Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 454 The night before the storm

"Fuck you uncle!"

I couldn't help scolding him, and then rushed towards the cabin. Li Mazi knew that he was in trouble, so he even took three steps at a time and rushed ahead of me.

He rushed to the cabin first, kicked the wooden door violently, and kicked the cabin open.

I rushed in right after him and looked at it with a flashlight. There was no one inside at all.

At this time, the sound of a car engine suddenly came from the road. I ran out to take a look and saw an unregistered car leaving quickly.

After running a few steps forward, I discovered that there was a pavement on the ground where the car was parked. It was stained with blood, and it was still warm when I reached out and touched it.

It seems that the grandson realized that we were coming, so he moved out of the house in advance.

"It's all my fault." Li Mazi lowered his head and said like a child who had done something wrong. I shook my head and said I don't blame you. This grandson has been prepared for a long time. I underestimated him.

Due to a bad start, the two of us returned to the villa dejectedly and fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, Yuan Datou was already exercising. Xiaoli said with a happy face that she still liked the energetic Yuan Datou.

I smiled slightly, stepped forward and asked Yuan Datou what kind of help did he do to the Taiwanese boss before he was haunted by the evil spirit? He was stunned after hearing this and looked at me doubtfully.

"Now that the evil spirit has escaped, he will come back to take revenge! Boss Yuan, for the sake of your life, I hope you can cooperate with me."

I said.


Yuan Datou was hesitant at first, but after hearing what I said was so serious, his expression immediately changed. Xiaoli also kept trying to persuade me, and then he told me everything.

It turned out that he took over the business of a real estate chairman in Taiwan. The chairman's surname was Zhang, who happened to be a descendant of General Zhang Xuecheng. After liberation, he fled to Taiwan to do business, and his business grew bigger and bigger. Now he has four generations living under the same roof, so he wanted to clear his name for his ancestors.

But the most authoritative file about Zhang Xuecheng was placed in the Zhang Ancestral Hall in Shenyang. The chairman was far away in Taiwan and couldn't get away, so he asked someone to find Yuan Datou.

Yuan Datou used the underworld to forcefully break into Zhang's ancestral hall. Not only did he steal the family tree, but he also injured several elderly people. From then on, Yuan Datou was entangled.

After listening, I rubbed my temples and asked doubtfully: "What do you mean, that Yin spirit didn't know Bai Xiya's existence at first, and was just pestering you?"

Then can I understand that Zhang Xuecheng did not want to leave the Zhang Ancestral Hall, even if future generations labeled him countless traitors?

"It seems like this."

Yuan Datou kept nodding, and I suddenly had an idea in my mind.

Yes, what Zhang Xuecheng is most proud of in his life is his identity as a descendant of the Zhang family, so why would he be willing to leave the Zhang family ancestral hall?

Since Yuan Datou is in trouble here, the chairman who wants to come to Taiwan has also been having a hard time recently.

I asked for the phone number of the chairman's secretary from Yuan Datou and called him directly.

After the call was connected, I asked straight to the point that I wanted to talk to the chairman, but the secretary vaguely said that the chairman was not here.

I sneered: "Your chairman asked someone to steal something from the mainland some time ago. This thing is about General Zhang Xuecheng. I think he has been entangled in that thing now? Isn't it good to eat it?" , I couldn’t sleep well, I always felt like there was a ghost following me.”

After listening to my words, the secretary was silent for a few seconds and asked me to wait.

After a while, an old man's voice came over the phone. Listening to the pronunciation, I felt that his throat was particularly dry and weak, and there was an obvious imbalance of yin and yang.

Come to think of it, he was tortured quite a bit during this period.

I hate talking to such rich people, so I briefly told him what happened to Yuan Datou, and then told him that if he didn't want to be entangled anymore, he should quickly return the genealogy.

After hearing this, the chairman agreed without any hesitation, and there was a sense of relief and joy in his words.

"Master, ever since that genealogy came to Taiwan, there have been sounds of crying in my house every night, as well as the sound of bowls and dishes being thrown.

My children and wife are so scared that they have moved out. I want to leave too, but no matter where I go, the sound will appear at twelve o'clock in the evening. Now I can only sleep by taking sleeping pills. "The chairman said with a sigh.

I breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was my descendant. Zhang Xuecheng didn't do anything extraordinary, he was just trying to scare him.

"Don't worry, as long as you send back the family tree, peace will definitely be restored in your family." I said.

When I hung up the phone, Yuan Datou hurriedly asked: "Master, how are you?" He was really scared.

I thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, the chairman has promised to send the family tree back. When the time comes, you can return it to wherever you snatched it from. By the way, find those old people who were injured by you and provide them with care until they die." , this way the karma between you and the Yin spirit will be broken, and he will not come to trouble you again."

Yuan Datou asked me embarrassedly how much remuneration I needed. Li Mazi's eyes widened, and he said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Is there any need to ask? I don't know the answer in my heart?"

"Haha, I'm afraid I won't be given enough."

Yuan Datou said with a blushing smile, stretched out his hand and gave Li Mazi a hammer.

In the end, he gave me a full three million and became friends with us. Later, when I passed through the Northeast to visit him, I realized that the money was all his savings after selling the villa.

Since then, he has disbanded the underworld and started doing business accordingly. Although he has not made a fortune, he still has enough food and clothing, and he can live a clear life.

After getting the reward, Li Mazi and I stayed in the Northeast for a week. During this period, Yin Xinyue and Ruxue brought Li Xiaomeng to kill them.

Anyway, we had nothing to do for the time being, so we simply wandered around the nearby scenic spots. A week later, the chairman’s genealogy was also sent. I gave it to Yuan Datou, who sent it back to the Zhang Ancestral Hall overnight.

When things got here, Li Mazi and I suddenly felt embarrassed, because this was the weirdest business we had ever encountered since we cooperated: the victim and the ghost have been arranged, but the ghost is missing...

On the surface it looked like we were in no danger, but I knew this was just the calm before the storm.

Since being forced back by Xiaoli's ancestor that night, Zhang Xuecheng's ghost has never appeared again, which shows that he is still controlled by the black hand of Longquan Villa.

If he gets a chance, he will pounce on me and kill me!

After returning to Wuhan from the Northeast, within a few days of settling down, Li Mazi and I felt that there were often sneaky people around the antique shop.

But every time we went to arrest someone, we failed.

After a while, the other party didn't make a move, and the two of us were exhausted.

I was forced to call the man in the T-shirt for help. After hearing the whole story, he said coldly: I'm looking for death!

After saying that, I hung up the phone. The T-shirt man's tone was always emotionless, but this time he got angry. From his anger, I felt that I was in danger and quickly stopped the business.

He and Li Mazi stayed at home all day long, discussing not to do anything until the man in the T-shirt arrived.

But despite all calculations, things still developed in the direction I least wanted to see.

Ever since we made the call to the T-shirt man, Li Mazi and I started living in a small house. According to the T-shirt man's behavior, I estimated that he would arrive within three days.

Unexpectedly, a full week passed before he arrived, nor did he take the initiative to contact me, so Li Mazi kept nagging me to call the T-shirt man again.

"He won't ignore us, don't worry." I said confidently.

If the man in the T-shirt didn't come, he must have something important to do. He would be there as soon as possible after he finished his work.

After hearing this, Li Mazi curled his lips and said nothing more.

Both Yin Xinyue and Ruxue were working, and it was unrealistic to hide at home with us, so I simply let them live in the company.

That afternoon, Li Mazi and I drank some wine as usual and then fell asleep. In the evening I woke up from peeing and hurried to the toilet.

When I returned to my room, I found Li Mazi's door open. I wondered when this boy had changed his gender, because he was used to closing the door when sleeping. When he got closer and took a look, he found that Li Mazi's bed was empty and there was no one at all.

"Li Mazi, what are you doing?"

I was still drunk, so I looked around in a daze, thinking he was after my antiques again.

But after shouting several times and no one answered, I suddenly woke up a lot. When I walked to the bed, I stretched out my hand and found that the quilt was already cold.

This meant that Li Mazi had been gone for a long time. I quickly took out my mobile phone and called him. Although the call was connected, no one answered.

I suddenly felt a little uneasy. Although Li Mazi seemed unreliable, he was really unambiguous on important matters.

If he leaves at this time, he must not be unable to bear the loneliness. Thinking of this, I put on my clothes and hurriedly turned on the computer, pulled up the antique store's surveillance camera and watched it.

Li Mazi looked extremely anxious in the camera. After he walked out of the antique store, he hurriedly hailed a taxi and left, as if there was something particularly important waiting for him to do.

A person as afraid of death as Li Mazi doesn't care about many things, except his wife, son, and money.

I quickly called Ruxue, and she answered the call quickly and asked me what happened. From her tone of voice, everything was normal. The problem was obviously not with her, so Li Xiaomeng must be involved!

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