Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 459: Chili water, cure wild ghosts

Li Mazi rushed in with bared teeth, saw Yin Xinyue and I lying on the bed, and cursed angrily: "Brother Zhang, you are so unloyal, you slept with a big beauty in your arms, and left me alone in that room! "

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Li Mazi said that a cold hand touched his face just now. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw a pale man wearing ancient silk clothes lying on the bed. He was so frightened that he crawled on the ground and fled to this house.

I just noticed that he didn't even have any shoes on, and he was really embarrassed.

"Ancient silk clothes?"

I understood it all at once, and suddenly I wanted to curse. This house was not clean, and it was only given to us because no one from the crew lived in it.

I told Li Mazi that these ghosts might be the skeletons in the pool. The water pool itself has extremely strong Yin, which makes them trapped in it for hundreds of years and cannot be reincarnated. They have great resentment, so they will cause trouble everywhere after the water pool dries up.

"What should we do tonight?" Li Mazi asked.

"Yeah, we can't sleep in the same room. Let's go out and take a look and think of a way to get rid of them!" After saying that, I took Li Mazi back to the house to get dressed and asked Yin Xinyue to come find us later. Because I went out to play, I only brought the Sirius Whip and a few talismans with me.

I was going to find something from the local materials, and Li Mazi followed me nervously. I found a large iron pot in the kitchen, put it on the ground, scraped off some of the ash from the bottom of the pot with a kitchen knife, wrapped it in paper and put it in my pocket. .

There were several bunches of dried chili peppers and garlic hanging under the eaves. I took a bunch of each for Li Mazi to hold. I also found a wood-chopping knife, which was better than nothing, so I also took it with me.

Li Mazi teased me: "Taijun, there are still flowers girls doing in the house."

"Why hasn't Yin Xinyue come yet?"

I looked into the room and saw that the lights were out and Yin Xinyue hadn't come out yet, and my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

I rushed into the bedroom and found that we had inadvertently trampled on the line drawn with salt on the ground when we entered and exited. The window was wide open, and Yin Xinyue walked towards the pool without saying a word, as if she was possessed by a ghost.

I shouted several times, but she ignored me. I had just jumped out of the window to save her when a pair of cold hands suddenly touched my face. The hairs on my back stood up and I became furious.

"You asked for this! Li Mazi, pass me a bottle of mineral water!"

Li Mazi quickly took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to me through the window.

I asked him for some dried chili peppers and garlic, crushed them into pieces, put them in water, shook them, took a bite in my mouth and sprayed them into the air!

In an instant, there was a figure in the mist that seemed to be on fire, with flames emanating from his body. He made a shrill and strange cry and floated into the woods before disappearing.

Li Mazi also saw this scene and said dumbfounded: "Brother Zhang, this is amazing. This is the first time I know that pepper has such effects!"

I didn't have time to explain now, so I took another sip of water and sprayed it on the hatchet, once on both sides. After taking two sips of the chili water, my mouth felt so spicy that it felt like it was burning.

When Li Mazi and I rushed to the edge of the pool, we saw Yin Xinyue squatting under the pool, picking something on the wet mud with her hands, her expression empty.

The two of us jumped to the bottom of the dry pool. Li Mazi suddenly patted me and pointed around, only to see some fresh footprints on the wet mud. Looking carefully, there were two people wearing ancient clothes walking around there, lowering their heads as if they were looking for something.

I gave Li Mazi the mineral water, took out the Sirius whip from my arms, and swung it in that direction. The two ghosts were immediately scared away.

I walked up to Yin Xinyue and scratched her front and back with a hatchet a few times. Yin Xinyue suddenly woke up and asked in surprise: "Brother Zhang, why am I digging in the mud here?"

"You are possessed." I said with a solemn expression.

"What?" Yin Xinyue's eyes widened.

At this time, Li Mazi came over and said, "This pool is too evil. Let's report it to the director tomorrow and ask someone to fill it in!"

"If you fill it out, those lonely ghosts won't even have a place to live. Why don't they go around harassing people? Look at the back." I pointed my hand behind Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue.

The two of them looked in the direction of my finger and saw three wild ghosts walking around aimlessly. They couldn't see the ghosts, but they could see the sudden appearance of footprints on the ground. Of course, the footprints were very shallow and disappeared quickly. …

Two wild ghosts bumped into each other while walking, and they actually started fighting, leaving some messy marks on the quagmire. Li Mazi asked, "What's going on?"

"They were looking for something. I should say they were fighting for something. I guess the three tomb robbers plotted against each other because they were competing for a burial object, and they died here in the end." I said.

"What treasure is worthy of them thinking about for so long? It's really sad that they are still thinking about it even after it's dead!" Li Mazi said with emotion.

I touched my face. Why would that ghost touch someone's face?

Could it be that he was repeating his actions before death, trying to touch something on the corpse's face?

I glanced at the mountains behind me, and I had an idea, but I wasn't sure yet.

"Go back!" I waved my hand and said.

These three were just incompetent brats, not even worth wasting my Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman, so I burned the chili pepper and garlic into ashes, then sprinkled a little salt on them, which made me choke to tears while burning, and then used the ashes on A circle was drawn around the house.

Although protective measures were taken, Yin Xinyue still didn't dare to sleep alone and insisted on my company. Li Mazi didn't dare to be alone, so I gave him the hatchet and told him to press it under the pillow, promising that nothing would happen to him, which was actually to coax him.

I woke up early the next day and sat in the yard in a daze. After Yin Xinyue woke up, she came out and said to me, "Don't you want to go to the county to inquire about something?"

"You said that after the bones and cultural relics were found in the pond, the crew called the police. When the police station took away the cultural relics, did they leave any photos?" I asked.

"I don't know about this. How about I help you find out on the set?" Yin Xinyue asked.

I said "Forget it", I was just remembering them blindly. If those cultural relics were really taken away by the police station, it would be useless for me to just remember them.

At eight o'clock, we had breakfast provided by the crew and went to a nearby county together. As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the town, a black RV drove in and stopped on the side of the road. It was probably an actor's private car.

The car door opened, and a tall, thin man jumped out, wearing a pink shirt and tight jeans, with sunglasses pinned to his collar. The way he dresses and every move he makes gives people a very feminine feeling.

"Hey, isn't that who it is?" Li Mazi slapped his forehead and said in surprise: "Yi Xi, you have acted in many TV series."

"He is the leading male lead in this drama." Yin Xinyue introduced.

Yi Xi walked towards us with a smile. I smelled a scent of perfume on him. He raised his orchid fingers like a girl and said hello: "Hello, sister Yin, long time no see. I miss you so much."

"Long time no see. What have you been busy with recently?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"Just busy! These two are..."

Yin Xinyue immediately introduced Li Mazi and me. When she heard that I was Yin Xinyue's fiancé, Yi Xi instantly showed a look of disgust: "Sister Yin, you said you have such good conditions, who can't you choose? Why did you choose someone who smells like copper? Antique dealer, does your family lack that little money?"

I was furious at that time. Regardless of whether I am a celebrity or not, it is too unqualified to harm someone in person, right? So he replied: "How much do you know about me? Don't you think it's a bit rude to make random comments like this?"

"Oops!" He reached out and patted my shoulder: "Mr. Zhang, please don't take it seriously. Do you have paper and pen? Can I give you a signature as an apology?"

My cheeks twitched. Who is this person? He feels too good about himself!

Yin Xinyue said quickly: "We have to go to the county town to do some things, so we'll leave first."

"Okay, okay, see you later on the set."

Before leaving, Yi Xi even winked at Yin Xinyue, thinking I didn't see it, but in fact I saw it all.

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