice.

After a pause, Yuan Datou spoke again: "I am no longer the same person. I have been in disgrace for thousands of years and have become a traitor that everyone reviled. Why are you suffering?"

"It's not bitter. Ever since you redeemed me from Bada Hutong, my heart belongs to you. I don't care if you are a traitor or a bandit, you are still the person I love most."

The woman said stubbornly, with a hint of a little woman's happiness in her voice.

Listening to the disgusting conversation between the two, I guessed that the evil spirit possessing Yuan Datou was a traitor during the Anti-Japanese War, and the woman was a prostitute in the Bada Hutongs of Beijing, who was redeemed by the traitor, and then the two of them had a relationship. Feelings.

Thinking of this, I gestured to Li Mazi and asked him to follow me upstairs.

After arriving at the door, I carefully pushed the door open and prepared to go in quietly.

Who knew that as soon as he opened a crack, a strong wind blew in the room. I just felt that the dark wind contained a strong suction force, sucking Li Mazi and I into the room, and then the door closed with a bang.

I looked in the direction of the bed in surprise and saw Yuan Datou sitting by the bed, staring at me with anger on his face.

His face was ferocious and he was gnashing his teeth, as if he wanted to tear me into pieces. But a vague red shadow was still kneeling beside the bed, watching Yuan Datou affectionately, as if he had not noticed our arrival.

"Get out!"

Yuan Datou spoke, roaring like a tiger, without any hint of gentleness.

As he roared, the red shadow beside the bed finally reacted and looked at us with a blank look on his face.

When I saw this red shadow, I couldn't help but widen my eyes. She was really a beauty, wearing a red cheongsam, her face seemed to be dripping with water, and her big eyes were full of energy.

Not to mention that she lived during the Anti-Japanese War, even now she is still a goddess without makeup.

But the next step was not so pleasant. After seeing us, the woman's face instantly aged, and wrinkles spread throughout her body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then her eyes bulged high, her tongue stuck out, as if she was hanging, and a purple mark appeared on her neck.

"Fuck, run!"

I suddenly turned around and yelled at Li Mazi, and then rushed out.

The female ghost in red was originally a very dangerous thing, but she didn't expect to be a hanged ghost.

I asked myself that I was no match for her, so I could only retreat downstairs first.

However, what shocked me was that the black fog that had dispersed before reappeared and once again covered the door tightly.

What's even stranger is that not only can I not see where the door is, I can't even touch the door handle even if I try to touch it by feel.

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly retched, then rolled his eyes. I was about to ask him what was going on, but I smelled a strong stench emanating from the black mist.

It smells like the brine used to make stinky tofu, and a bit like rotting corpses.

I don't know how to describe it. I just feel that as soon as this smell is breathed into my nose, my brain is suddenly deprived of oxygen and my whole body can't help but twitch.

I endured the pain in my brain, took out the onion from my pocket, took a bite with the skin on, and chewed it quickly.

Sure enough, as the spicy taste evaporated from my mouth, my consciousness suddenly woke up and my whole body returned to normal.

I looked to the side and found that Li Mazi was already lying on the ground. I quickly tore off a piece of onion and forced it into his mouth, asking him to chew it quickly.

Fortunately, Li Mazi was still conscious and recovered after listening to my words.

After getting up, I exhaled a few times at the door in front of me. My breath was full of the smell of onions, and the black fog dispersed as if it had encountered a nemesis.

Although the black mist would return as soon as I stopped blowing, I finally found a solution. Li Mazi also saw the power of onions and quickly imitated me and exhaled.

We moved forward step by step, and I finally held the door handle before the black mist gathered again.

Just as he was about to open the door, Xiaoli's cry for help suddenly came from behind.

I secretly took out a magic talisman with my hand and was ready to take it out at any time. I turned around cautiously and suddenly discovered that Yuan Datou had caught Xiaoli downstairs and strangled Xiaoli's neck.

He looked at me with a mocking look on his face and said, "Run away. If you run away, I will strangle her to death."

My head suddenly swelled. Looking at Yuan Datou's fierce look, he was definitely not joking with me.

After a brief struggle, I reluctantly let go of the door handle and asked him coldly what he wanted to do.

"What do you want to do?"

Yuan Datou sneered again and again, pointed at my hand hidden behind my back and said, "Quick, throw away what you're holding!"

My heart sank suddenly. Dropping the talisman at this time was tantamount to committing suicide. But when I saw Xiaoli's helpless eyes, I had no choice but to obey his instructions and slowly let go of my hand.

However, at this moment, I only felt someone slapped me hard on the cheek, and then my whole body shook.

After taking a closer look, I saw that the one who hit me was actually Li Mazi. Without saying a word, Li Mazi dragged me and ran downstairs. He didn't let go of my hand until he ran downstairs. I asked him confusedly what was going on?

"Look who this is?"

Li Mazi said silently, pointing to Xiaoli sitting on the sofa.

Seeing Xiaoli in front of me, I suddenly realized that she was not kidnapped by Yuan Datou at all.

"What happened to me just now?"

Recalling the scene just now, I asked with lingering fear.

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