Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 474 Black Iron Treasure Box

The cold wind didn't last long. When the three of us came in, the wind stopped.

The three of us searched the ancestral hall for a long time with flashlights, and finally the bald man discovered something unusual!

He discovered that there was a patch of ground that was lighter in color than other areas, and you couldn't tell if you didn't look carefully.

I walked over and lay down on the ground and knocked lightly a few times. I heard the echo of "dong dong dong". Just by the sound, I knew that the ground was empty.

I couldn't hold back the joy in my heart, and excitedly ran to the car to get a big wrench for repairing the car, inserted it into the gap in the ground, and then pried it hard, and a piece of bluestone about one level was pulled out.

Li Mazi and the big bald man quickly grabbed the stone slab, and then pushed it aside with force. A dark hole was suddenly exposed under the stone slab, and at the same time, a dark wind blew out of the hole.

I quickly pulled them to the side and waited until the dark wind completely dissipated before I took the lead in walking down.

There is a small staircase under the entrance of the cave, but I walked about a dozen steps to reach the bottom. At the same time, I smelled a strong corpse smell, as if there was a rotting corpse stuffed in the cave.

Although Li Mazi was holding a flashlight from behind to illuminate me, the yin here was too thick and heavy, and the light could not shine far at all.

"Be careful!"

I warned again, and then groped forward cautiously, for fear of accidentally touching the mechanism inside.

After walking about a few dozen meters, a table of Eight Immortals appeared in front of them. By now we had slowly adapted to the darkness, and I could barely see a few red lacquer plates on the table. The fruits and offerings on the plates had long since dried.

The tabletop was covered with a thick layer of dust, as if no one had cleaned it for many years. Behind the table is a wooden shelf filled with a row of black jars, and behind each jar there is a portrait.

I guess these are the ancestors of the Hou family, right? I bowed to them and said secretly: "I didn't mean to disturb you, so please don't blame me!"

After that, I walked around the Eight Immortals Table and continued walking towards the place where the corpse stench came from.

It was probably the first time for the bald man to come to a place like this. A layer of cold sweat broke out on his face. He pinched his nose and followed me without even daring to breathe.

Soon I arrived at the place that smelled of corpses, and found that there was no corpse here, but a large dark blue iron box.

"This is probably the family heirloom that bitch was talking about. Why does it smell so bad?" Li Mazi cursed and looked at the iron box, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the opening.

This box can't seem to be opened!

The big bald man took out a pistol and said, "Would you like to try it without a gun?"

I thought for a moment and this was the only way I could do it. I quickly stepped aside and fired two shots at the iron box with my big bald head. Then we came closer and suddenly found a crack in the middle of the box.

It seems that this box was cast by a capable person. Once it is closed, the built-in mechanism will automatically engage, and the vibration of the bullet causes the mechanism to shift, so the box opens.

I quickly stepped forward to open the box and looked inside regardless of the pungent smell.

I thought it was some kind of treasure passed down from generation to generation, but I didn’t expect that it turned out to be Hou Saner’s head!

The big bald man followed me and came over. Seeing this scene, he couldn't bear it anymore and squatted on the ground and vomited.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. I saw him and Gao Erhu fighting in the yard a few hours ago. Why was his head cut off and placed here now?

"Brother Zhang, retreat quickly! We must have been played by that bitch."

Li Mazi was surprisingly calm at the moment. He pulled me and the big bald man and ran out. When I heard this, I suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Hou Saner's wife!

But she took the initiative to give me the keys to the ancestral hall and deliberately told me that the antiques were hidden in this iron box. What was her purpose?

Isn't she afraid that I will see this head and come back to settle the score with her? Or did she expect that I wouldn't be able to get out at all?

Thinking of this, I suddenly had an ominous premonition and shouted in a panic: "Quick, get out!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a muffled sound above my head, and the stone slab we had lifted earlier was pushed back again.

At the same time, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of us. The dark shadow gradually became clearer. Looking at the thin outline, it was clearly the ghost of Hou Saner.

"Third brother, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!" The bald man was frightened and said tremblingly.


Hou San'er snickered sinisterly, then stared at the bald head coldly and said, "You are the one who deserves to die! If you hadn't awakened Lu Bu, I wouldn't have died at all!"

He didn't even look at us and rushed towards the big bald head. I quickly opened my umbrella to block the big bald head.

I saw the black and white Tai Chi halo coming out of the umbrella. Hou Saner's ghost screamed, hurriedly stepped back, and then looked at me fiercely: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is why do you want to seek revenge on him? Your enemy is Lu Bu." I said coldly.

Hou San'er said with an infinitely ferocious grimace: "If it hadn't been for him, Lu Bu's ghost would never have awakened!"

Hou San's words were extremely angry and didn't seem like lies. Why Lu Bu suddenly woke up is also a question I have been thinking about, so I lowered my profile and asked Hou Saner to tell me what happened?

Although Hou Saner hated the big bald man deeply, he was very afraid of my umbrella. After hesitating for a while, he still told the truth.

It turns out that the big bald man specially named his hotel after Moonlight Beauty in order to attract people. There are also some sort of men's and women's parties every night, and a group of girls are hired to attract customers. Not to mention, in order to echo the name, Da Bald spent a lot of money to hire an artist to paint several portraits of Diao Chan and hang them on the wall on the top floor.

Those portraits were basically unclothed and very revealing, which would make people blush today, let alone the ancients two thousand years ago?

Lu Bu and Diao Chan had a deep relationship. When Lu Bu was killed in Baimen Tower, Diao Chan had a chance to survive but was loyal to Lu Bu. In the end, they both died together.

Lu Bu's ghost was naturally very angry when he saw his lover being treated lightly, which led to the big fire at the opening ceremony.

As the number one God of War in the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu was rebellious throughout his life and was unwilling to submit to anyone, but he only fell in love with Diao Chan, which also led to his tragic death in the future.

Think back to when Lu Bu was alone in front of Hulao Pass and drew a halberd with a square sky. How powerful was he in the battle with Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei? But he couldn't even protect his own woman, and he became notorious as a domestic slave with three surnames.

So he has three obsessions in his heart, one is Diao Chan, the other is his own reputation, and the last one is the hatred for his traitorous generals!

The second-generation official was a descendant of Wei Xu. He happened to be there on the opening day of the hotel, which made Lu Bu mistakenly think that Wei Xu was trying to harm him, so he killed the second-generation official.

Then Lu Bu still didn't understand his hatred and planned to find the descendants of Song Xian and Hou Cheng and kill them together. However, the big bald man accidentally invited the pig butcher Hou San'er, which made Lu Bu unable to find a way out of his iron shoes. It takes no effort at all!

So it possessed Gao Erhu and sharpened his knife in the middle of the night to kill Hou Saner. Unexpectedly, Hou Cheng's ghost did not disperse either. So when the master and servant met thousands of years ago, a fierce fight inevitably started!

Even though Lu Bu was seriously injured, Hou Cheng was no match for him and was eventually frightened and ran away, so Hou Saner was killed.

After hearing all this, I couldn't help but sigh. The so-called cycle of cause and effect really makes sense. The cause that happened more than two thousand years ago finally has its effect today.

Li Mazi kept saying, "This is too bloody, right?" It feels more exciting than the TV series.

After hearing all this, the big bald man seemed a little collapsed and kept scratching his head. I patted his shoulder and said, "You don't have to blame yourself. Even if it's not you, someone will wake up Lu Bu in the future."

Ever since Lu Bu was killed, this cause and effect has been doomed and no one can stop it!

After saying that, I looked at Hou Saner's ghost and asked what happened to the head in the box.

"That was put in by ancestor Hou Cheng. He said that today I died because of him, and he wanted me to go in with him to receive incense and offerings from future generations."

Hou San'er's voice became much softer at the end: "Hey, people are dead, what's the use of making offerings?"

After hearing this, I realized that all this was planned. Hou Saner's wife tricked us into coming here just to make the big bald man pay for Hou Saner's life.

I have to say that the woman was ruthless, but when I thought about her life as an orphan and a widowed mother, I also felt a little pity for her.

When will the injustice be repaid?

I decided to completely resolve the conflict between them, so I turned around and bowed to the iron box, and then shouted respectfully: "Junior, please come out and see General Hou. I wonder if the general can agree?"

After I shouted, there was no response from the box. I looked at Hou Saner doubtfully and saw him pointing at the umbrella in my hand.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the yin-yang umbrella is the most yin and yang thing in the world. Even Lu Bu would be scared when he saw it, let alone Hou Cheng.

After putting away the umbrella, I looked at Hou San'er's ghost and said sincerely: Brother Hou, please invite your ancestors to come out! If the cause and effect between him and Lu Bu is not resolved for a day, I am afraid that someone else in your Hou family will suffer. "

It hesitated for a moment, then knelt down and kowtowed three times to the iron box.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew from the iron box, blowing straight towards us.

Then I saw a hazy shadow emerging in mid-air, wearing thick armor, a helmet, and a full beard.

Presumably this is Lu Bu's general Hou Cheng!

After Hou Cheng appeared, he looked at me coldly and said, "Boy, what do you want from this general?"

I coughed lightly, clasped my hands in my fists and said, "Does the general plan to hide in the ancestral hall forever and let Lu Bu eradicate the incense of your Hou family?"

"That's nonsense. Although I, Hou Cheng, am not a great hero, I will not harm future generations. Returning to the ancestral hall today is really a helpless move. When I regain my strength, I must make Lu Bu look good!" Hou Cheng was told by me. His face was red with embarrassment and he shouted angrily.

I was very disdainful of him, but I still told the truth: "Let alone you, even if Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei come together, can they beat Lu Bu?"

Hou Cheng stopped talking now, and there was only the cold wind blowing around him. It seemed that he still knew himself.

After a long time, Hou Chengcai asked a little embarrassedly: "Boy, what do you think this general should do?"

He already showed his attitude by saying this, and I was very happy. It seemed that he also wanted to end the grudge with Lu Bu, so that it would be much easier for me to act.

So I pretended to be very admiring and said: "General Hou had no choice but to capture Lu Bu and offer it to Cao Cao for the sake of the people of Xuzhou. Now for the sake of the safety of his descendants, he decided to reconcile with Lu Bu. This kind of benevolence and righteousness is truly my order." admire!"

After I said these words, I felt sick.

But Hou Cheng held his neck high and squinted his eyes, looking like he was being used. After a while, he said calmly: "Just do as you say!"

After saying that, he flashed and returned to the black iron box.

Then I asked Hou San'er's ghost what his plans were. He said with some shame that he had been blinded by hatred before and almost made a big mistake. Now that the ancestors have decided to make peace with Lu Bu, he has nothing to say. All I ask is that I can take his head back and bury his body together.

I knew that he was preparing to reincarnate, so I nodded and said, "Brother Hou, you can go with peace of mind! I will help my sister-in-law take care of your funeral affairs."

"Thank you, brother!" Hou Saner laughed loudly after saying that, and then disappeared.

"Where has he gone?"

The big bald man asked doubtfully. I said that he had seen through cause and effect and had a profound enlightenment. He no longer had any obsession in his heart and he naturally reincarnated.

After saying that, I walked to the iron box, took out Hou San'er's head and put it into a plastic bag, then carefully covered the black iron box before leaving the ancestral hall.

On the way back, Li Mazi suddenly asked me: "Brother from the Zhang family, who do you think the stone slab was fastened by?"

I was stunned after hearing this.

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