Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 468 The mysterious fire

After experiencing the last incident, the relationship between Li Mazi and I has become even stronger. That kind of life-long friendship is self-evident.

Although we vowed to Yin Xinyue and Ruxue that we would wash our hands from the golden basin and never engage in any business related to femininity.

But we know in our hearts that we may never be able to wash our hands in this life.

Money aside, we are addicted!

What's more, you'll be a businessman of femininity for the rest of your life, so what's the point of stopping your business in advance? No, just after two months of rest in the store, someone came to the door.

This guy has a shaved head, a very tall build, two green dragons with teeth and claws tattooed on his arms, and a big gold chain hanging around his neck. At first glance, he looked like a gangster in society, so I became interested in him.

Because social gangsters, who are engaged in robbery and loan sharking, often come into contact with negative things that are beyond our reach.

"Hey boy, go and invite your boss Zhang!" As soon as the bald man entered the store, he glanced at my Li Mazi coldly and said extremely arrogantly.

I wanted to tease him, so I told him that Boss Zhang was not here, please come back.

Li Mazi knew what I was thinking, covering his mouth and snickering.

After hearing this, the big bald head was stunned. How could the Tao he was talking to himself not be there? Suddenly he noticed Li Mazi smiling, and immediately realized that he had been tricked.

He immediately pointed at my nose and shouted: "Call Boss Zhang out now, or I will burn down your store tonight!"

Looking at his angry look, instead of being angry, I realized that this bald man might be in big trouble, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious.

So I coughed lightly, smiled and said I was Zhang Jiulin.

"I don't care who you are, hurry up and kill Boss Zhang...what, are you Zhang Jiulin?"

The bald man suddenly stopped mid-sentence, his eyes looking at me in disbelief.

"If it's true, I guarantee it." I put away my smile, and then made a gesture of invitation to him, which meant that if you don't believe it, please take it back.

"Okay, okay, boss Zhang, hello, hello, blame me for being blind!"

The bald man's reaction speed was unusually fast. He gave himself a gentle slap and said, "You don't need to do anything. I'll slap my mouth myself. You must remember the faults of others."

The bald man at this moment looked completely different from before. I really liked this kind of true-tempered man, so I smiled and said it doesn't matter, what's the matter with coming to my store so early in the morning?

"Master, you have to help me." The big bald man grabbed my hand excitedly: "If you don't save me, I really don't know what to do..."

"Don't worry, let's have a sip of tea first." I asked Li Mazi to make a cup of Longjing tea for the big bald man, and then asked the big bald man to sit down and said.

"I don't know what happened to my company. It was contaminated with unclean things. Several people have died in a row!" The bald man said in a panic.

I frowned slightly when I heard his words, vaguely feeling that this matter was very difficult.

Those in our industry have set a rule of not accepting those who hurt people's lives, those who mess with people's luck, and those who suck people's blood. Once these three kinds of evil things take over, the trouble will be endless.

If it is because of the bald head that evil things harm people, I will never interfere!

As expected of a gangster, the big bald man could see through my mind directly. He patted his chest and said with assurance, "Don't worry, Boss Zhang! Although I, Dachuan, am a gangster, I never do anything harmful to the law."

"Oh, then go ahead and talk." I nodded and motioned for him to elaborate.

"It's like this. I opened a hotel in Baotou. Everything was fine at first. After the decoration was completed, I decided to open the hotel. I also found some good and bad connections to support me, but unexpectedly something happened that night!"

The bald man's face changed slightly when he said this: "Because it was a big opening ceremony, the drinks on the first floor were all free, so there were more customers. As a result, someone drank too much and caused trouble. The two gangs fought and one of them died in the end. Two were seriously injured."

"Wait a minute, are you sure that the person who died in the fight had something to do with femininity?" I asked, dumbfounded.

The bald man said: "Boss Zhang, please listen to me first."

Then he continued to talk about how after two gangs fought and found a dead person, all the guests ran out like crazy. During this period, a serious stampede occurred and two more people died. One of them was the son of a local official. .

When something like this happened during the opening of the hotel, the big bald man was very angry, but he could only bite the bullet and deal with the aftermath.

Ordinarily, the family of the deceased would be compensated with one million yuan in compensation, but the official was so distraught at the loss of his son in his later years that he insisted on sentencing the bald man to jail.

After all, the big bald man had a dark history and he was sure to catch him immediately. The big bald man was so frightened that he asked someone to plead for mercy and was ready to run away.

Unexpectedly, before this matter was over, something happened again in the hotel...

There was an inexplicable fire in the kitchen on the first floor. It stands to reason that even if there is a fire, it can be put out as soon as possible, because the fire prevention measures in places like hotels are very good.

However, the fire could not be extinguished no matter how hard it was put out. It had already reached the third floor before the fire truck arrived.

In the end, the fire was extinguished by the firefighters, but the hotel was burned to a mess. The bald man felt that an enemy was harming him, and vowed to make the other party look good.

However, he watched the surveillance videos countless times, and instead of finding anyone suspicious, he was horrified to find that the fire seemed to be coming out of the ground!

The bald man didn't believe in evil, so he took a group of boys and dug down from the burning kitchen to see what was under the ground. As a result, before digging very deep, all the boys foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground, convulsed, and died within the next three days.

Although he is a gangster boss who licks blood at the tip of his sword and a complete atheist, this time the bald man is really scared!

He knew that his store must have been targeted by unclean things, so he told the whole story to the official who wanted to arrest him and put him in jail.

The official was an old man. After hearing this, he was silent for a long time and then said coldly: Whether it is a human or a ghost, we must find out, otherwise we will see you in court! "

The big bald man didn't dare to delay, so he immediately looked for an expert everywhere, and finally found me through the circle.

"Let me choke you, what is so fierce?" After hearing this, Li Mazi's expression changed drastically, but his eyes exuded greedy light.

If such a fierce object is truly a sinister object, the price will definitely be sky-high. Therefore, I also feel itchy in my heart, but I am afraid that this is not a vaginal object at all, but an evil spirit.

The sight of those people digging and falling to the ground foaming at the mouth looked like they had been attacked by a fierce evil spirit. Grandpa told me a similar story before, so I told the bald man that I could go over and have a look first, but if the matter couldn't be solved, I would leave immediately.

The big bald head nodded repeatedly, and I also understood that he was a frightened bird now, and any opportunity was regarded as a life-saving straw.

Li Mazi and I immediately packed up our things and drove to Baotou, Inner Mongolia, following the big bald man.

We went there to rest for a night, and early the next morning we were taken to his hotel by the big bald man.

Sure enough, as he said, the store was newly opened and even the fireworks debris at the door had not been cleaned up.

Carved on the top floor are four shining golden characters: Beauty in the Closed Moon!

The hotel is now sealed and can only be entered through the back door. At the first glance after entering the door, I found that the entire lobby on the first floor was dark and full of traces of burning. The leather sofa was burned except for the iron frame inside, and the luxurious headlights were also broken. There were pieces all over the floor. They're all broken glass.

I couldn't help but sympathize with the bald man. Although he was a member of the underworld, his money was earned through blood and sweat, but it all went down the drain.

"It seems that I have no chance of death. After solving the trouble this time, I will find a place to retire in peace and contentment! I will never do business again."

The bald man looked at me quite openly. I smiled slightly and asked him to take me directly to the burning kitchen.

The bald head nodded, and then pushed open the kitchen door. I saw that the entire kitchen was in a mess, with pots and pans everywhere, all the tiles on the floor had been lifted, and excavated soil and a few pieces were piled around. Take the shovel.

I knew this was where the trouble was, so I looked at it carefully.

Soon I felt something was wrong. Normally with such a big fire, the place where the fire started would be the worst burned! But the kitchen was a bit messy, but there were no black burn marks at all, as if there had never been a fire.

Li Mazi also discovered something and looked at the bald head in confusion: "Are you sure the fire started from here?"

"It's absolutely true!" The bald man said confidently.

I frowned. The more this happened, the weirder things became. In order to determine the danger of the things below, I took out my compass and squatted next to the small pit, and measured it gently.

At first the compass pointer was still. I thought the compass was broken and was about to take a picture. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the pointer suddenly started to rotate rapidly!

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