Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 460 King Lanling

Yin Xinyue explained to me embarrassedly: "We have filmed together before, and we are just ordinary friends. Don't get me wrong."

"I will not."

Although I said this, in my heart I still felt that this grandson's publicity was a bit annoying! But it doesn’t matter, since it’s impossible for me to interact with such people anyway.

Li Mazi said: "Why do I think this person is a bit girly? Is he a shemale?"

"Shhhhh!" Yin Xinyue motioned to Li Mazi to keep his voice down: "Don't say it in front of him. He is very taboo about this. Once, because an assistant joked that he was not manly enough, he got angry and went on strike for a week, causing the producer losses. Hundreds of thousands.”

We took a minibus to the county seat and bought some daily necessities, including a pound of eel, a rooster, yellow paper, and coarse salt. I saw someone selling ink rope for carpenters, so I bought one. Regarding what happened last night, I think it's better to be prepared.

Then I invited a statue of Guan Erye, which was brought to the director.

I asked the old man selling statues in front of the temple what royal relatives and nobles had been buried here before. He said proudly: "You can ask this now. We have good mountains and rivers here. I heard that King Lanling was buried in the mountains. !”

The man selling roasted sweet potatoes next to him scolded: "Don't listen to his nonsense. The tomb of Prince Lanling is in Ci County. When did he come here?"

The two started arguing in dialect, and we couldn't get a word in, so we quietly walked away.

Along the way, I confidently said to Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue: "The thing those three ghosts were looking for last night might be the mask of King Lanling! That's why they touch people's faces everywhere."

King Lanling's real name is Gao Changgong. He was the royal family of the Northern Qi Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and a famous general in history.

It is said that he was born with a "soft appearance, a strong heart, and a beautiful voice and appearance". Every time he went out, he would cause thousands of girls to carnival. He was a famous handsome man in history. But after all, he is a general who leads troops to fight. Being so good-looking not only fails to suppress his soldiers, but also makes the enemy laugh, thinking that Northern Qi has no one, so they find a pretty boy to fight.

So when he fought, he would wear a ferocious ghost mask. In a famous battle, when Northern Qi was surrounded by enemy armies, he led five hundred people to fight out of the city, killing gods and Buddhas at sight. Buddha! The soldiers guarding the city didn't know who he was at first. It wasn't until he took off his mask that they realized he was King Lanling. Their morale was immediately boosted and they killed the enemy troops to pieces.

Later, the soldiers used a song to praise King Lanling's unparalleled power in the world. This is the famous "Song of King Lanling Entering the Battle". To this day, the Japanese still regard "The Song of King Lanling Entering the Battle" as the treasure of the museum, and call King Lanling: The Beautiful Demon King.

The life of King Lanling is very legendary, and he is also very well-known among the people. He was even made into a TV series a few years ago. Ordinary people may not know which dynasty the Northern Qi Dynasty was in, but they must have heard of King Lanling!

"Brother Zhang, are you sure?" Li Mazi asked excitedly.

"Nine times out of ten, and I think the mask should not be in the police station now." I said.

Li Mazi asked me how I judged it. I analyzed that if the mask of King Lanling had been discovered, it would have been widely publicized in newspapers. I usually pay attention to this kind of news, but I have never mentioned it.

Either the mask is still in the mountains, or it fell into the hands of someone on the crew.

I prefer the latter!

"But didn't the sweet potato seller say that the tomb of Prince Lanling is in Ci County?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"That might just be a suspicious tomb of King Lanling. Moreover, there are errors everywhere in the history books. I believe that seeing is believing! Anyway, after we get back to the set, we may be more careful. Maybe we can find out something." I said.

Li Mazi said happily: "I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains after going out to play. It seems that we will go out for more walks in the future."

"There's nothing wrong with the horoscope, so don't get too happy yet."

We had lunch in the county town before going back to the set. When we went back in the afternoon, we saw people coming and going in the town. They were all modern people wearing ancient costumes. I was surprised. What was going on? It turns out that filming has already started, and these are all extras.

Yi Xi was dressed in ancient costume and acted opposite several other actors in a small wine shop. Although my first impression of him was not very good, his acting was indeed very professional and completely different from his private temperament.

In this scene, several enemies come to avenge the protagonist's father. They happen to meet the protagonist in a wine shop. The protagonist plans to teach these people a lesson and play tricks on them there.

When the conversation reached its climax, Yi Xi flipped the table and pulled out his sword. I thought I was going to fight, but the director shouted "click". Yin Xinyue said that stand-ins were used in all fight scenes, and Yi Xi never did it by himself.

The assistant who was waiting next to him hurried over, put on his clothes and wiped off his sweat. Yi Xi opened the mineral water and took a sip, then sneered: "Director, who are these people you invited? Do they know how to act? Acting against such people. I’m embarrassed.”

I really admire this guy, he has two faces on and off the screen, he can switch between them easily.

Several of the supporting characters who were accused looked unhappy. Since Yi Xi was a big name, they couldn't say anything. Only one person muttered something in a low voice.

When Yi Xi heard this, he smashed the mineral water in his hand, pointed at the man and cursed: "You are a free agent, what did you say about me just now? Don't you want to be in the film and television industry?"

The supporting actor blushed and said, "Be more careful with your mouth. What do you mean by playing a part-time role? Who is the protagonist from the beginning? We are all actors, why should we be looked down upon by you? Besides, how did your protagonist come to be?" Yes, only you know it in your heart."

Yi Xi's face instantly darkened: "Say it again!"

When he said this, he seemed to change into a different face for an instant. This is not a metaphor, I really seemed to see another face on his face, a very ferocious grimace.

The director and producer hurriedly went up to smooth things over. A man in a suit took Yi Xi away and comforted him. He acted intimately and seemed to have a good relationship, but Yi Xi had an angry look on his face.

"Who is that?" I asked Yin Xinyue.

"Xiao Song is Yi Xi's manager." Yin Xinyue replied.

After a short break, the filming started again. A stand-in, wearing the same costume as Yi Xi, was fighting with the supporting characters. Yi Xi was chatting and laughing with his agent nearby, without even watching.

After filming this scene, Yi Xi came on stage, added a few close-ups, and edited them later to make it look like he was fighting.

I roughly calculated that the scene in the wine shop may only be shown on TV for five minutes, but it would take more than two hours to shoot. Not counting the preliminary preparations, shooting for TV is indeed not easy.

The director shouted "Ka" and said to take a break, and the actors immediately walked out. Suddenly there was a loud bang in the studio, and then there was the heart-rending scream of one person.

Everyone ran towards there. It turned out that the rocker of a camera suddenly broke, and the camera weighing dozens of kilograms hit an actor without any bias. This actor was the supporting actor who had just had a verbal dispute with Yi Xi.

Yi Xi stood in the wine shop, slowly opened the mineral water and took a sip, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and I saw a ferocious grimace on his face again.

I am extremely sure that there is something wrong with this person!

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