Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 472: Lu Bu among men, Red Rabbit among horses

The three of us immediately rushed to Gao Erhu's house. When we walked into the house, we found that his wife had already gotten up and looked good. Didn't she look like she was about to die?

There was a thin pool of blood on the ground, and it was obvious that the Yin spirit had arrived.

I searched around the house but couldn't find Gao Erhu, so I asked where Gao Erhu had gone.

"Who are you?" The woman not only didn't answer, but looked at us cautiously. His eyes flickered, looking like he was a thief with a guilty conscience.

Is she hiding something from Gao Erhu, or are she and Gao Erhu hiding something from us?

However, Gao Erhu disappeared suddenly, and I didn’t have time to think about it that much. I just looked at the woman with contempt and said, “Sister-in-law, I’m here to save Erhu. You’d better tell me where he went! Otherwise you will definitely regret it.”

"Yes, sister-in-law. This is a very powerful master! He was entrusted by Erhu to help your family cure ghosts." The big bald man came up and advised earnestly.

The woman looked at us hesitantly, and was silent for a long time before crying: "Erhu didn't know what happened, but suddenly he ran to the yard to sharpen his knife, and then ran to kill Hou San'er in the village. "

"What, murder?"

After hearing this, Li Mazi opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief, Erhu seemed to be an honest man, how could he kill someone?

I knew that Gao Erhu was most likely controlled by evil spirits, but when I asked Hou Saner where his home was, the woman stopped talking. It seemed like she was hiding something unspeakable.

Fortunately, the big bald man knew who Hou Saner was and quickly led us towards his house. On the way, the big bald man told us that Hou Saner was also one of the pig butchers who helped us before, but he had a very close relationship with Gao Erhu on weekdays. Gao Erhu had no reason to kill anyone!

"You'll know when you get there..." I said, rubbing my eyes.

After all the twists and turns tonight, I vaguely felt that the truth was right in front of me, and I kept urging the bald man to walk faster.

It's almost dawn now, and the white fish belly is faintly exposed in the east. The air is exceptionally cool, and it feels refreshing when it blows on your body.

Finally, the bald man parked the car in front of an independent rural villa with a yard and said that this was Hou Saner's home.

I got out of the car and took a look and found that the door of Hou Saner's house was open. I took a few steps forward and vaguely heard the sound of fighting coming from inside.

I didn't dare to delay, so I immediately ran in the direction of the sound. From far away, I saw two figures fighting each other. When I got closer, I realized that it was Gao Erhu and Hou San'er.

Hou San'er is a bit thin and thin, like a long bamboo pole. He seems to be the least able to kill among the pig butchers. Now he can actually fight Gao Erhu inextricably. I can't help but admire him.

You must know that Gao Erhu was possessed by a Yin spirit, and even I was helpless against the Yin spirit...

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Hou Saner suddenly looked at us and cursed fiercely: "Where did you come from, you little thing, get out of here!"

His eyes were scarlet and his voice was rude, which was seriously inconsistent with his age. I immediately realized that he was also possessed by a ghost.

No wonder the two people were entangled, it was two ghosts fighting through their bodies.

I knew that if I didn't leave now, they would probably join forces to deal with me, so I had no choice but to wave at Li Mazi and Da Baldou.

After coming out of Hou Saner's house, the sound of their fighting was heard again. Seeing that it was almost dawn, Li Mazi asked anxiously: "Brother Zhang, are we going to come out like this?"

It seemed that he also knew that the opportunity was rare. I looked at the small villa with a sharp pain in my head. Suddenly I saw the lights in the villa were on, and I instantly had an idea. Quickly ask the bald man if he knows Hou Saner’s wife’s phone number?

The bald man took out his cell phone and rummaged through it for a long time, and finally found it. I quickly asked him to dial it. The call was quickly answered, and a woman's soft sobs were heard.

"Sister-in-law Hou, we are here to rescue Hou San'er. We are at your door now. Can you tell me what happened before?" I grabbed the phone and said quickly.

The other end of the phone cried for a while, and then said in a trembling voice: "I don't know, Lao Hou and I slept well, but suddenly we were woken up by the cold. When we opened our eyes, we found a figure standing next to the bed. , he held a kitchen knife in his hand, sneered and wanted to kill Lao Hou, and kept cursing in his mouth. "

"What are you scolding?"

"There are a lot of shameless people, sellers seeking glory, and so on. He totally looks like an ancient person, but when I turned on the light, I found that the person who came was actually Gao Erhu."

The woman said in disbelief: "You know that my old Hou and Er Hu have the best relationship, and he actually wants to harm us! What's even more strange is that when Old Hou saw Er Hu trying to kill him, he was stunned for a long time and then fell to the ground and twitched. When he stood up again, it was as if he was a different person, even his voice had changed..."

After listening to the woman's words, I had a vague understanding of this vaginal object, but I couldn't be sure yet. Just let her keep talking to me, then tie the phone to a rope and slowly hang it down from upstairs.

Soon, the woman stopped talking, and there was a rustling sound from the other side, which was obviously her putting down the rope.

Two minutes later, through the woman's phone, I heard the sound of fighting below the villa!

But Gao Erhu roared: "You are bold, Hou Cheng, ungrateful and have taken refuge with Cao Cao. I, this Marquis Wen, will take your life today!"

Then the Yin spirit in Hou San'er's body laughed strangely: "Good birds choose trees to roost. You, Lu Fengxian, are arrogant. You only have red rabbit horses and Fang Tian painted halberds. You only know how to favor Diao Chan and whip us every day. Why do we brothers still do this?" I will sacrifice my life for you."

After saying that, they started fighting again, and Li Mazi and Da Baldou opened their mouths wide when they heard the conversation.

Even though I already knew the truth, I still felt turbulent in my heart.

The Yin spirit we met turned out to be Lu Bu, the number one god of war in the Three Kingdoms!

Then the relevant yin object is probably Fang Tian Hua Ji!

Lü Bu is so famous in history. He is invincible and unparalleled in heroism. When the eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, Lü Bu single-handedly cut down the famous generals sent by the coalition forces.

They even fought against Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in front of Hulao Pass.

Even though there were many powerful generals in the Three Kingdoms era, everyone believed that the number one was Lu Bu. That's why there is a famous saying that Lu Bu is the best among people and the red rabbit is among the horses.

Unfortunately, Lu Bu was later besieged by Cao Cao's army in Xuzhou. Lu Bu's men, Hou Cheng and Song Xian, stole Fang Tian's painted halberd while Lu Bu was sleeping, and then presented Lu Bu's five-flowered halberd to Cao Cao.

As a result, Lu Bu was beheaded by Cao Cao, the red rabbit horse was given to Guan Yu by Cao Cao, and Fang Tian's painted halberd was never found.

Thinking of this, my excited hands trembled slightly. Fang Tian Hua Ji was one of the few peerless magic weapons during the Three Kingdoms period. Not to mention it now, even back then it was marketable and priceless!

Li Mazi was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses, and he shouted with the same excitement: "Brother Zhang, once this is done, we two brothers will be prosperous!"

I didn't say anything, but I felt extremely happy. Even if it's not Fang Tian's painted halberd, it's at least a priceless artifact. What's more, Hou Cheng is involved. This kid is somewhat famous in history, and the ghost thing he lives in is also worth a lot of money!

After Li Mazi shouted, he looked at me puzzled and said, "Why do I feel like you have guessed it was Lu Bu a long time ago?" How did you know?

"Because this Yin spirit is wearing an armor from the Three Kingdoms period and is invincible. Inner Mongolia was within the scope of Bingzhou at that time. There were not many celebrities in Bingzhou, and there were very few generals among them, so I immediately thought of Lu Bu!"

"That's amazing, my brother, you can think of all this!" Li Mazi said, blinking his ignorant little eyes, and then weakly asked me what to do next.

"Wait, let's deal with it one by one after dawn." I said confidently.

What level of existence is Lu Bu? Guan Yu couldn't even hold him for fifty rounds, and Hou Cheng was probably nothing in his eyes. Now they are fighting inseparably, it must be because Lu Bu was severely injured by me.

Thinking of this, I suddenly became furious and immediately asked the bald man to drive us back to the hotel.

After arriving at the place, I directly carried a few bags of useless lime from the corner, sprinkled it into the small pit where Lu Bu was hiding, and then added water.

Soon the lime was boiling, and heat waves came from inside one after another. The three of us had to retreat.

Then I asked Li Mazi to take off all the things in the car and wait for Lu Bu to come back!

Lime water is extremely high in calories and can effectively contain Yin energy. It has been the embodiment of Yang energy and righteousness since ancient times. Yu Qian of the Ming Dynasty also specially composed a song "Ode of Lime", praising Lime for remaining tenacious despite being struck with thousands of hammers and leaving his innocence in the world.

After a night of hard work, Lu Bu will definitely return here to replenish his Yin energy as soon as possible. By then, the strong Yang energy emitted by the lime will instantly swallow up the Yin energy on his body. I will use the Yin and Yang umbrella I brought this time to greet him and capture him. Easy as pie.

After everything was prepared, Li Mazi became uncharacteristically cautious and asked me if I wanted to deal with Hou Cheng first. After all, he was much easier to deal with than Lu Bu.

"Huh?" I glanced at him in surprise. Li Mazi had a smooth personality, but was never ambiguous when dealing with vaginal objects. Why did he suddenly change his gender this time?

"I don't know either. I always feel that today is not the right time to deal with Lu Bu. I think something is going to happen!" Li Mazi said in a confused tone.

After hearing this, my heart skipped a beat. After working in this business for a long time, I sometimes believe in my sixth sense, so I decided to follow his advice, put away my things and rushed to Hou Saner's house.

Before entering his house, I heard noisy crying and many people whispering from a distance. An ominous premonition arose in my heart, so I walked inside and saw that a mourning hall had been set up in the yard.

Opposite the small villa, there is a coffin that has not had time to be painted, and several people are using brushes to apply red paint on it.

Not far from the coffin, the ground was covered with a thick layer of blood. This was the place where Lu Bu and Hou Cheng fought before dawn.

Could it be that Hou Saner is dead?

I passed through the crowd and walked into the house. I saw a woman wearing linen mourning clothes sitting on the edge of the bed wiping tears.

The big bald man whispered to me that she was Hou San'er's wife. It seemed that Hou San'er was really dead.

It was inappropriate to ask her at this moment, but I could only go up and pat her shoulder and say my condolences.

She was stunned when she heard my voice, and then she suddenly raised her head and looked at me, with a hint of hatred in her eyes. It seems that she blames us for not saving her before.

I want to save him, but I have to have the strength!

"Sister-in-law, how did Brother Hou get there?"

A talkative person like the big bald man was at a loss for words at the moment, and with a guilty look on his face, he asked Hou San'er's wife to tell us what happened, so that we could possibly avenge Hou San'er.

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