Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 470 Cold air

Since the first floor of the hotel has been completely deserted and the power has long been cut off, candles are needed for lighting at night.

Li Mazi understood that I was summoning the evil spirit, so he asked me if I should blow out the candle?

"It's not necessary. How can such a heavy Yin energy be afraid of a little candlelight?" Thinking of the scene on the roof of the building during the day, I shook my head and said.

Everyone hid in the corner of the kitchen, staring motionlessly into the pit, especially the eyes of the bald man, with fear and a little curiosity.

Time passed by minute by minute, but there was no sign of the Yin spirit coming out. Everyone was getting impatient.

I thought maybe this thing wasn't interested in bat blood, so I was going to let everyone go home first and talk about it tomorrow night. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the candlelight, which had always been steady, suddenly started to shake!

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew out of the deep pit, carrying drops of cold blood with it, and the surrounding air also dropped sharply!

I knew that thing was coming out, so I quickly looked at the big mirror in the kitchen to see what it looked like clearly. Unexpectedly, the wind came and went quickly, lasting only ten seconds, and then the surroundings returned to deathly silence.

"Brother Zhang, is that thing here?" Li Mazi came out of the corner and asked in confusion.

I shook my head and said I didn't know, because there was no image at all in the mirror.

At this time, the big bald man suddenly let out a scream, pointed at the pit in disbelief and said how could this be possible.

I looked along where his finger was and saw that all the bat blood I had sprinkled on it had disappeared, leaving only a faint trace on the spot.

I was slightly startled, then strode up to take a look. Even the soil in the pit was frozen!

"I'll go. Isn't this too exaggerated?" Li Mazi followed behind me, his mouth wide open in surprise.

So far, the Yin spirit has not attacked us, but its powerful Yin energy is enough to crush us, proving once again that it is not an evil spirit.

So before I figure out the truth, I can't attack it rashly to avoid angering the other party.

I asked the big bald man to buy some offerings and place them at the edge of the pit. They could be anything from layer cakes to sandalwood or fruits. If they were too hard, they would have to be soft.

That night, the big bald man followed my instructions and bought some things to build a hill next to the pit.

Originally, I was going to let these pig butchers go back, because it would be useless for them to stay. But the big bald man insisted on letting them stay, saying that there were many people and he felt at ease.

I didn’t say anything else. We all wrapped ourselves in a quilt and hid in a corner where we could see the small pit, not daring to sleep!

In the second half of the night, everyone was sleepy and fell asleep one after another. My consciousness gradually became blurred, but my intuition told me that the thing would come out again tonight, so I must persist until it appears.

However, the deep sleepiness kept coming, and in the end I still couldn't defeat myself. I randomly pulled a quilt from the side, curled up inside and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a sound of stepping around me, like someone walking. At first I thought someone got up to go to the toilet, and I didn't pay attention. But the sound of walking was endless and swirling around us.

I was so sleepy that I subconsciously yelled, "What's going on? Are you going to stop letting me sleep?"

I woke up immediately after saying this sentence. I glanced from left to right. Everyone was sleeping and no one was up. I immediately realized that the one who made the sound just now was the Yin spirit!

Li Mazi and the others also sat up and asked me what was wrong. I asked them if they had heard footsteps just now, and they all shook their heads.

Could it be that I am neurotic and have auditory hallucinations?

I bypassed everyone and walked to the mirror to see if there were any traces of plant ash on it? If the footsteps just now were real, there would be no traces on the mirror.

However, when I walked to the mirror, I found that all the plant ash on it had fallen off, and a thick layer had piled up around the base of the wall.

"What's going on?" Li Mazi asked me tremblingly after seeing this scene.

He is different from people like the big bald ones. He knows what I am thinking with just one look.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and touched it gently in front of the mirror. As soon as his fingers touched it, the nearly ten square meters of glass mirror shattered with a crash!

The complete glass turned into countless thumb-sized fragments and scattered all over the floor.

After hearing the commotion, the bald man and the others ran over to take a look, and their faces instantly turned pale.

"Everyone, please go back first!"

I stared at the broken glass for a long time before I came back to my senses. I waved weakly to everyone. I feel that my previous thinking was too simple. It can be said that all my actions are under the control of the Yin Spirit.

In its eyes, I'm probably not even a clown.

The bald man also realized the seriousness of the matter and no longer insisted on letting everyone stay.

Soon, the pig butchers left one after another, but only one man with a beard was left. He looked at the glass on the floor, and then at me. His eyes flickered, as if he had something to say.

"Gao Erhu, if you have anything to say, just say it quickly, don't whine like a bitch." The big bald man urged from the side.

Gao Erhu took a deep breath before telling us that a few days ago, a mirror broke all over the floor in his house.

"What?" I looked at him with tightened pupils.

"Something was suddenly wrong at home a few days ago. When my wife and I were sleeping in the middle of the night, we were always woken up by the cold for no reason. When we woke up, we felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at us." Gao Erhu recalled.

The bald man wanted to say something else, but I quickly signaled him with my eyes not to interrupt Gao Erhu!

"Later, when my wife was taking a shower, she accidentally touched the mirror on the sink. Unexpectedly, the mirror turned into pieces with a bang. At first, I thought it was damaged naturally due to long use. Now it seems that my house is probably haunted. !”

At the end, Gao Erhu couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

After listening to Gao Erhu's words, I felt that the Yin spirit that pestered Gao Erhu was probably related to the Yin spirit that pestered the bald man. Anyway, there was no clue here at the moment, so I decided to go to Gao Erhu's house and take it as a favor. .

When the big bald man heard what I said, he looked a little nervous and said, "Boss Zhang, you can't just leave me alone."

I bet he thought I wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, so I smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry! Since I took over this business, I will definitely take care of it to the end."

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and offered to go with us.

That night the three of us followed Gao Erhu home. Although his home was in a rural area, it was not far from Da Baldou's hotel. However, due to the uneven economic development, the area where his home was still consisted of bungalows, so Gao Erhu would work hard to sell pork in order to move to the city in the future.

As soon as I entered Hu's house, a sophomore in high school, I found a big pot in the yard.

Gao Erhu told us that this big pot is used to boil asphalt and remove pig hair.

It was just two or three o'clock in the morning, the moon was shining, and there was a moderate wind blowing in the air. The wind made the iron hooks for hanging pork rattle and make a harsh sound.

Li Mazi swallowed and asked in a low voice: "Why do I think your home is so spooky? Aren't you afraid of Erhu?"

"Why aren't you afraid?" Gao Erhu was more nervous than Li Mazi.

"Shh!" At this time, the big bald man who had never spoken suddenly signaled us to be silent. Then he came to my side and said to me carefully: "Boss Zhang, I think the thing that is causing trouble in my store is hiding in here."

"How did you know?" I asked.

The bald man would definitely not lie. Since he said so, he must have discovered something.

"It's based on feeling!" The bald man said through gritted teeth. It turned out that he had been living in the office on the sixth floor since the hotel was decorated. Everything was normal at first. Unexpectedly, in the days leading up to the opening, it would be surprisingly cold every night.

He thought he was too weak, so he bought a lot of ginseng to eat, but he still couldn't withstand the biting cold.

He had forgotten about this at first, but it was not until Gao Erhu said that he and his wife would wake up from the cold every night when they went to bed that he remembered it, and he felt extremely scared! But he still didn't believe that he and Gao Erhu encountered the same Yin spirit.

It wasn't until he entered Erhu's courtyard that he felt the cold atmosphere, which was exactly the same as the cold atmosphere in the hotel, and then he dared to guarantee that the Yin spirit was here.

After the big bald man said all this, he rubbed his head and said, he didn't do anything bad? Why did I get entangled?

But I feel that it is obviously not an accident that the evil spirit haunted Gao Erhu and Da Baldou one after another.

Thinking of this, I carefully looked at the house in front of me and found that the right side of the house was a little abnormal.

I quickly closed my eyes and recited the Tao Te Ching to calm myself down. Then I felt the location and found that there was a steady stream of yin energy emanating from the ground there.

It seemed that the problem was there. I opened my eyes and looked at Gao Erhu and asked him if any other strange things had happened since the mirror at home broke.

He recalled it carefully and shook his head.

"No more waking up from the cold in the middle of the night?" I asked in disbelief.

Such heavy Yin Qi keeps appearing in Gao Erhu's house, but everything in his house is normal. This is not in line with common sense!

Gao Erhu nodded again, and then asked me somewhat unhappily if I hoped something would happen to his family.

"Can you speak?" Li Mazi immediately became angry after hearing this, and pulled me to leave.

Only then did I realize that there was something wrong with my words, so I comforted Li Mazi for a few words, and then expressed my doubts.

Gao Erhu's expression changed after hearing this, and then he stumbled and said, "That location is exactly where my bathroom is! Master, you must help me, otherwise I won't dare to ask for this house!"

"Don't worry, go in and take a look before talking."

After I finished speaking, I asked Gao Erhu to open the door. At this time, Li Mazi grabbed me and asked worriedly: "Brother Zhang, can we go in without taking anything?"

Originally, I really planned to go in and take a look empty-handed, but when Li Mazi asked, I suddenly thought of the time when I was dealing with the arms list, and I was almost killed by Yin Ling because of my carelessness.

"Okay, you go to the car with your big bald head and get the Sirius whip! You can take the rest while you watch."

To be on the safe side, I still listened to Li Mazi's words. Li Mazi nodded and walked out with his bald head.

It was only a few dozen meters away, so I didn't wait for them and followed Erhu directly in after opening the door.

He turned on the light and asked me to sit on the sofa and drink water. Then he went back to the room and asked his wife to come out and greet us.

I couldn't help but smile. I didn't expect that this high school sophomore tiger, who was five big and three thick, was still rough and thin.

Unexpectedly, not long after he entered, he ran out with a look of fear on his face and shouted with tears: "Master, please save my wife, she seems to be dying..."

I quickly put down the tea cup and followed Gao Erhu into the bedroom. I found his wife lying on the bed, still in a sleeping position, but her face was covered with a thick layer of white frost, as if she was a corpse in a cold storage. !

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