Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 455 Triangular Blood Coffin

In order not to worry Ruxue, I made an excuse.

Then I called Li Xiaomeng, and no one answered his phone!

I am almost certain that something happened to Li Xiaomeng, and it must be related to the man behind the scenes, otherwise Li Mazi would not have been able to secretly leave without telling me.

"This idiot, that's not the way to talk about loyalty." I sighed helplessly, just because of his two attacks, he would die. The other party's target is me, and he will definitely catch him and threaten me again.

However, I was somewhat touched that Li Mazi could do this.

After thinking about all this, I feel calm. After all, I can't escape what is coming. Fortunately, I have accumulated a lot of talismans these days, which can be used for self-defense to some extent.

I took out the Peach Soul Flower, Sirius Whip and Yin Yang Umbrella and looked at them, but finally decided not to bring anything!

The other party has Li Mazi and his son in their hands. Even if I take them over, I won't be able to use them, and they might fall into the hands of others.

So I just put the magic talisman in my pocket, opened the store door, and sat at the door of the store quietly making a pot of tea and waiting.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when I was lying on the table and about to fall asleep, my phone finally rang. I quickly opened it and saw that it was Li Mazi's number.

"Leave them both alone!"

Before the other party could speak, I yelled angrily.

"Haha, it seems that you are quite smart and knew that they were caught by me..." The person on the other end of the phone said proudly. But he used the magic voice function and it sounded like a robot talking. I couldn't tell his age at all.

I couldn't help but frown, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"If you don't want anything to happen to them, come to the threshing floor of Sanshui Village and wait for me." After the other party finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone.

"He knows how to find a damn place!"

I took a breath of air and couldn't help but curse. Sanshui Village is famous as a ghost village. It is said that a plague broke out in the village during the three-year natural disaster period, and all the people in the village died.

Later, the superiors suppressed the matter and sent troops to clean up the corpses and burn them collectively.

Since then, there have been no people in the village, but the village has survived.

Elderly people say that at night, you can hear the howling of ghosts and wolves coming from Sanshui Village several miles away. Later, even the nearby people were so scared that they moved away, so no one knows what is happening in Sanshui Village now.

The reason I know about Sanshui Village is because my grandfather mentioned it to me when he was still alive. The old man told me very seriously at that time that I could not step into Sanshui Village under any circumstances.

"Li Mazi, Li Mazi, let me tell you what you are good at."

I stared blankly at the antique shop, feeling worried for a moment, wondering whether I should save Li Mazi.

After all, for Grandpa to care so much, it shows that Sanshui Village is by no means as simple as being haunted!

In the end, I chose to go find Li Mazi. I couldn't just ignore him.

When I went out to take a taxi, many drivers changed their faces when they heard that I was going to Sanshui Village, and kicked me out of the car.

It wasn't until I promised to pay ten times the price that a driver was willing to take the job, but he only agreed to take me to the road near Sanshui Village.

When we got to the agreed road, the driver refused to move forward. As soon as I got off the car, he stepped on the accelerator and turned around and ran away.

I didn't think anything of it at first, but the driver's actions made me a little panicked.

Because it was a cloudy day, the moon was covered by dark clouds, so the entire Sanshui Village looked dark, and there were clouds of mist floating in the air, like ghosts swaying.

As I walked along the road, I felt chilly all over.

After walking for about half an hour, a ferocious stone tablet appeared in front of me. I took a photo of it with my mobile phone. It had three large scarlet characters "Sanshui Village" engraved on it.

Somehow, when I saw these three big characters, my heart skipped a beat. That kind of fear came from my soul.

Reasonably tell yourself that there is danger inside and you can’t go in!

But my friendship with Li Mazi over the years made me have to go in.

There seemed to be two me in my mind, one kept encouraging me to go in, and the other reminded me with a nervous look on his face: "Don't go in, someone is trying to harm you..."

The two of me were fighting each other in my mind, and I felt like my head was about to explode. Finally, I yelled: "Damn it, I don't listen to anyone, I just want to save Li Mazi!"

At this time, a man's terrifying laughter suddenly came from the village. Although it was too far away, I could still tell that he was the mysterious man who called me before. Only then did I realize that he didn’t use the magic sound function, this was his original voice!

Now that he was here, I wasn't afraid that I wouldn't be able to find Li Mazi. Thinking of this, I plucked up the courage to enter the village.

I soon discovered something was wrong, because I was extremely familiar with every plant, tree, and brick in the village. Even the features of the next house and intersection can appear in my mind in advance.

"There's definitely something wrong with this village."

I secretly thought of myself and secretly clenched the talisman in my hand. I felt that everything in front of me was an illusion of the lonely ghosts in the village. After all, I had never been here before, so it was impossible for me to be so familiar.

But soon, I rejected this idea, because as I continued walking forward, black shadows kept passing by me.

Sometimes it was a black shadow, sometimes it was in groups. Most of these black shadows made weird noises when they appeared, but after approaching me, they stopped one after another and stared at me for a while before leaving unwillingly. There was only one black shadow that had been following me since I entered the village. I was scared at first, but then I remembered that it was my own shadow...

I couldn't help but be glad that I had the magic talisman in my hand, otherwise I would have been taken care of by these lonely ghosts in the village before I could see the mysterious man.

I don’t know how long I walked, but I finally saw a large open space in the center of the village. There were a lot of firewood and withered straw on the open space, and there were a few dark things in the center.

When I turned on the flash of my mobile phone and took a look, I realized that it was a machine used to thresh rice in rural areas, but it was all rusty and had obviously been exposed to wind and rain for decades.

It's just that it's empty here, let alone people, not even a hair. At first I thought the mysterious man was afraid that I would be followed by helpers, so he didn’t dare to show up.

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, no one came out, and the talisman in my hand had begun to heat up, which was a sign that the talisman's effect was about to dissipate.

I couldn't help but become nervous, and called Li Mazi with the mentality of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, the call was actually connected, and a mysterious man's voice came from the other end: "Boy, you are indeed here."

"If I didn't come, I wouldn't be Zhang Jiulin." I suppressed the anger in my heart and said coldly, "You'd better not play tricks."

"Haha, how dare I play any tricks? You are from the Zhang family in Jiangbei." The mysterious man said in a sinister tone.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me where Li Mazi is?" I asked.

"Have you seen the threshing machine in the village's open space? There is a cellar under the threshing machine, and Li Mazi and his son are locked in it. As for how to open the cellar, that's your business..." After that, he laughed dryly. ,hang up the phone.

At this time I calmed down and suddenly felt that this must be a trap.

He asked me to go into the cellar, most likely because he wanted to trap me in the cellar! I trembled all over when I thought about this, and my mind was filled with thoughts of leaving.

But then I thought, now that I’m here, I might as well go and see it! What if Li Mazi is really here.

The human heart is the hardest thing to grasp, but the tragedy is that at this time, I have been led by the mysterious man.

I walked to the threshing machine and stretched out my hand to touch it, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

A chill instantly spread all over my body along my fingers, just like the feeling of soaking in the river in the winter.

I immediately understood that this threshing machine was probably a very sinister thing.

Even if it wasn't, then there must be something dangerous hiding in the cellar beneath it, otherwise there would be no reason for it to be so cold!

I wanted to give up, but when I thought of Li Mazi's wretched face, I could only feel sad, gritted my teeth and tried to push the threshing machine aside.

It stands to reason that this old-fashioned threshing machine is not heavy, and I can shake it as an adult, but now I have almost exhausted all my strength to suck milk, and it does not move at all.

After trying several times in a row but unable to move it, I no longer had to worry about it. I took out a handful of white sesame seeds and sprinkled them on the threshing machine. Then I quickly placed them in the east, west, north, and south directions with the threshing machine as the center. A yellow low-level talisman.

This is a simple exorcism formation that can force out the strong yin energy contained in yin objects in a short period of time. The white sesame seeds can absorb the yin energy, so that there is no fear of the threshing machine being "nailed" by ghosts.

I pushed the thresher to the side again, and finally succeeded, revealing the dark hole underneath.

But before I could be happy, a strong wind blew out of the hole! The sinister wind swirled around me, and the four talismans were instantly blown to pieces.

I didn't have time to worry about it. I put my phone into the hole and took a photo. I couldn't help but be shocked.

What kind of cellar was this? It was clearly an underground tomb. Through the dark holes, I saw a large dark red coffin standing in the ancient tomb. The shape of the coffin was very strange. It was actually triangular. It was densely covered with black talisman papers.

I braved it to look and found that the patterns on these talisman papers were something I had never seen before.

Two big questions popped up in my mind. Who is the owner of this triangular coffin? Who posted these weird talismans?

But then I thought that it had nothing to do with me. I came here to find Li Mazi. If he wasn't here, I would leave quickly.

Thinking of this, I set up a new exorcism array and prepared to move the threshing machine back to its original position. However, at this moment, the threshing machine suddenly shook and then crashed into me with a roar.

If I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have been smashed to pieces.

I didn't expect the resentment emanating from the coffin to be so strong. I didn't dare to stay any longer and ran out of the village. But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind: Where to run!

This voice was very familiar. I thought about it carefully and my expression immediately changed.

This fucking voice is Zhang Xuecheng's. It turns out that the person suppressed here is General Zhang Xuecheng!

In just a few days, his resentment has increased so much. This must be related to Bai Xiya's departure.

He is being controlled by a mysterious man at the moment and must be irrational. How can I dare to look back? He yelled and ran towards the entrance of the village, while grabbing the last talisman, ready to take action at any time.

While I was running, I clearly felt that Zhang Xuecheng's ghost was behind me, but I was never able to catch up. I think it's because the mysterious man hides too far away, so it's more difficult to control.

I don’t know how long I ran, but I finally saw the bright red stone tablet at the entrance of the village. I knew that as long as I could run out, I would be safe!

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