Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 451 Seeking help from Senior Rat

Li Mazi said that I was obsessed with that female ghost. If he hadn't reacted quickly and acted according to the situation, everyone would have finished playing today.

Li Mazi never misses any opportunity to show off, looking at Xiaoli while making noises.

"You save my life."

I breathed a sigh of relief and praised Li Mazi, which was considered as cooperating with his pretense.

Li Mazi raised his eyebrows proudly: "That's natural, it doesn't matter who the brother is."

I ignored him and prepared to tell Xiaoli what I had just discovered. Unexpectedly, when I looked at the sofa again, the sofa became empty. Where was Xiaoli's shadow?

"Where's the little beauty?" Li Mazi looked back and was shocked. Then he said in a trembling voice: "Damn it, there's something wrong with this place. Brother Zhang, how about we withdraw?"

I ignored him and rubbed my temples vigorously, feeling completely lost in my heart.

There are two Yin spirits living in the room above, and together with Xiaoli who just disappeared, there are at least three Yin spirits in this villa.

Including Xiaoli who just disappeared, there are at least three ghosts in this room.

Are they a group? Is Xiaoli a human or a ghost, or is the Xiaoli just turned into a ghost?

For a time, countless questions filled my brain, and I couldn't help but squat on the ground.

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly pricked up his ears in the direction of the toilet, listened carefully for a while and then said: "Brother Zhang, Xiaoli seems to be in the toilet."

After listening to Li Mazi's words, I suddenly raised my head and looked at the toilet behind us. He rushed to open the toilet door and saw that Xiaoli was huddled in the corner, her hands helplessly placed on her knees, and her face was full of fear.

"what happened?"

I asked with concern, but I didn't dare to get closer, and I held the magic talisman tightly in my hand. I would start greeting her whenever she was dishonest.

"Ghost... there is a ghost here! The ghost looks exactly like me. She told me not to go out."

Xiaoli burst into tears as she spoke. I took out the cow's tears and wiped them on her eyelids. After my eyes became sour, I took a closer look and saw that Xiaoli's body was covered with three Yanghuo lights. Then I walked out with confidence. He helped her up in front of him.

There is no problem with her. Xiaoli just turned into a ghost. I suddenly regretted taking this business and really wanted to let it go because it was beyond my capabilities.

But Xiaoli’s pleading made me soften again.

After all, she is also a miserable woman.

I thought about it carefully and felt that the most urgent task now is to first find out the identity of the female ghost pretending to be Xiaoli?

Thinking of this, I looked at Xiaoli and asked her to tell us in detail what happened just now.

"I don't know either. That female ghost has never appeared before. I just found it for the first time when I went to the toilet. But it didn't harm me. It just didn't let me leave the toilet. She disappeared after you went downstairs. "

After Xiaoli finished speaking, she shook her head in fear.

But I do think that the female ghost not only has no malicious intent, but also seems to be protecting Xiaoli.

Thinking of this, I decided to ignore Yuan Datou for now.

Since this mysterious female ghost wouldn't let Xiaoli leave the toilet, there must be some mystery in the toilet.

To test my suspicion, I asked both of them to leave and turned off the light. I carefully walked around the toilet with my compass in hand. Unexpectedly, after I walked several times, the pointer of the compass remained motionless, as if it was malfunctioning.

"What's going on now?" I couldn't help but frown and whispered.

At this time, the situation suddenly changed, and the compass needle protruded upward very quickly.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw this. The phenomenon of the needle pointing up is called a floating needle. This phenomenon indicates that there is Yin spirit involved here, and it is good Yin.

According to Feng Shui, if this happens, it is because your deceased ancestors or immortals are protecting you.

And this female ghost looks the same as Xiaoli, which means she must be Xiaoli's ancestor.

I put away the compass, took out three incense sticks, stuck them on the window sill and lit them. Although there was no breeze in the small toilet, the three incense sticks burned evenly, and the fragrant mist lingered around me, swirling constantly.

I took a step back and bowed sincerely to the fragrant mist. Then I looked up and found that the fragrant mist in front of me actually formed the word "thank you".

It seemed that she was thanking me for protecting Xiaoli. I nodded and said softly: "Don't worry! Now that I have taken over this business, I will take care of it to the end."

As soon as he finished speaking, the word "thank you" shook back and forth a few times and then slowly disappeared.

After leaving the toilet, my mood changed a lot. Even Xiaoli's ancestors insisted on protecting her. As a trader of negative things, what reason did I have to give up?

"Brother Zhang, shall we evacuate?" Li Mazi asked hurriedly, obviously not getting over the fear yet.

Xiaoli looked at me worriedly, probably afraid that I would let it go.

"We can really take care of this matter..." I replied.

Li Mazi was dumbfounded by my words. He stammered and asked me if I had a fever, and even came up to touch my forehead.

"Go watch your TV." I pushed him away with a smile, and then let Xiaoli go to sleep, saying that I already knew how to deal with the Yin spirits, and I just wanted to arrange it during the day tomorrow.

After hearing this, Xiaoli thanked her repeatedly, but she hesitated and refused to go back to the house. I knew she was afraid, so after thinking about it, I let her sleep on the sofa.

She was probably exhausted, so she was not polite and fell asleep quickly while lying on the sofa. Only then did Li Mazi ask me if I had discovered anything.

Unknowingly, we already had a tacit understanding.

I smiled slightly and told Li Mazi about the appearance of Xiaoli's ancestor. Li Mazi was very excited after hearing this, saying that with this foreign aid, why are we afraid of his eggs? No wonder you suddenly started complaining.

Li Mazi also said that since he is Xiaoli's ancestor, he must have been a ghost for much longer than the two people upstairs during the Anti-Japanese War. Maybe the ancestor would take care of them without us taking action.

"It's not that simple." I somewhat admire Li Mazi's spiritual victory method. If he had been born a hundred years earlier, there would be nothing wrong with Ah Q.

"What do you mean?" Li Mazi asked.

"Since she didn't let Xiaoli go out of the toilet, it means that she could only guarantee that nothing would happen to Xiaoli in the toilet! Moreover, the two ghosts upstairs were full of resentment, but they just locked themselves in the room and did not even go downstairs just now. Are they going to reach some kind of tacit understanding as they chase us?" I said while thinking about it.

After hearing this, Li Mazi nodded thoughtfully and asked me if I could think of a way to lead the two upstairs to the toilet, even to the first floor.

"Let's try it. Now go to bed." After I said that, I lay down on the other sofa, closed my eyes and rested.

"Brother Zhang, where should I sleep?" Li Mazi asked with a depressed face. Only then did I realize that there were only two sofas in the hall, and they were already occupied by Xiaoli and me.

If Li Mazi didn't want to sleep with the two ghosts on the second floor, he would have to sleep on the floor.

"It's up to you, but you can't sleep in the bathroom." After saying that, I simply closed my eyes and chose to ignore him.

When she opened her eyes the next day, Xiaoli had already made breakfast. She looks good, and it seems that our arrival has indeed made her feel at ease.

After washing, I found that Li Mazi was missing, so I asked Xiaoli if she had seen Li Mazi? Xiaoli shook her head.

"Where can this kid go?" I doubtfully took out my cell phone and called Li Mazi, but the ringtone of my cell phone rang from under the sofa. Then Li Mazi crawled out sleepily and asked me what happened.

"It's okay..." I didn't know what to say.

After dinner, I called Yin Xinyue to report that he was safe, and then dialed Senior Shu’s number with a heavy expression.

There is no other way. I have to call in foreign help at this time, even if it gives me some advice.

Unexpectedly, this old guy refused to answer the phone. After all, I would be in trouble with him. In the end, I had no choice but to send a vicious text message, saying that if he didn't answer the phone, I would ask the man in the T-shirt to call him.

Call again after sending, and receive the call in seconds!

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have farts, hurry up. I'm busy playing mahjong."

As soon as the call was connected, Senior Shu cursed angrily. I smiled and said I have something to ask you.

"What's the matter? Hurry up." Senior Shu said impatiently.

"That's it." He gave me a rare opportunity to speak, so I organized my words and told the whole story on the phone.

After I finished speaking, Senior Shu didn't answer for a long time. It wasn't until I shouted a few times that he let me continue.

"Go on, I've finished talking. Are you listening?"

"Fuck, why are you alarming me about this? It's really embarrassing for your grandpa." Senior Shu said and hung up the phone.

I stared at the phone in a daze for a while. I wanted to call him several times but finally held back.

Just because of what he said, my grandfather was really embarrassed.

Damn it, I won’t ask for help from anyone this time. I don’t believe that I can’t live without others!

Unexpectedly, after a long time, Senior Shu silently sent me a text message: Resentment arises from the heart. If there is no resentment in the heart, the evil spirit will go away.

Even though the words were actually the same as not being said, I still felt his concern in my heart and couldn't help but feel warm in my heart.

Putting aside my thoughts of asking for help, I recalled the conversation between the two people on the second floor last night and asked Xiaoli if she had a photo of the former owner of the villa, the mistress who was forced to death by Yuan Datou?

Xiaoli thought for a while and said yes, and then found the photo of the mistress from Yuan Datou's blog. I took it and saw that the mistress was the woman wearing the red cheongsam last night!

I asked her what the mistress's name was again, and Xiaoli told me that this woman's name was Bai Xiya.

The female ghost that Yuan Datou called last night seemed to be Xiya Xiya. It seemed that the female ghost and the dead mistress not only had the same appearance, but also had the same name.

Since she was a prostitute from Bada Hutong and had a sadomasochistic relationship with Yin Ling, I thought she was not just an ordinary person, so I went to search for information about Bai Xiya on the Internet.

As a result, a lot of junk information came out, including how many Bai Xiyas there are in the country and who is Bai Xiya’s husband, but there was nothing I was looking for.

I couldn't help but feel discouraged, but Li Mazi vowed that he could find it, and after saying that, he went to a secret website.

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