Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 466: The method of provoking generals

Just as Li Mazi was about to turn around and look, Yi Xi jumped down from the roof, jumped on him, and opened his mouth to bite him.

"Damn it, little brother Zhang, please save me!"

Li Mazi cried and pushed him hard with my hands. I quickly took out the Sirius Whip and slapped Yi Xi on the back several times, but he wouldn't let go of Li Mazi.

I can brag about this glorious deed of beating and whipping a star until my grandson is born, but of course I have to live until then.

Yi Xi's grinning mouth kept drooling, and he was about to bite Li Mazi's throat. Li Mazi shouted so loudly that his voice was almost out of tune. I was so cruel that I stabbed my friend in every possible way and shouted instantly.

"Yixi, you shameless fagot!"

Yi Xi suddenly stopped, her bloodshot eyes widened, looking straight at me, and then slowly straightened up.

Being stared at by that ferocious look, I felt hairy all over my body and quickly backed away. When Yi Xi rushed over, I ran away.

Yi Xi chased after me desperately, breathing heavily like a beast, getting closer and closer to me. I held the Sirius Whip in my hand, and as soon as I turned around, Yi Xi rushed over and pressed me down heavily.

I stuffed the Sirius Whip into his mouth, Yi Xi bit it loudly, and drool fell on my neck drop by drop. The leather of the Sirius Whip was very tough and could not be broken by human teeth.

But the face so close at hand was too terrifying, and his nails dug deeply into my shoulders, pushing me to the ground unable to move. I don’t know how long I can resist this madman.

At this time, Li Mazi ran over from behind and was startled by the scene: "Brother Zhang, are you okay?"

"What do you think? Find a way!" I yelled.

"I'm going to call someone right now..."

"Come back!"

Li Mazi turned back and said helplessly: "I can't help here."

"Do you have any knives, nails or anything on you?" I asked.

Li Mazi looked for it and said, "I have a pair of small folding scissors."

"Okay, I'll try my best to stabilize him now. You prick his shoulders and between his eyebrows. Make sure to bleed!" I ordered.

"Isn't this bad..." Li Mazi hesitated.

"I'm going to be bitten to death soon!" I cursed.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right now." Li Mazi quickly took out the small scissors.

I heard my grandpa say that when a person suffers from losing heart madness, the three yang fires in his body are contaminated by evil things. Yi Xi's current state is similar to losing heart madness. I am also in a hurry to seek medical treatment.

So I started to recite the Tao Te Ching. Li Mazi touched Yi Xi from behind and pricked Yi Xi's shoulder. He actually didn't feel any pain at all.

After pricking both sides, Li Mazi carefully walked around to the side and said, "I'm sorry, Handsome Yi." He held the scissors in his hand and stared at them for a long time without daring to start. Good to urge him.

Li Mazi pierced Yi Xi's eyebrow with a pair of scissors. For a moment, Yi Xi's bloodshot eyes gradually became normal, then he rolled his eyes upward and fainted.

Yi Xi was not in good health to begin with. An evil spirit controlled her mind and stretched her physical strength to the limit, so she went into shock as soon as the Yang Fire was extinguished.

I pushed him away carefully and breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that my body was already wet with cold sweat.

"Come, let's take him away." I said to Li Mazi.

"What if I wake up?" Li Mazi asked.

"No, hurry up."

We lifted Yi Xi up head by foot. When we returned to the house, Yin Xinyue and Team Leader Xu were waiting anxiously. Seeing us carrying the unconscious Yi Xi back, Yin Xinyue said in surprise: "Brother Zhang, how did you deal with him?"

"He almost couldn't come back. Come here, lend a hand and carry him into the house." I said breathlessly.

The two young men took Yi Xi, and I asked Team Leader Xu: "Did anyone get killed?"

"No, 120 came just now and took away a few injured people. They were all fine." Team Leader Xu said thankfully.

"That's good!"

Yi Xi was placed in the hall. I asked them to move the tables, chairs and benches. Then I took out the rooster I bought yesterday from the kitchen, killed it in the yard, took a large bowl of hot rooster blood, and poured it all into the ink rope box. .

I asked a young man to help me and flicked a lot of ink strings on the floor, walls and Yi Xi's body. The ink strings were originally used by carpenters because they could pop out straight lines, which represented 'straight', and gradually they became a tool to ward off evil spirits. Props, not to mention cock blood.

Soon the whole room was filled with red threads. Considering Yi Xi’s current situation, I’m afraid I can’t go as planned. I immediately asked everyone: “Are there any people who were born in the year of Ox?”

A young man came forward and said I was.

I asked him to put on the ancient woman's clothes and the mask of King Lanling. The young man was reluctant at first because everyone could see how evil this mask was. I told him it didn't matter, it was just because his destiny was similar to that of King Lanling, so I was just a temporary substitute.

When the young man heard this, he stopped doing it. I quietly tempted him and said, "I'll give you something that can make you rich later."

"Seriously?" The young man's eyes lit up.

"I won't lie to you."

"Then you have to keep me safe!"

"I can swear that nothing will happen to you." I nodded.

The young man then took off his coat, put on the woman's clothes, and put on his mask. I asked him to sit in the middle of the yard. It was already dusk and there was no sunlight.

Then I asked others to arrange the little clay figures and horses we had made before, all facing the big mountain behind the town.

After it was done, I took out the bag of cinders, sprinkled it on the young man, and repeatedly recited a mantra to invite the spirit. The others watched silently, not daring to make a sound.

I did this to stir up the ghost of King Lanling and make him return to his tomb! In this way, the effectiveness of the mask will be greatly reduced, and Yi Xi will be out of danger.

Calling a 'substitute' to wear women's clothes is tantamount to calling Prince Lanling a woman, and the cinders stepped on by thousands of people are very low-level things, which is tantamount to humiliating him in disguise.

To deal with Yin objects, sometimes you need to use provocation methods, and sometimes you need to use diversion methods. No one method is the best, only the right medicine can be used.

About ten minutes later, the stand-in guy started twitching and making weird noises from his throat. Suddenly his voice changed: "Ignorant rat, you actually humiliated me!"

Then he stood up. Everyone was so frightened that they quickly backed away. I motioned them to be silent.

He lowered his head and saw the woman's clothes he was wearing. This outfit probably made him feel very ashamed. He looked at the clay figures and horses again and cursed: "Wait until I lead an army of thousands and take your dog's life!"

A cloud of black energy emerged from the body of the stand-in, swirled around his body, and finally left the top of his head and attached itself to the clay figures and horses.

The clay figures and horses shook one after another and scattered on the ground. I followed them outside the door and saw a wisp of dark wind passing over the village and heading straight for the mountain.

"Okay, I've sent you off!" I said happily.

I returned to the yard and the stand-in guy fainted on the ground. I took off the mask from his face and flicked it with an ink rope a few times to ensure that the ghost would not come back again.

After a while, the young man woke up and had no memory of what had just happened. Of course, he had no unusual feelings. The onlookers were also shocked by this scene and expressed their admiration for my method.

"Brother Zhang, Xiao Yi is awake!" At this time, Yin Xinyue came out of the room and said to me.

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