Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 467 Despicable Agent

When we came to the house, we saw Yi Xi sitting up, her eyes dull, and she kept asking for a drink of water.

I brought him a bottle of mineral water to drink. After taking a few sips, he looked around at everyone and suddenly started crying while hugging Yin Xinyue: "Sister Yin, what should I do? My dream of being an actor is completely ruined."

I haven't looked at the news on the Internet carefully, so I took out my phone and browsed it. It said that an anonymous person leaked information to many media this morning, and there were also some photos, which were intimate photos of Yi Xi and some men. They were simply unsightly. .

Regardless of whether he likes men or women, his private life is too messy, right?

These photos could not have been taken on the same day. They must have been saved by someone over a long period of time. This was someone who deliberately wanted to discredit him.

I immediately thought of one person in my mind and asked, "Is there anything wrong with your agent today?"

"Xiao Song? He said this morning that he had to leave for something..." Halfway through, Yi Xi's face changed drastically: "Asshole, he was the one who harmed me! I'm going to kill him!"

He was still very weak and struggled to stand up before sitting back down.

He had just calmed down, and I was worried that something might happen to him again, so I said, "Calm down first. Didn't I ask my agent to hold this mask? Why did you put it on again?"

"I don't know. I took a nap in the car. When I woke up, he was gone. The mask was in a bag and placed on the driver's seat. Then the agency called me and told me something happened. There was a lot of negative news about me on the Internet. , when I saw it, my head suddenly went blank..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "Then I heard a lot of people on the set talking and laughing about me. I hated it so much that I put on the mask, and I couldn't remember anything about what happened next."

This was obviously intentional, so I said to Yi Xi: "Just rest here for now, let's go find your agent and confront him face to face, okay?"

Yi Xi agreed. Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi and I came to the entrance of the town. Because of what happened in the afternoon, the crew was all hiding here, like frightened birds. I asked the director where Yi Xi's agent was. He said he didn't know.

"Didn't I tell you to coax him to order? Why are you talking about him behind his back when there is such big news?" I said angrily.

The director looked innocent: "I have been filming all afternoon. There are hundreds of people in the crew, and I can't control everyone's mouths."

I said forget it and came to the place where Yi Xi parked the car. The door of the RV was open and a letter was thrown on the driver's seat with Yi Xi's name written on it. I was about to open it when Yin Xinyue stopped me: "Isn't this bad? If he knows that you opened his letter privately, he will be even more angry."

"What if there is something outrageous in the letter? Let me read it first." I said.

I opened the letter, and it was a resignation letter. It listed Yi Xi's flirting with women outside, her agent cleaning up the mess every time, and the tangled emotional experiences between the two.

This agent also hated Yi Xi out of love, and finally came up with this trick to destroy him. Just imagine if Yi Xi killed someone today, the police would not care about the evil things. He would either go to jail or go to a lunatic asylum. Let alone continue to be a star in the future, he would not even be able to live an ordinary life. Besides, Yi Xi has always lived a good life. Living a superior life, this gap is simply more painful than death.

Fortunately, we handled it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Xiao Yi's private life is too unprincipled." Yin Xinyue frowned and said, "But this manager has gone too far."

Just letting him run away like this made me feel a little bit unhappy.

After we went back, we didn’t mention the letter to Yi Xi. We only said that the manager personally admitted that he did it and resigned. Yi Xi’s teeth itched with hatred: “I’m usually so nice to him, but I didn’t expect him to stab me in the back.” !”

He held his head: "If such a big thing happens, what should I do in the future?"

Yin Xinyue comforted him and said, "Actually, I don't think it's a big deal. You've been hiding it yourself and taking it too seriously. Many celebrities have come out openly and their popularity has become higher than before. Why don't you just transform?"

Yi Xi sighed: "It's too hard for us to eat this bowl of rice."

I said: "You should pay more attention to your private life in the future. Celebrities live under a magnifying glass. Ordinary people can just be casual. Celebrities are different. To get such a halo, you must have a spirit of sacrifice, right?" "

Yi Xi looked at me with tears in her eyes, stretched out a hand and put it on my shoulder: "Boss Zhang, thank you for helping me, can you stay with me?"

"Uh, um..." I looked at Yin Xinyue. She was trying her best to hold back her laughter: "I still have something to deal with, so I'll leave first."

The incident finally passed. We stayed on the set for a few more days. Yi Xi recovered quickly. Without the help of the mask, he suddenly couldn't figure out the role. However, this kid also has a resilience, and he figured out the lines and lines in private. The character is gradually regaining his feeling.

It is a good thing for a person to have self-confidence, but if the self-confidence is too high, it will turn into narcissism and arrogance, unable to listen to any criticism, intolerant of any doubts, gradually closing oneself off, and finally reaching the desperate situation of betraying everyone and regretting it.

I believe that through this incident, Yi Xi must have learned a lesson and will not go to such an extreme again!

When we were about to leave the set, the young man who was acting as a stuntman came to me and said that I was untrustworthy and that I clearly promised to give him something that would make him rich, but I didn't even mention it after the incident was over.

Only then did I remember the promise I made that day. I told him that I didn’t have it with me now and would send it to him when I got back. I also asked for his contact information.

After returning to Wuhan, I saw on the Internet that someone was digging into the exposure of Yi Xi. It was soon revealed that these were all caused by the agent.

This incident set off a second wave of craze. Some people joked that people with the surname Song no longer dare to look for agents. However, the irony is that the more agents Song was scolded, the more famous he became, and many people were willing to hire him. He opened a blog online to expose some of Yi Xi's scandals, and was invited to appear on some talk shows, making him very popular for a while.

These days, the more shameless a person is, the more popular he is, so I feel like I have to punish him!

Half a year ago, I received a Yin-Yang money bag. It is a rather deceptive thing. It is divided into two money bags, one is intact and the other is broken. People with broken money bags will continue to lose money, and people with good money bags will continue to lose money. But wealth will continue to come. If these two money bags are in the hands of one person, there will be no effect.

There is an even bigger trick. If the party holding the money bag does not throw it away, the other party will not be able to throw it away.

So I sent the good money bag to the guy. As for the broken money bag, I wrote a note in it saying "Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." I found out through Yin Xinyue that Manager Song is currently employed. place and sent it to him.

I hope he can have a long memory and stop doing this kind of stabbing thing in the back. No matter what the reason is, it is disgusting!

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