Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 453: The Conspiracy of Longquan Villa

At the same time, a strong whirlwind blew from outside and directly surrounded Bai Xiya.

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that I made the right bet!

Bai Xiya seemed to be afraid of this whirlwind, her face was pale and she couldn't say a word.

In the end, the whirlwind transformed into the appearance of Xiaoli's ancestor and stood beside me.

"I'm warning you not to meddle in your own business!" Bai Xiya said through gritted teeth, but she was obviously lacking in confidence.

"I will take care of this matter, do you have any opinions?" Xiaoli's ancestor sneered.


Bai Xiya had nothing to say for a moment, and could only claw at my heart with blood-red nails angrily.

I couldn't react for a moment, but fortunately, when her nails were still more than ten centimeters away from my chest, Xiaoli's ancestor suddenly made a move, grabbed Bai Xiya, and threw her onto the bed.

Next, Bai Xiya tried to rush over several times, but she was all beaten back. Finally, she sat back helplessly on the bed and looked directly at me. Instead of fear, her eyes were full of smiles.

Xiaoli's ancestors probably knew that I was in trouble, so they didn't rush back, but stayed in the house.

"Thank you, senior!" I said gratefully to the figure, she nodded slightly, and then looked at Bai Xiya.

I knew it was time to express myself and asked her directly why she was laughing.

"You are all dragged here by me. General, he should be safe..." At this moment, Bai Xiya became sweet again, and she was actually a little cute when she spoke.

Seeing her infatuated look, I felt a little sad for a moment, so I asked her if she loved Zhang Xuecheng very much.

"What do you think?"

"Is that selfish love or great love?" I continued to ask.

She looked at me and asked confusedly, "Is there any difference?" I said of course, if you have great love, you should let go and quickly go reincarnate. In this way, Zhang Xuecheng will gradually let go and everyone will have a good destination.

"No, I don't want to, I don't want to be separated from him!" Bai Xiya shook her head fiercely after hearing my words.

My heart ached, but I could only say expressionlessly: "Then you choose selfish love? Okay, then I will beat you to death first, and then Zhang Xuecheng will definitely avenge you, and then I will kill him Scatter your souls! You two will never be reincarnated!

After listening to my words, Bai Xiya looked aggrieved and her eyes became confused.

After a while, he said to himself: "Did my persistence in love actually harm him?"

"That's right, when things have reached this stage, you have only two choices, either hurry up and reincarnate as a human being, or you don't even have the chance to reincarnate." After saying this, I turned around sharply and wiped my tears behind her back.

I admit I cried.

Even though more than half a century has passed, even though they have become ghosts, when they encounter danger, the first thing they consider is each other.

If you say you are not impressed, that would be a lie!

It's a pity that everything has rules. Without rules, how can all things continue to thrive?

In the end, Bai Xiya chose to leave. She accepted my salvation and left a letter for Zhang Xuecheng before leaving. I didn't read the content of the letter, but I knew it must be filled with all her blessings and love.

Yuan Datou woke up the next day. His complexion was much better. He also learned everything from Xiaoli's mouth and expressed his gratitude again and again.

I said you don’t need to thank us, do more good deeds in the future and stop doing those underworld activities, what do you think?

"That's it, that's it. I will definitely be a new person in the future." Yuan Datou said vowedly.

Regarding this, Li Mazi also asked me privately whether I believed what Yuan Datou said? I smiled and said of course I believe it. As for whether he can do it and to what extent he can do it,

As the saying goes, God is watching what you do!

Everything was happy in the end, only Zhang Xuecheng's ghost was not saved, but I have Bai Xiya's letter in my hand, and I am confident that I can kill Zhang Xuecheng instantly!

That night, I asked Yuan Datou and his wife to hide in the toilet, and then took Li Mazi into the bedroom on the second floor. I took off the talisman on the window and deliberately opened it a crack.

It can be said that everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!

When twelve o'clock arrived, a dark wind suddenly blew up by the window. Sure enough, he was here!

I hurried up and prepared to speak with a smile. After all, my assumption was that after the Yin spirit came in, he would definitely look for Bai Xiya first. When he found that Bai Xiya was missing, he would definitely ask me where I had hidden Bai Xiya. He even fought with me.

I can accept these situations. As long as I can persuade Zhang Xuecheng, I'm done.

Then I took out the letter at the right time and moved it with emotion and reason, and I could definitely capture him.

But what I never expected was that as soon as he came in, he attacked me like crazy and yelled at us all to pay for Bai Xiya's life!

My heart suddenly stirred up huge waves. How did he know that Bai Xiya had left?

Since Zhang Xuecheng had 100% murderous intention this time, the development of the matter was completely beyond my expectation, so Li Mazi and I couldn't resist on the spot.

There was no self-defense except for a few talismans just removed from the window.

Fortunately, Li Mazi understood what I was thinking. When I hugged Zhang Xuecheng, he ran downstairs and invited Xiaoli's ancestors to save my life.

This also made me truly realize the power of Xiaoli's ancestors, because after she appeared this time, the air around her suddenly dropped so low that even the fierce Zhang Xuecheng was stunned for a moment.

Then he rushed forward regardless, which was really beyond my expectation. Very few ghosts would bravely rush forward even though they knew they were outmatched.

Fortunately, Zhang Xuecheng lingered in the villa for a while, and after seeing that he had no chance of winning, he finally left in embarrassment.

I was watching the battle from the side and noticed one detail: several times he was obviously about to run away, but he became more violent the next moment, completely looking like he would die with us.

Moreover, he was very targeted and didn't care about others at all, and he focused on dealing with me.

Even though he had left, I still felt scared when I recalled the wild beast-like look in his eyes just now. If ancestor Xiaoli hadn't helped, I think he would have torn me apart.

"You're so damn evil. Brother Zhang, why do you think this ghost caught you and refused to let you go?" Li Mazi patted my shoulder and asked in confusion.

When he said this, I suddenly realized that Zhang Xuecheng's ghost was probably controlled by others.

The one who really wants to take my life is the mysterious man who is hiding in the dark and controlling Zhang Xuecheng!

Who is the one?

I racked my brains and couldn't think of where I had offended anyone. Finally, a word suddenly popped into my mind: Longquan Villa!

Since my debut, only the people at Longquan Villa have deliberately dealt with me.

Thinking of this, my teeth itched with hatred, and I tentatively asked Xiaoli's ancestors if they knew where the people who wanted to deal with me were hiding.

Controlling Yin spirits has great distance restrictions, and the black hand is definitely hiding nearby.

Xiaoli's ancestors must have been able to sense his position based on their Taoism, but after I asked her, she ignored me at all and disappeared in a flash.

I was slightly startled, and then realized that I had violated a taboo.

Before, they saved me because I risked my life to protect her descendants. Now that the cause and effect are even, I will go too far when I ask for help.

"Alas!" I sighed, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly pointed to the ground and said, "Brother Zhang, what do you think this is?"

I looked in the direction of his finger and saw two more words written in gray on the ground: "waste."

This is undoubtedly an important reminder left to me by the soft-hearted ancestor of Xiaoli. I stared at these two words for a long time, and suddenly remembered that there was a scrap yard near the villa.

The person who harmed me is probably there!

"Damn it, I'm going to make you walk around without food today."

I cursed loudly and ran towards the scrap station with the Sirius whip in hand.

Li Mazi followed me, and he asked me nervously why I didn't prepare something.

"No need, the person who is dealing with me is a human being, not a Yin spirit!" I gasped, "That person manipulated the Yin spirit and fought with Xiaoli's group for a long time. He must have suffered a backlash. If we rush in now, we will definitely kill him." A surprise!"

"That's good. I've been so angry lately that I have nowhere to vent my anger."

When Li Mazi heard that there was no danger, he immediately regained his composure and said with clenched fists.

It was already one or two o'clock in the morning, and the surroundings were dark. Since it was already autumn, the weather was very cold, and the wind blew even my crotch.

When I arrived at the door of the scrap station, my impulse passed away, and I suddenly felt a little uneasy. Seeing me like this, Li Mazi immediately stopped smiling, stopped snarling, and asked me if I wanted to come in.

"What do you think?"

I whispered, took a few breaths of hot air on my hands, rubbed them vigorously, and waited for my body to warm up before I picked up a discarded steel pipe from the garbage dump and walked towards the small wooden house in the scrap collection station.

The man was injured and couldn't walk far. He must be hiding inside to recuperate!

Li Mazi picked up a wooden stick from the ground and played with it as he walked.

When he was no more than a hundred meters away from the cabin, Li Mazi suddenly lost his temper. The wooden stick in his hand flew out and sadly hit a pile of beer bottles.

The wine bottles suddenly crashed and fell to the ground, and the crisp sound instantly cut through the silent night sky.

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