Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 456: Angrily kill Elder Longquan!

But just when I had stepped out of Sanshui Village, a cold and stiff hand suddenly pulled me back.

My heart instantly sank to the bottom, and I looked back nervously.

I saw Zhang Xuecheng wearing a Japanese military uniform, staring at me with an angry face, his two eyeballs were covered with red bloodshot eyes and raised high, and he said viciously: "Bitch, I have no enmity with you. ! But you killed my woman first, and now you want to break up my soul. I will let you die without a burial today."

Judging from his tone, he must have been bewitched by the mysterious man.

"Damn it, do it." I roared in my heart, and then slapped the magic talisman on his forehead.

Unexpectedly, my magic talisman was of no use to Zhang Xuecheng at this moment and penetrated his body directly!

"You lost, hahahaha."

Zhang Xuecheng sneered and pinched my neck, but he did not crush my throat directly. Instead, he gradually increased the strength of his hand. I only felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe. A stream of icy cold air flowed down his hand. It spread all over my body, freezing me to the point of freezing.

I know that I am doomed today, and I only hope that Zhang Xuecheng can let Li Mazi and Li Xiaomeng go after I die. As for Yin Xinyue, I hope she can cheer up soon and marry a good family...

Just as I was recalling the happy time with Yin Xinyue in my mind, a white shadow rushed towards the entrance of the village like a gust of wind. The long sword in my hand turned into a blue lightning and stabbed Zhang Xuecheng in the heart. Who else could come if not the man in the T-shirt?

Because Zhang Xuecheng was focused on me, he didn't even notice that behind him, the man in the T-shirt pierced his heart with a sword. Suddenly, a puff of black smoke came out of his chest, and then his whole body began to crackle and shake.


Zhang Xuecheng let out a shrill scream, and at the same time, there was a sound of vomiting blood from around him.

I looked sharply in the direction of the sound and found that it was a small house with a transformer installed at the entrance of the village. The door was locked tightly.

No wonder the man in the T-shirt was able to succeed with a sword, it turned out that he avoided the sight of the mysterious man! Since the mysterious man was vomiting blood, it is not difficult to imagine that he has suffered serious injuries. In order to prevent this guy from running away again, I quickly asked the man in the T-shirt what to do.

"I summoned the swordsman Lu Dongbin with this sword. Zhang Xuecheng's soul has been suppressed. Ignore him for now and follow me to chase the mastermind!" The man in the T-shirt said and rushed to the small house first, and I followed him closely. later.

He split the door in half with one strike of his sword and entered the room as quickly as possible. I always felt that things were not that simple, but it was too late to remind the man in the T-shirt to pay attention to safety, so I had to follow him in.

I took a photo with my mobile phone and found a statue of a green-faced and fanged god placed on the ground, as well as candles, incense burners and the like, which looked like an altar. And under the feet of the statue are two pieces of paper.

"What's this?"

When I picked it up and looked at it, I was shocked. These two pieces of paper recorded Zhang Xuecheng's life information and his kinship relationship in Zhang's ancestral hall.

After the Taiwanese chairman mailed the information, I had looked at it a few times, so I recognized at a glance that these two pieces of paper were the most important part of it, but they were obviously not real genealogy, but copies.

"Can a copy also become a negative thing?" I asked uncertainly.

The man in the T-shirt nodded and said that although this situation is rare, it is real.

This is not a naturally formed yin object, but a yin spirit that was sacrificed by a mysterious person and specifically used to control Zhang Xuecheng.

After saying that, he burned the two pieces of paper directly, and then continued to search inside. Only then did I find that there was a small door at the back of the house.

But the moment the man in the T-shirt saw the door, his face turned pale and he said, "You've fallen into a trap!"

"What's wrong?" I leaned over and looked out the small door in confusion. I was shocked to find that there was a muddy path outside the door. Both sides of the path were filled with white candles. And right opposite the door, there were actually Holding a paper mache beast.

The beast looked extremely ugly, holding a paper sword in its mouth and staring ferociously at everything in the door.

"This is Yaju! He can actually set up the Yaju Nine Formation. I really underestimated him." The man in the T-shirt turned around and left, only to find that on the way in we had also been set up with the same Yajuan Array.

"He's already vomiting blood, but he still dares to set up such a life-threatening formation. Don't you want to live?" I said in disbelief.

I once heard my grandfather say that this formation is the best Feng Shui deadlock in the world. Once caught, you will definitely die. Because according to legend, Yaizhen was the second son of the Dragon King. He was abandoned by the Dragon King because he was extremely ugly when he was born. He did not look like a dragon or a monster like a monster. From then on, Yasui began to take revenge on the human world. Anyone who offended it would be chased and killed even if they fled to the ends of the earth. This is how the idiom Yasui must retaliate. However, this kind of Feng Shui deadlock requires a lot of spiritual support from the practitioner, and most people would not dare to use it.

"He wants to die with us! I can't die, but you can't."

The man in the T-shirt suddenly sighed quietly: "It seems there is only one way..."

"What solution?" I asked in surprise.

As soon as I finished asking, I found a cute little Taoist boy with braids walking out of my shadow. The little Taoist boy smiled sweetly and said, "Brother in the first grade of junior high school, leave this place to me!"

Seeing the little Taoist boy, I suddenly realized that the dark shadow that had been following me since I entered the village was not my own shadow at all, but the little Taoist boy.

No wonder the man in the t-shirt found my location immediately and came to my rescue!

"I'm sorry." The man in the T-shirt seemed to want to say something, but his lips moved and he couldn't finish. Then he took out a piece of white paper from his pocket, folded a paper crane, and then wrote a birthday and birth date on it.

The little Taoist boy got into the paper crane without any hesitation. The man in the T-shirt bit his finger and wrote a line of small seal characters on it, and then the paper crane seemed to come alive and flew towards the eye at the exit.

"Did you write its horoscope?"

I suddenly understood what the man in the T-shirt meant. The mysterious man was already dying, and the Nine Sons Formation could only be activated once at most. He wanted the ghost of Xiao Daotong to die for us.

Is he crazy?

In this way, the little Taoist boy will lose his soul and will never be reincarnated!

I frantically wanted to catch the paper crane, but the man in the T-shirt grabbed me and said, "Zhang Jiulin, you must live, don't let his kindness go to waste."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang and the paper crane burst into flames.

At the last moment when the little Taoist boy was reduced to ashes, I seemed to hear a ethereal voice coming from my ears: "Brother, goodbye."

As the flames soared, the entire Jiajuan Nine Formation was destroyed.

At that moment, I was surprised to find that the man in the T-shirt secretly shed two tears. This peerless master who never knew what tears were, finally shed tears for this life.

I know that those are the tears that belong to the little Taoist boy.

"The mastermind behind the scenes can't run far, chase him!" the man in the T-shirt said coldly.

I gritted my teeth and followed. I didn't run very far when I found a middle-aged man on the ground struggling to crawl out of the village. There was a shocking blood stain on the soil behind him.

Needless to say, the mastermind behind this is this grandson!

"I'll kill you!"

I grabbed the sword from the man in the T-shirt and chopped it on his head. I want to use his dog's head to pay tribute to the little Taoist boy. Anyway, in the wild mountains of this place, you can kill someone without anyone noticing.

This time, for the first time, the man in the T-shirt didn't stop me.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. I'll tell you whatever you want to know! My name is Xiang Yuanzhen, and I'm the elder of Longquan Villa. You can't kill me..." Before the middle-aged man could finish his words, I had already Cut down with the sword!

His head flew up in an instant, and the blood on his neck was like a burst water pipe, spraying out two to three meters high. Dense drops of blood were splashed everywhere. My hands still maintained a chopping posture, and half of my face was covered in blood. The blood was stained red.

This was my first time killing someone, and I felt unprecedented pleasure.

Little Taoist boy, I, Zhang Jiulin, have avenged you!

Longquan Villa, from now on, you and I are at odds with each other!

The man in the T-shirt and I hastily buried the body, then searched the entire Sanshui Village, and finally rescued Li Mazi and Li Xiaomeng. They were trapped in a residential house and were dying of hunger. Fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

After Zhang Xuecheng's Yin spirit lost control, he became much calmer. I used Bai Xiya's letter to impress him, and in the end he was willing to do so.

Transcended by us.

This business has been full of twists and turns, and it can be considered completely over.

Except for the accidental sacrifice of Xiao Daotong, everything else was considered a near miss. I couldn't help but sigh at Zhang Xuecheng's ending.

He had a prominent family, endless wealth, and supreme power, but he was still unsatisfied. He wanted more and more, and eventually became a Japanese traitor.

Isn't this the epitome of the second generation of unscrupulous officials and the second generation of rich people in today's society?

Fame and wealth will not be brought to you in life and will not be taken away in death. If you blindly ask for them, you will only lose everything.

Don't end up like Zhang Xuecheng. Not only will you be in disgrace for eternity, but you will also lose the woman you love most.

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