Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 475 Gao Erhu’s conspiracy

Before, I was only focused on entangled with Hou San'er's grievance, but I forgot this!

Could it be that someone has been targeting us from the beginning? Who is this person?

He blocked the stone slab, he must have wanted to trap us in the secret room, but why did he open it for us later?

When we returned to Hou Saner's home, his wife was arranging the burial. She was so frightened when she saw the three of us that she hid in the house. We chased her after her and blocked her at the door.

"You...are you humans or ghosts?" Hou Saner's wife asked with a trembling voice.

Li Mazi said angrily that of course I am a human being, we are dedicated to helping you, but you still want to kill us!

She widened her eyes in disbelief and asked weakly: "Are you really human?"

"Sister-in-law, I have discussed it with the ghost of Brother Hou in the ancestral hall. Let this matter pass!" I said that I would no longer pursue her for harming us, and then put the plastic bag containing Hou Saner's head in the on the table.

"What's this?"

"You must know what's inside. Bury Brother Hou properly, and you don't have to worry about the rest..." After that, I took Li Mazi and Da Baldou and left Hou San'er's house.

After more than 30 consecutive hours without rest, the three of us were extremely exhausted. After returning to Baotou city, we directly found a hotel to sleep.

I slept straight through until the next morning. The first thing I did after waking up was to ask the bald man to send people to remove all the Diao Chan portraits on the roof. Doing so could dissipate Lu Bu's anger to some extent.

Then I rushed to Gao Erhu's house. As soon as I arrived at the village entrance, I saw Gao Erhu coming out of the village on a tricycle, pulling a cart full of pork.

He was humming a little tune while driving and looked very nourished.

After seeing us, he stopped and asked us with confusion on his face why we were here.

It seemed that he couldn't remember what happened last night at all. I didn't bother to explain, so I said directly: "Didn't you say something was wrong at home yesterday? Let me see what happened."

"What, something is wrong at home?" Gao Erhu was stunned after hearing this, and then looked at me nervously and said, "Master, don't scare me. My family is fine, how could something happen?"

After saying that, he didn't mean to invite us into the house to sit. He got on his tricycle and left, leaving behind a trail of black smoke.

Li Mazi looked at his back with complicated eyes.

I asked him what was wrong, and Li Mazi suddenly said: "You said the person staring at us in the Hou family ancestral hall could be Gao Erhu?"

My heart sank. Thinking about it carefully, this is really possible!

Also haunted by Lu Bu's ghost, Hou Saner died tragically, but nothing happened to Gao Erhu's family.

The most important thing is that Gao Erhu asked me to help him yesterday, but today he seems to be a different person. His memory of the time when he was possessed by Lu Bu may no longer be there, but when he took us home and saw that his wife was not breathing, and then cried and begged me to save her, I will never forget it overnight!

There must be something wrong with the sophomore tiger!

In order not to alert others, I asked Li Mazi and Da Baldou to drive away while I stayed.

Gao Erhu's family lives in the innermost part of the village. Behind the house is a lumber yard, which contains many neatly stacked logs that have not yet been processed. I looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so I took the opportunity to climb onto the roof of Gao Erhu's house on logs.

Gao Erhu didn't come back for a whole day, and I don't know what he did. Gao Erhu's wife came out of the house a few times, but her behavior was normal and there was nothing suspicious about her.

When it was getting dark, Gao Erhu finally came back. All the pork on the tricycle was gone. I wondered if this guy had really been selling pork all day, right?

Then Gao Erhu parked the car in the yard, took out a bulging bag of stuff from the car and entered the house. The stuff looked like medicinal materials from a traditional Chinese medicine store.

I thought this package was the key, so I quickly climbed down the ladder at his house carefully, and then hid in a corner and listened carefully.

"Honey, this is the medicine I took according to the prescription given by Marquis Wen. Remember to take it on time and cooperate with Marquis Wen's method of fighting poison with poison. You will definitely be cured." Gao Erhu spoke with a gentle voice.

I was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then I knew in my mind that Gao Erhu was probably a descendant of Lu Bu's general Gao Shun!

Gao Shun was Lu Bu's confidant general during his lifetime. He commanded the five hundred troops and was at the forefront of every battle. After Lu Bu was captured, Cao Cao tried to recruit Gao Shun several times, but Gao Shun was loyal and unyielding and was eventually killed together with Lu Bu.

This can explain why Lu Bu showed up at Hu's house, the second grade of high school, but did not harm their husband and wife.

Lu Bu is not pestering them, but is here to repay Gao Shun's loyalty back then!

Combining Gao Erhu's words and the way Erhu's wife looked frozen last night, I thought she might have had some acute illness, and Lu Bu used his own Yin energy to seal her blood vessels to alleviate the condition.

Thinking of this, I feel sad. People in the world say that Lu Bu is a white-eyed wolf and ungrateful. But who would have thought that after a thousand years, he still hasn't forgotten Gao Shun's friendship back then!

I can only sigh slightly. The world only knows Lu Bu's bravery, but no one can understand Lu Bu's heart.

Since Lu Bu is also an emotional person, I am more confident in persuading him. But Gao Erhu kept everything secret from me, so I could only watch what he did next so that I could follow the clues and find out.

After thinking about it, I sent a text message to Li Mazi, asking him to gather the commonly used things and be ready to come and pick me up at any time.

It got dark soon. Gao Erhu cooked a meal for his wife himself, and then cooked some medicine for her and fed her to drink.

After everything was done, Gao Erhu carried his wife to the bed, then he took out a raincoat from the drawer and walked outside.

I hurriedly hid in a corner, and after confirming that he had walked out of the house, I cautiously chased him. Unexpectedly, this kid got on a tricycle at the door and quickly threw me away.

Just then Li Mazi called me and asked me how I was doing here.

"Gao Erhu is out. I can't keep up with him as he rides. Come and pick me up quickly." After I said that, I hung up the phone and stopped where I was, waiting for Li Mazi.

It seemed like more than twenty minutes passed before Li Mazi and the others arrived.

"Why did you come here?" I asked with a frown.

The bald man said with a sad face: "Master, someone is causing trouble in the store! After Brother Mazi and I went back, we followed your instructions and took down all the portraits of Diao Chan. As soon as we were about to come to you, we found that those portraits had been hung up again. …”

After hearing what he said, I realized that both of them were looking gray and gray, and Li Mazi's arm was still stained with blood, so I quickly asked him what was going on.

Ruxue has just become pregnant. If something happens to Li Mazi, how can I explain it to Ruxue?

"It's nothing serious. I just don't know who secretly hung up all those explicit portraits of Diao Chan, which angered Lu Bu. If we hadn't run so fast, we would have been in trouble this time," Li Mazi said.

"It's okay!"

I took a deep breath, patted them both on the shoulders, and then got in the car to find Gao Erhu.

There is only one main road in the village, so we shouldn't be able to chase the tricycle with a car.

At first I deliberately controlled the speed of the car for fear of being noticed by Gao Erhu, but later on I gradually felt something was wrong.

It seems that Gao Erhu is going to Moonlight Beauty!

"No!" I was stunned for a moment, but I quickly realized what I was doing, yelled, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

"What's wrong?" Li Mazi asked confused.

"We all underestimated the sophomore tiger, damn it." I cursed angrily.

Only now did I realize that Gao Erhu was so cold to us during the day because he did it on purpose. His purpose was to attract our attention and buy Lu Bu time.

Even when he left on a tricycle in the end, he did it on purpose, just to let Li Mazi pick me up, so that no one would be in the hotel!

Lu Bu was trapped in the hotel with lime and couldn't get out. He must be extremely angry now. If Gao Erhu really lets him out, the consequences will be disastrous!

When I arrived at the door of the hotel, I was surprised to find Gao Erhu's tricycle parked at the door. I didn't care to say any more, and rushed towards the roof with my parasol in hand!

As soon as I passed the kitchen on the first floor, a strong wind blew from the deep pit, and at the same time, I heard the sound of escaping footsteps coming from the stairs.

I stopped and asked Li Mazi and Da Baldou to chase Gao Erhu. I stood in front of the pit and said calmly: "General Lu, I already know what you are thinking. Can we talk?"

"What are you going to say?" A voice without any emotion sounded faintly.

Lu Bu was Lu Bu after all. There was no ink mark at all. He appeared directly above the pit and looked at me with gritted teeth.

"The general is so brave that I have no choice but to trap you here..."

I bowed to him, and then told him that Hou Cheng hoped to resolve the grudges from his previous life and hoped that Lu Bu could forgive him.

"Impossible! Hou Cheng's son betrayed me. If I don't kill him, it's hard to relieve the hatred in my heart!" Lu Bu shouted without thinking.

I felt worried for a while, and after thinking about it, I put on a sad look, and slowly persuaded: "Everyone thinks that General Lu can only show off his bravery, but I understand the general's idea of ​​​​pacifying troubled times. Isn't it because Hou Cheng and the others are because of this? Your ambitions and follow you?”

"I had no choice but to betray you back then! If you fought to the end, what would happen to the innocent soldiers in Xuzhou? What would happen to the people in Xuzhou? Do you want to see them brutally killed by Cao Cao? They did something for you Good thing, instead of hating them, you should thank them!" After saying that, I took a few steps back, fearing that Lu Bu would suddenly become angry.

Fortunately, Lu Bu did not get angry. Instead, he muttered to himself in confusion, "Did they not do anything wrong?"

Seeing him like this, I immediately knew that I had made the right bet. Lu Bu is different from Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. Xiang Yu only knows how to kill, and he is headstrong and will not listen to any opinions. Lu Bu looks strong on the outside but gentle on the inside!

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