Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 458 The Broken Statue of Guan Gong

Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, you will always be the most handsome in my heart."

I asked Li Mazi: "How about it? Do you want to play a supporting role?"

Li Mazi laughed loudly: "It's great to be affectionate on TV. Show me a more positive face later. Xiaomeng will also have face when she goes to school! Not everyone's father can make TV series."

"Then I'll talk to the director later." Yin Xinyue nodded.

"By the way, where should we stay tonight?" Li Mazi asked.

"In the evening, there will be a bus to pick up the crew to stay in the hotel. If you want to stay here, you can live here, but the houses are all empty." Yin Xinyue said.

"Where was the original person who lived here?" Li Mazi asked.

"We have moved temporarily. The crew rented out the entire town for filming! I often go to various parts of the country to film, so it's no problem. It just depends on you two." Yin Xinyue looked at me and Li Mazi with a smile.

I think it’s too much trouble to travel back and forth by car just to get some sleep. If there are beds and quilts in the town, I can spend the night here.

Team leader Xu parked his car in front of a barn, which was a temporary warehouse for storing props. He called a few people to help move the antiques and started working on the props tonight.

We didn't bother and went straight to the director. On the way we saw a large dry pool with a cordon around it, so we asked Yin Xinyue: "What happened here?"

"It's nothing, just found a few corpses." Yin Xinyue said.

"Huh?" I was shocked.

"It's not what you think. The pond suddenly dried up two days ago. There were several skeletons in the mud at the bottom of the pond that had been dead for many years. The crew called the police. After investigation, they found that they were dead bodies from hundreds of years ago. , and some cultural relics were discovered." Yin Xinyue quickly explained.

"Maybe it's the body of a tomb robber?" Li Mazi said next to him.

I stopped and observed the trend of the nearby mountains. This place has good Feng Shui and is a good treasure land, so I asked Yin Xinyue: "What are the surnames of most people in this town?"

"They all have the surname Gao!" Yin Xinyue replied.

I instantly came to the conclusion that the residents of this town were probably the descendants of the tomb keeper. In ancient times, when you were a tomb keeper, the court would issue many benefits, such as tax exemptions and various subsidies, so a town gradually formed.

The water pool suddenly dried up, which was definitely not a good sign. I thought to myself, if something went wrong again, we would really be like Conan, and something would happen wherever we go.

Yin Xinyue took us to the director and gave us a brief introduction. Of course, he did not mention our true identities, only that we were antique dealers.

The director readily agreed to the rental matter, and then asked me: "Boss Zhang has been doing antiques for so many years, has he done any research on some strange antiques?"

I heard something in his words, frowned and asked, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"It's the kind that can change a person's destiny." The director said somewhat mysteriously.

Isn't this just a vaginal thing? I immediately became interested: "I have done some research on this!"

"That's great." He said excitedly: "Can you help me see something?"

After I agreed, the director took us to a small room. I saw a shrine on the table, but there was no statue of the god. He took out a red cloth bag from the drawer and opened it. Inside was a broken statue of Mr. Guan.

"This is an antique that my master gave me back then. It is very effective. Thanks to its blessing, I have filmed several movies in the past few years and they have sold well. But it suddenly broke two days ago. I am worried that it is nothing. Good sign!" the director said worriedly.

"When did it break?" I asked.

"After the opening ceremony, I didn't dare to tell everyone because I was afraid that the morale of the troops would be unstable." The director said.

I took the fragment of Guan Erye's statue and played with it in the palm of my hand. Judging from the cross-section, this statue is only a few years old. It is just a modern industrial product. The director actually treats it as a treasure. I think most of it is psychological.

But it is indeed not a good thing that Master Guan Er is broken into pieces. This shows that there is something powerful and evil nearby that even the Martial Saint Guan Yu cannot suppress.

"Has anything strange happened to the crew recently?" I asked.

"Something strange..." the director thought for a moment and said, "Nothing strange, but something unexpected happened. The originally scheduled male lead had a car accident two days ago and broke his leg. So I had no choice but to let the second male lead be the male lead. .”

"Why haven't I heard about it?" Yin Xinyue asked in surprise.

"Ms. Yin happened to be away at the time."

"All these things happened after the water pool was destroyed?" I quickly found the crux of the problem.

"Yes, yes, that's it." The director nodded repeatedly, and his eyes changed when he looked at me, as if he was facing an old god who knew everything.

I had an idea in my mind, so I took out a business card from my pocket and handed it over and said, "To be honest, I'm in this business."

The director held the business card and was confused for a while: "Excuse me, what is a vagina?"

I explained it to him, and the director was immediately overjoyed and said that his Guan Erye was a feint, and he hoped I could fix it.

I was a bit dumbfounded. First of all, this was not a feint at all, and secondly, I didn’t know how to repair the statue. But I know that the psychological effect is powerful, especially since this drama has just been filmed, and it cannot damage the morale of the military.

So I coaxed him and said that I could find a way to put Mr. Guan's spirit in another statue, which would also bless the success of his play. The director was very grateful.

After leaving, Li Mazi said sarcastically: "This director is so funny. He treats a street vendor as a treasure. If this can be considered an antique, my kimchi jar is a nationally protected cultural relic..."

"Let's go to town early tomorrow morning and buy some things." I said calmly.

"Brother Zhang, you're out of town now. I'll just buy whatever you need." Li Mazi guaranteed.

"No, I want to inquire about something by the way!" I said.

We ate in a big courtyard in the evening. The chef of the crew prepared a large table of dishes, but Li Mazi and I didn't know anyone well, so we had to sit next to Yin Xinyue.

Everyone present was the main creative staff. None of the actors came. A group of men drank some wine and boasted about which big names they had worked with before. Later, they started to pick up some news in the entertainment industry. They were all explosive and refreshing. It gave me a better understanding of certain directors and stars.

"The entertainment industry is so exciting." I said to Yin Xinyue.

"Celebrities are also ordinary people. No one is perfect. How can there be no shortcomings? I am here today, so they are embarrassed to talk about more exciting things." Yin Xinyue said with a slight smile.

"Then honey, do you want to go to the bathroom?" I teased.

"Fuck you!" Yin Xinyue smiled and punched me.

After dinner, a stage manager took us to a private house with two bedrooms. The environment was quite good, but there was not much entertainment at night, so we turned off the lights and went to bed early.

Li Mazi and I slept in the same room. He drank too much and soon started snoring, making me unable to sleep. At this time, Yin Xinyue sent a text message: "Brother Zhang, come here quickly!"

I quickly put on my clothes and went to her room. Yin Xinyue was wrapped in a quilt and her face was pale. She said that after she fell asleep, she felt something blowing on her face. She woke up in a fright, and then heard the footsteps disappearing in the room. outside the door.

I glanced out the window. There was the pool outside. There was probably something bad. Yin Xinyue hugged me and said, "I'm so scared. Brother Zhang, please stay with me."

"Okay! I'll go back to my house to get something." I said.

Yin Xinyue wouldn't let me go, so I turned on the light and saw a bag of salt on the shelf, which had become wet and caked. I poured the salt out, crushed it, and sprinkled it on the door frame and window sill.

Then he found a kerosene lamp, wiped a little soot on the glass cover with his fingers, and rubbed it on Yin Xinyue's left and right shoulders and between his eyebrows.

I undressed and lay next to Yin Xinyue, and she asked weakly: "Is this okay?"

"Okay, even if there are lonely ghosts, they will still walk around this house, but..."

I was just about to say that I might go find Li Mazi, when I heard Li Mazi's scream: "Fuck, help, there's a ghost!"

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