Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 471 Invincible

I stepped forward and pulled away the quilt from my second-year high school wife, Hu, to see if she still had a heartbeat? Unexpectedly, when I opened it, I saw two big white rabbits!

I quickly put the quilt back on my face and told Gao Erhu with a red face that I saw it accidentally.

Gao Erhu shook his head vigorously and said: "How can I care so much at this time? Master, it's more important to save people."

I had no choice but to put my ear against Sister-in-law Gao's chest, and I immediately heard the sound of her heartbeat. Judging from the frequency of the ups and downs of her chest, she was sleeping peacefully!

But when I put my hand on the tip of her nose, I couldn't feel her breathing.

My head suddenly swelled. I had never seen such a bizarre thing before, so I could only place my hope on the Sirius Whip.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, Li Mazi and the others did not come back. When I called Li Mazi, he did not answer the phone.

Only then did I realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly ran outside. Gao Erhu stood up and hesitated for a moment, but chose to stay in the house guarding his wife.

When I ran outside, opened the car and saw that Tianlangbian and those guys were still in business, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The sudden disappearance of Li Mazi and the big bald head must have been bewitched by evil spirits. Fortunately, Gao Erhu's family lived in the village, and there was only one way out!

I quickly took out the Sirius Whip and a few talismans from the car, walked along the road as fast as possible, and finally met them at the entrance of the village.

They were like puppets, moving slowly. I ran up to them and shouted loudly, but they didn't respond at all.

I took out the Sirius Whip and prepared to forcefully wake them up. But on second thought, I was still ready to follow them and look for clues.

I thought they would go to some scary place, but after walking for a long time, the two of them arrived at the bald Moon Beauty Hotel!

But this just shows that the big bald man's feeling is right. It is the same evil spirit that entangles the two families.

Since they completely ignored my presence, I followed them boldly from beginning to end. Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the hall from the back door, both of them turned their heads.

Their eyes became extremely scarlet, and they looked at me coldly, with anger in their eyes.

I subconsciously took a step back and asked tentatively: "Who are you?"

"Boy, don't interfere with this general's affairs again! Otherwise, you will die without a burial place!" Li Mazi and Da Baldou both spoke at the same time, with exactly the same voice and speed, like repeaters.

I suddenly had a crazy idea: Could it be that these Yin spirits are twins?

While I was in a daze, two people walked over together and reached out to grab me at the same time. I subconsciously wanted to resist, but I found that the two of them seemed to be possessed by the giant spirit god at this moment. They just lifted me up with a slight lift of their arms, and then threw me several meters away with a slight throw.


My throat felt sweet, I spit out a mouthful of blood, and felt powerless. They didn't treat me like a dish at all. They were obviously showing mercy and even threw me until I vomited blood. How could I fight?

When I regained my composure and looked up, I saw their shadows were nowhere to be seen, but the sound of footsteps coming from the stairwell.

"not good!"

Thinking of the cloud of yin energy that appeared on the top floor during the day, I subconsciously cursed and chased after him with all my strength.

When I passed the kitchen, I stopped deliberately and put my head in to look into the pit.

It was too dark in the kitchen to see clearly, but I could vaguely hear the sound of gurgling water coming from the deep pit. I knew it was the ice that had lost its Yin energy after the Yin spirit came out, and all the frozen soil melted.

Fortunately, they didn't walk very fast. I caught up with them on the third floor. I didn't dare to delay, so I swung the Sirius whip and slapped each of them.

Unexpectedly, they only paused for a moment after the whip, and then continued walking up without looking back.

"I still don't believe it..."

The strength of Yin Ling was beyond my expectation, but it also inspired my strong fighting spirit. I yelled, then recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, and coupled with the Tiangang Step, swung it at them again.

The two of them let out screams one after another, and looked at me blankly after they recovered.

"You have been bewitched by Yin spirits. Stop gossiping and retreat with me!"

I shouted anxiously, and then ran downstairs first, with Li Mazi and Da Baldou following closely behind me.

As I ran down, I felt very uneasy. This Yin spirit was too strong. Even if the Heavenly Wolf whipped Li Mazi and Da Baldou out of their bodies, they would not be able to escape.

Since he won't run away and won't chase us, what kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd?

Soon we ran to the first floor, and when we turned the corner, we suddenly noticed a white figure in front of us. Judging from the outline, he is wearing thick armor and has a high bun on his head, making him look like a Han Dynasty person.

Even though I was several meters away, I could feel the powerful murderous aura emanating from him!

This murderous intent had never appeared before. It seemed that my actions had angered him, so I quickly signaled Li Mazi and Da Baldou to take a few steps back.

Then I clasped my hands in fists, bowed to Bai Ying, and then said in classical Chinese: "May I ask the hero, why do you want to make things difficult for two innocent people?"

To have such a powerful aura, he must have been a famous figure during his lifetime. Big shots are more concerned with saving face, so I started talking to him in half-formed classical Chinese.

"That's nonsense. When has this general ever made things difficult for innocent people? But you have gone against me again and again. Who are you?" Bai Ying shouted angrily, without mentioning his identity at all. .

I could only ask his name again.

Unexpectedly, he was too suspicious. He stared at me fiercely and said through gritted teeth: "You don't deserve to know my general's name! Tell me, are you a spy sent by the enemy?"

I was speechless in my heart, thinking that he must have been too deeply poisoned, and quickly shook my head.

Unexpectedly, he was still in the right state, and he reached out and grabbed me!

Seeing that the big hand was about to grab me, I had no choice but to take out the magic talisman and slap it on him. A black smoke suddenly emerged from Yin Ling's body. He frowned and shouted sternly: "You actually hurt this general, and you said it was not an act of the enemy." , this general will stab you to death right now!"

It turned out that he was just testing me just now, and now he really had murderous intentions. By the time I realized it, it was already too late. He was not afraid of my magic talisman at all, or in other words, this magic talisman could not hurt him at all.

In just a moment, his big hand stretched out to my neck, and I had no time to dodge. If he caught me, my throat would definitely be crushed in an instant! I was so scared that my mind went blank.

Fortunately, Li Mazi and Da Baldou were loyal enough. Instead of running away, they rushed up together and grabbed Yin Ling's hand. I took the opportunity to run to the side and bit the tip of my tongue, spit the blood on the talisman, and then slapped Yin Ling on the forehead. .

The forehead is where the Yin spirit absorbs Yin energy, and it is the weak spot of the Yin spirit. When he slapped it, the opponent's movements immediately slowed down.

"What a great opportunity, Brother Zhang, kill him quickly!" Li Mazi shouted happily.

I was speechless for a moment and ran out with my bald head in my hand. Li Mazi was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing and hurriedly chased after me.

But before we could run out of the hotel, a strong gust of wind came out behind us, causing me to subconsciously close my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I found that the Yin Spirit was once again blocking our way.

"Damn it, let's fight!"

The Sirius Whip was obviously useless, and all the magic talismans were used up by my desperate attack. I didn't expect that I didn't even get a chance to escape. I yelled and punched Yin Ling with my fist.

This punch was very powerful and hit him directly on the neck.

But he didn't feel the pain at all. He raised his leg and kicked me hard on the belly. I felt like I was hit by a large truck traveling at high speed and flew out. When I landed, my arms hit the ground first, and there was a click. I was dislocated!


I couldn't help but scream. When Li Mazi saw that I was injured, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward, but he was also kicked away.

The bald man was frightened. He hurriedly took out a pistol from his arms, pointed it at Yin Ling and pulled the trigger without thinking.

Although it's not surprising for a gangster to have a gun, his action still shocked me.

Yin Ling was hit by a shot. He looked at his pierced body in disbelief, then pointed at the gun in the bald man's hand and asked doubtfully: "What kind of hidden weapon are you holding in your hand that is so powerful?"

As he asked, he walked towards the big bald head.

Li Mazi whispered in my ear: "Brother from the Zhang family, someone must be responsible for being here today. Why don't we take advantage of this kid's opportunity to attract the Yin spirit? Let's evacuate as soon as possible?"

I was stunned after hearing this. I thought about Yin Xinyue waiting for me at home and the Yin spirit in front of me who was simply invincible, and I hesitated.

But at this moment, Li Mazi shouted in surprise: He's gone! Hahaha, we don’t have to die!

After hearing this, I suddenly looked around and found that the place where Yin Ling was just now was empty, and the big bald man was holding a gun in his hand, sitting on the ground covered with sweat, breathing heavily.

"Did he be scared away by the gun?" Li Mazi asked puzzledly.

I shook my head and said it was impossible. Not to mention scaring them away, this kind of homemade pistol was not very powerful. It could only cause physical attacks and could not hurt Yin spirits at all.

"Could it be that he thought of something important?"

The bald head wiped the sweat and said in shock: "For example, I went to Gao Erhu's house."

"Hey, hurry up, Gao Erhu is in danger!" The big bald man's words reminded me, and I left Gao Erhu alone at home in order to chase them. This ghost suddenly disappeared and must have gone to his house.

I yelled and tried to stand up with my hands on my body. It wasn't until I felt severe pain in my arm that I remembered that I had dislocated my joint.

"Pick it up for me, are you sure?" I looked at Li Mazi and asked through gritted teeth.

Dislocation is not a big deal, a skilled person only needs to press hard to get the bones stuck together. However, it was easy for the bones to become dislocated when it was done randomly. Li Mazi looked at it for a long time, and finally shook his head with embarrassment.

"Let me do it!"

After the bald man calmed down, he walked over and grabbed my arm directly, and then asked Li Mazi to press my shoulders and press hard, and the bones were immediately connected.

Only then did I think that injuries in the underworld were so common, and it was normal for him to be able to do this.

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