Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 473 Li Mazi’s worries

Hearing the word revenge, Hou San's daughter-in-law's eyes suddenly flashed with light. Then she stood up and knelt in front of me with a bang, choking and begging me to help her man get revenge.

"Originally, Hou Saner and Gao Erhu were tied, and you should have seen this. Later, when it was almost dawn, I suddenly heard a scream. I quickly went to the window and took a look, and found that Hou Saner's face was full of tears. He looked at Gao Erhu in confusion, as if he didn't know what happened before, and asked why Gao Erhu was here? But Gao Erhu didn't reply at all, and just stabbed him with a kitchen knife..."

Speaking of this, Hou San'er's wife couldn't help crying again.

Lu Bu was betrayed by Hou Cheng's subordinates, so he came to take revenge on Hou Cheng's descendants. Hou Cheng, as the ancestor, came out to protect Hou San'er at the critical moment, but he ran away again for some reason...

Poor Hou Saner became the scapegoat.

Since Hou Cheng came to rescue Hou San'er before, his soul must be residing in some evil object, so I asked: "Sister-in-law, do you have any antiques or things passed down from the older generation at home?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, Hou Saner's wife snorted and said, "This is your purpose, right?"

After that, he drove us out.

I had no choice but to tell the truth: "Sister-in-law, you must have some unclean antiques at home. Didn't you notice that when Hou Saner and Erhu fought, they seemed to have changed? In fact, they were two ghosts. During the fight, the one controlling Hou Saner is the ghost hiding in your antique. If you don’t get rid of it, you will die in the future."

"What did you say?" After hearing what I said, Hou Saner's wife sat down on the ground, her face full of disbelief.

She looked at us, then at her husband's coffin, and finally said with tears in her eyes: "Then you go to the Hou's Ancestral Hall to have a look!"

"Hou's ancestral hall?" I frowned.

"Yes, the Hou family does have a treasure hidden in the ancestral hall, but it is very precious. Even from the time I married to the Hou family until now, I have never seen what this treasure looks like! I only know that this treasure is placed in the ancestral hall. In the black iron box, Hou Saner told me during his lifetime that it was a family heirloom passed down from the Eastern Han Dynasty, passed down to him from generation to generation. How could this family heirloom harm his own family?"

Hou Saner's wife could no longer cry. She reluctantly got up and took a pen to write me an address. Then she took out a key from the drawer and handed it to me, asking me to remember to return it to her after use.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I won't let Brother Hou die in vain!"

I took the key, bowed solemnly to her, and then drove straight to the Hou family ancestral hall according to the address.

On the way, I suddenly felt that things might not be as simple as I thought. There were three main generals who betrayed Lu Bu at that time. In addition to Hou Cheng, there were also Song Xian and Wei Xu.

Now that Lu Bu's Yin spirit has awakened, he will definitely not be looking for Hou San'er alone. The descendants of Song Xian and Wei Xu may also be doomed.

Thinking of this, I asked the big bald man what the last name of the second-generation official who died was.

"My surname is Wei, what's wrong?" The bald man asked in confusion.

I shook my head and said it was okay, thinking that this was the end of the story, and only Song Xian's descendants were left unscathed. It seems that Lu Bu must be dealt with quickly, otherwise people will continue to die.

I don't understand why Lu Bu didn't come out earlier and later, but he came out on the opening day of the big bald head.

The bald man had been living in a hotel before. If he had any grudge, he would have been killed by Lu Bu long ago. Since there was no grudge, why would Lu Bu burn down his shop?

Moreover, the matter of Gao Erhu's wife is also a mystery. These clues are like skeins of thread filling my mind, and I can't figure it out at all.

At this time Li Mazi called me and said something was wrong. I asked him what was wrong, and he pointed to the cornfields on both sides of the road and said cautiously: "We have passed several villages, and the navigation only shows that we are halfway there. Are you not trying to trick us?"

"The ancestral hall must have been built in a remote mountain area. It's just a good time for us to take a nap first."

I felt that Li Mazi had changed and became too sensitive and cautious. After saying this, I ignored him, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Maybe I didn't sleep all night yesterday, but I slept till the end. I didn't know it was already there until I was woken up by Li Mazi.

I shook my head and was about to get off the car. Li Mazi quickly grabbed me and said that he and the big bald man had just gone down to check the situation first. They found that the inside of the ancestral hall was deserted, and there was a big rusty lock on the main door. I looked through the window and saw nothing!

"No way?" After hearing this, I didn't believe it and went straight to the ancestral hall.

As I walked, I looked around and found that the village was very small. I could only see a few houses in the distance. Occasionally, someone showed up but didn't pay any attention to us.

The so-called ancestral hall is just a broken tile house. From a glance, many of the tiles have fallen off, and the rest are covered with moss. The yard was overgrown with weeds and basil, giving it a shabby appearance.

I frowned and walked to the window to take a look inside, but as soon as I got close to the window, I felt a strong yin energy.

Since it was daytime, I couldn't see anything at all. I just felt that the yin energy filled the entire ancestral hall, but as Li Mazi said, there was nothing in the ancestral hall.

I didn't dare to be careless, so I quickly returned to the car and took out the umbrella, and then handed the black dog blood, refined salt, ink brush thread and other things to Li Mazi and Da Baldy, and told me: "I suspect there is something in the ancestral hall, please be careful!"

Now that I was carrying my parasol, I felt much more at ease, so I asked Li Mazi to open the lock.

But he smiled bitterly and said: "I want to open it too, but I can't even have a key. The cylinder of this lock is blocked..."


I picked up the iron lock and took a look, only to find that a large amount of molten iron had been injected into the lock cylinder, making it so tightly blocked that it could not be opened at all. The chain is as thick as an arm and cannot be kicked open.

"I'm afraid someone is ahead of us..."

Li Mazi sighed, pointed at the lock cylinder and said that the molten iron was injected not long ago: "Brother Zhang, I think we should just go back home. The people behind the scenes are warning us not to continue to interfere. Got it!"

After saying that, he looked helpless.

The big bald man was a very loyal person. After a moment of silence, he stamped his feet vigorously and said, "Forget it, I'll open a store somewhere else! Brother Mazi is right, you don't need to fight for me."

"Li Mazi, what's wrong with you today?" I looked at Li Mazi strangely and asked.

"Brother from the Zhang family, Ruxue called me to tell me that she was pregnant. I don't want the child to be born without a father..." Li Mazi lowered his head and said sheepishly.

After listening to his words, I immediately understood whether Li Mazi had been cautious along the way.

But I was still happy for him and said, "You go back first! Leave this matter to me."

"That won't work." Li Mazi sighed and said, "It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Let's do it!"

After saying that, he took out a small piece of saw blade like a magic trick, put it on the lock and started sawing.

Li Mazi quickly unlocked the door. The moment he pushed the door open, a strong wind suddenly blew out, making my scalp numb.

I opened my parasol and rushed into the house first, looking around.

Since the room is empty, there must be a secret passage, dark room or something.

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