Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 465 Crazy Yi Xi

Yin Xinyue said that Yi Xi was wearing the mask of King Lanling and holding a knife to hurt people everywhere in the town. He had already cut several people.

"Go out and take a look!" I said hurriedly, and warned them both: "Bring something to protect yourself."

Yin Xinyue was about to get a pitchfork, but I said it was too dangerous, so she changed it to a bamboo pole for drying clothes.

After we went out, Li Mazi came over. My eyes almost popped out when I saw his appearance. He had a tin bucket on his head and a large pot lid in each hand.

"With such a heavy thing, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to run away later?" I asked.

Li Mazi thought what I said made sense and gave me a big pot lid.

When we came outside, we saw the crew and some extras running for their lives in a panic. They all panicked and almost knocked us down. Then I saw Team Leader Xu being carried away by two young men. He seemed to be seriously injured.

I went over and asked him what was wrong, and he said he accidentally sprained his foot when he was running. Then he gave me a paper bag: "This is what you want, Mr. Zhang, can the three of you handle it? Do you want it?" Call the police?"

"Don't call the police yet. If the police intervene, it will only make things worse." I thought for a while and said.

Yi Xi is an artist after all. If this kind of thing is exposed by the media, his stardom will be ruined.

"Why did he suddenly go crazy?" I asked.

"I don't know, but he suddenly ran into the crew and killed people, and I couldn't stop him..." Team Leader Xu said with lingering fear.

I asked them to leave first and call him if I needed anything. Team Leader Xu repeatedly agreed.

I put the paper bag back into the house first and walked towards the town with Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi. I saw Yi Xi rushing out of an alley with a mask on his face and a bloody kitchen knife in his hand. , there was a vague black energy lingering around him, giving people a murderous feeling, and even I felt terrified.

"Who dares to look down on me! I will kill you all!"

Yi Xi roared with a hoarse voice and walked towards us. Li Mazi said with a sigh: "Who is looking down on him again? This kid has too much self-esteem."

I shouted loudly: "Yixi, Yi Shuaiyi, we have always respected you and we stand with you! If you have any dissatisfaction, just tell us and we can help you solve it."

"Hmph, if you dare to look down on me, I will kill you!"

He rushed over waving a kitchen knife, his eyes under the mask were blood red. I don't know what stimulated him and made him so crazy.

"No, I can't explain to this kid, run away!" Li Mazi said tremblingly.

"Run away, sister! Li Mazi, let's fight from the front. Yin Xinyue, use the bamboo pole to knock the knife out of his hand." I ordered.

So Li Mazi and I were in front, holding the pot lid and slowly approaching him. Yin Xinyue stood between us, just like the formation in the past when we were marching and fighting.

"How many times can this wooden pot lid be stabbed?" Li Mazi muttered.

"Stop being a coward, the longer you delay, the worse it will get!" I cursed.

At this moment, Yi Xi ran over with a roar, raised his kitchen knife and slashed at my pot lid, which made my arms numb. Yin Xinyue hit his wrist and back of hand with a bamboo pole.

Yi Xi got angry and wanted to knock us away and kill Yin Xinyue. I yelled and asked Li Mazi to block him.

We clamped him tightly on the left and right, and Yi Xi struggled to get his right hand out of the gap and slashed in mid-air. The blood-stained blade was scratching up and down a few centimeters away from my face.

Yin Xinyue turned the back of his hand blue, but Yi Xi just refused to let go! There was a sudden crash, and the bamboo pole was cut open. The bamboo slices scratched Yi Xi's hand, causing blood to flow.

"No, Brother Zhang, he's holding it too tightly!" Yin Xinyue was so anxious that she almost cried.

We both couldn't hold it anymore. Yi Xi's strength was unbelievable. He made a huffing sound from under the mask, like a crazy beast.

I freed up one hand, took off the iron bucket from Li Mazi's head, and looked for an opportunity to cover Yi Xi's hand holding the knife.

"Hold him down!"

I shouted, put my whole weight on Yi Xi, and pushed him to the ground.

I asked Li Mazi to knock off his knife quickly, and Li Mazi hit his wrist with the lid of the pot. After a few hits, he stopped and asked me: "What if there is a discount?"

"It's a discount, it's a discount, I can't worry about it anymore!"

As I said that, I reached out to take off his mask, but Yi Xi struggled hard and his head kept shaking. I couldn't touch the mask for a long time.

There was only a clang sound, and Yi Xi finally let go of the kitchen knife. I asked Li Mazi to hold his head quickly.

The two of us worked together and finally stabilized Yi Xi. When I took off the mask, I saw Yi Xi's eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes and foaming at the mouth. He opened his mouth and bit me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and he only bit me. Got to the sleeves.

With a crash, he actually tore off half of my sleeve.

"Something's wrong!" I said in surprise, "The mask has obviously been taken off!"

"Brother Zhang, what should we do now?" Yin Xinyue said.

I threw the mask to Yin Xinyue and told her to go find Team Leader Xu and bring more manpower. It seemed that we couldn't wait until night, so we had to suppress the Lanling King Mask now!

I took out a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman from my arms, and didn’t care whether it would work or not, so I put one on it first. As a result, Yi Xi opened his mouth and bit it, chewed it for a few times and swallowed it.

"Brother, this seems different from what we have dealt with before." Li Mazi said worriedly.

"He is not possessed, but has lost his mind. Someone must have stimulated him, and it was quite a stimulation!" I said with a frown.

Yi Xi struggled fiercely, and soon we were exhausted. Li Mazi said, "Isn't this kid tired? Should we knock him out?"

"Are you sure? Don't break him." I said.

"Let me give it a try." Li Mazi said eagerly.

"This kind of thing is not for fun!" I smiled bitterly.

Li Mazi asked me to hold Yi Xi down, and he bent down to pick up the pot lid and hit someone. Unexpectedly, Yi Xi suddenly pushed us away, got up and ran away.

"Oops, chase me!" Li Mazi and I chased after him immediately.

But Yi Xi ran so fast that he chased her through a few alleys before disappearing. At this time, Yin Xinyue called and said that she had brought someone over and was waiting for us where we left just now.

"One more thing, I seem to know why he went crazy..." Yin Xinyue said excitedly on the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"You search his name on the Internet!"

I hung up the phone and searched for the word Yi Xi on my mobile phone. The web pages were full of words like "Yixi is gay" and "Yixi kissed a man." I widened my eyes in disbelief. This was simply unbelievable for Yi Xi. It's a devastating blow!

And it happened to be at this juncture. If it wasn't a coincidence, then someone must have wanted to destroy Yi Xi.

At this time, I heard some noise and looked towards Li Mazi. He was also searching with his mobile phone, looking very enthusiastic. He thought I was looking at him, and immediately said angrily: "You don't doubt that I was the one who spread the scandal, do you? Although I don't agree with homosexuality, I know the seriousness and will never talk nonsense!"

While Li Mazi was talking, Yi Xi appeared from the roof behind Li Mazi with a fierce look. I shouted: "Be careful behind you!"

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