Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 452: Big Traitor

After a while, he really found out that Zhang Xuecheng, the commander of the Northeast Army during the Anti-Japanese War, Zhang Xueliang's cousin, had redeemed his body for a Japanese woman in Bada Hutong. The Japanese woman was named Xiao Qian Masako.

This is the only useful clue.

But the name in this message didn’t quite match up. I searched for Xiaoqian Masako on this secret website with the intention of giving it a try. When I saw the person’s Chinese name Bai Xiya, my hands trembled with excitement. got up.

It's really her!

Unexpectedly, this resentful female ghost in red cheongsam turned out to be Japanese.

It turns out that she did live in Bada Hutong back then, but she was a prostitute rather than a prostitute. Because of her stunning looks and fair skin, she was coveted by many dandies in Beijing.

It happened that Zhang Xuecheng, the commander of the Northeast Army, came to Beijing at this time. He just glanced at Masako Xiaoqian, and the two of them fell in love at the same time. Zhang Xuecheng spent a lot of money on the spot to redeem her body.

Due to the tense relations between China and Japan at that time, Xiaoqian Masako changed her name to Bai Xiya and married Mr. Zhang Xuecheng.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After the fall of Northeast China, Zhang Xuecheng's temperament changed drastically. He became a traitor and was named the commander-in-chief of the puppet army by Japan, causing harm to the people of Northeast China. In the end, his brother Zhang Xueliang sent troops to kill him.

In order to show her loyalty to her deceased husband, Baek Xiya hung herself in front of his grave.

Both of them had grudges after death. One was possessed by a ghost, and the other, although reincarnated, still did not forget his deceased husband.

By chance, the couple met again in this villa.

After clarifying all this, I no longer have any pressure to solve this matter, and I only have a little sigh for this pair of desperate mandarin ducks.

Zhang Xuecheng is a motivated person, but he has always been suppressed by the aura of his cousin Zhang Xueliang, which eventually led to a distorted personality and embarked on a path of no return.

Others called him a traitor, but from beginning to end, the only one who could understand him was Bai Xiya!

As Senior Rat said, as long as the obsession in the Yin spirit's heart is eliminated, the Yin spirit will disperse on its own.

Compared with Zhang Xuecheng, Bai Xiya is easier to deal with. Although she is full of resentment, she is only for love. She is also a miserable woman.

As for Zhang Xuecheng, I think if Bai Xiya could be reincarnated, he would naturally let it go. The worst case scenario is to kill him by force. Anyway, I've never been cold to traitors!

Thinking of this, I had an idea. I first asked Li Mazi to go to the flea market to find two sets of Northeast Army officer uniforms. To be on the safe side, I also asked Yin Xinyue to package Li Mazi according to Zhang Xueliang's style.

Zhang Xuecheng was suppressed by Zhang Xueliang all his life, and finally died at the hands of Zhang Xueliang, so he must be afraid of Marshal Zhang!

I spent the entire afternoon drawing talisman in Xiaoli's study. It wasn't that I couldn't draw it, but it was a rare feeling.

Normally, it would be good if only one out of ten drawings is effective. Perhaps today, through the enlightenment of Senior Rat, his mood has been improved, and the success rate of drawing talisman is as high as 20%.

Li Mazi knew that drawing talismans was very energy-consuming, so he kept urging me to stop, saying don't just focus on drawing talisman until I lose energy at night.

Finally, he forcefully snatched away the remaining yellow paper, and I was forced to stop. After a rough count, I got a dozen talismans, and I nodded with satisfaction.

I took some time to sleep in the evening, and it was already late at night when I was woken up by Li Mazi. I rubbed my eyes and looked towards the door of the second floor, and the black fog became thicker.

Somehow, I suddenly thought of Xiaoli's ancestors. Maybe this black mist was to protect her.

After all, ordinary people can't see the black mist at all, and Yin spirits will not specifically remind living people.

Thinking of this, I kept an eye on it, preparing to break through the black fog if I had the chance. Maybe Xiaoli's ancestor could go in and help...

When twelve o'clock came, I asked Xiaoli to hide in the toilet. I didn't tell her not to come out.

This way Li Mazi and I don't have to be distracted or confused.

Not long after Xiaoli hid in the toilet, Yuan Datou's voice came from the room on the second floor: "Xiya, you should reincarnate! Why bother with me? In the next life, join a good family, find a good husband, and forget about me, the traitor." .”

"General, please stop talking. It's hard for Xiya to meet you again, and she will never abandon the general." Bai Xiya said resolutely.

"Brother Zhang, isn't it a little inappropriate for us to go up at this time?" Even a heartless master like Li Mazi was a little moved, so why shouldn't I be moved?

But there is no way. It is easier for us to succeed at this time.

Thinking of this, I went upstairs first, and Li Mazi had no choice but to follow.

This time I didn’t hesitate and kicked open the door fiercely. Before the two ghosts in the room could react, I shouted sharply: "Report to the young marshal that Zhang Xuecheng betrayed the motherland, acted as a lackey of the Japanese, and smeared the Zhang family. What should we do?" deal with?"

While I was talking, I stared at Yuan Datou intently, and I saw that his eyes instantly turned blood red, and he looked at me with gnashing teeth, as if he wanted to tear me into pieces.

My heart was in my throat, but I could only pretend to be fearless.

Just when Yuan Datou was about to explode, Li Mazi, wearing a Kuomintang military uniform and a military coat, said coldly: "I have always regarded Xuecheng as a good younger brother. I hope he will succeed and bring honor to our Zhang family. Unexpectedly, He goes further and further away. Alas! I, Zhang Xueliang, will kill my relatives once and for all, without mercy!"

Not to mention, when Li Mazi said this, he was domineering and had the demeanor of a young commander.

I thought to myself that if this failed, we could only blame our bad luck.

Fortunately, after Li Mazi finished his speech, Yuan Datou's face instantly turned pale, and he grabbed Bai Xiya's arm and tried to run away.

This was the opportunity I was waiting for. When they were escaping, I quickly rushed towards them and read out the Beidou Sirius Jue. At the same time, I whipped Yuan Datou's arm hard with the Sirius Whip.

Yuan Datou let out a shrill scream, and his arms started to smoke, but he was too frightened to resist at all. He could only let go of Bai Xiya and rush out of the house.

He must have thought that Li Mazi and I would hunt him down and let Bai Xiya go.

It's a pity that he thought wrong, I don't play according to the routine!

After he went out, I quickly closed the door and put several talismans on the door. After making sure that he couldn't rush in, I looked at Bai Xiya.

I thought she would show her teeth and retaliate against Li Mazi and me, but unexpectedly she still kept kneeling and sitting on the bed. Seeing me looking at her, she bowed deeply to me using the highest etiquette in Japan.

Then he got out of bed and walked over slowly.

I don't understand what she means? But my reason told me that I must not reveal my secret. The reason why she didn't do anything was because she was afraid of our identities.

It's a pity that Li Mazi had performed exceptionally just now. Now he saw the female ghost getting closer and closer, but he panicked and asked me stupidly what should I do?

I thought to myself, "Oh no."

Sure enough, Bai Xiya was stunned for a moment and then showed an evil smile. Her sweet face instantly turned into the look of a hanged man. She reached out and grabbed Li Mazi's neck, her sharp nails shining coldly.

"Why the hell are you still standing there, greeting me with a magic talisman?"

I yelled, rushed up and slapped her shoulder hard with the Sirius Whip.

Bai Xiya's shoulder suddenly made a sizzling sound, and a puff of black smoke came out.

She let out a scream, stared at me with her eyes, gave up on Li Mazi and rushed towards me.

My heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and I swung the Sirius Whip at her with all my strength. She would let out a scream with every blow, but she never ran away. Instead, she got closer and closer to me.

The seven whips were quickly used up. I threw away the Sirius Whip helplessly, took out the magic talisman and patted her on her body. It's a pity that my Taoist skills are too shallow, so I can only stop her movement by shooting her, and it doesn't have any big effect at all.

Soon the magic talisman in my hand was used up. She laughed wildly and strangled my neck.

Li Mazi yelled, rushed up and hugged Bai Xiya from behind, and kept slapping the charms on her body.

Under the hard work of our two grown men, she was no longer so calm, and her body became more and more transparent.

The moment I fell to the ground, I looked at the door and found that the black fog on the door had almost dissipated. I immediately understood that the black fog was caused by the female ghost.

Then he had an idea and yelled at Li Mazi with all his strength: "Leave her alone! Attack Black Mist directly."

I'm betting that Xiaoli's ancestors can come to help. She didn't dare to come out before, but now there is only Bai Xiya left who was disabled by us, and she should come out.

After hearing what I said, Li Mazi turned around and ran toward the door. Unexpectedly, Bai Xiya stopped caring about me and suddenly turned back to catch Li Mazi.

She was obviously panicked. The more nervous she was, the more it showed that my idea was correct. I stood up slowly and hugged her body with all my strength to buy time for Li Mazi.

Bai Xiya went completely crazy. She kept yelling and trying to throw me away, and even kept jumping up and down in the air. She made my mind go blank and I subconsciously let go of my hand.

At this critical moment, Li Mazi shouted: "The black fog has dispersed!"

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