Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 476 Lu Bu and Diao Chan

I struck while the iron was hot and said: "General Lu, you exchanged one life for the lives of tens of thousands of Xiliang troops, and saved the people of Xuzhou. Isn't that great enough?"

Lu Bu was obviously moved after hearing this, but he smiled bitterly in despair: "What's the use? I can't even protect the woman I love most, and I have become a slave with three surnames that the world reviles..."

At this time, Li Mazi and Da Baldou had already captured Gao Erhu from upstairs. Gao Erhu was still wearing a raincoat. When he saw Lu Bu, he knelt on the ground with a pop and said with tears: "Marquis Wen, the villain can't be saved." Come out, I'm sorry!"

When I saw this scene, I sincerely admired the loyalty of the Gao family. Even now, Gao Erhu is still loyal to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu looked at Gao Erhu, his eyes full of the elder's pity for the younger one.

I knew that the time was almost up, so I saluted Lu Bu again, and then said to Gao Erhu: "Erhu, more than two thousand years have passed in history, and the Han Dynasty has long since disappeared. Do we still have any grudges to speak of? Do we still have any grudges? Do you want General Lu to kill all the descendants of those families one by one?"

Can you finish the killing?

Gao Erhu lowered his head, not daring to look at us. I understood that he knew he was wrong, so I didn't make it difficult for him, asking him to comfort Lu Bu and not cause any more trouble.

Then we rushed to Hou's ancestral hall and told Hou Cheng that Lu Bu had promised to have a good talk with him. After hearing this, Hou Cheng's expression was stunned, and then he burst into tears.

"After more than two thousand years, my lord is finally willing to forgive me! I thank you, general."

Hou Cheng pointed to the black iron box on the ground and said: "The box contains the weapons I used during my lifetime. They have been handed down to this day. Since you helped me, I will give this weapon to you! I won't use it anyway." .”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved it hard. The lid of the iron box was completely opened, and two cold lights were instantly revealed inside.

Li Mazi took it out and saw that they were two shining silver axes. The ax handles were engraved with gold-plated tigers descending from the mountain.

I shivered with fright on the spot, thinking that Hou Cheng was indeed one of Lu Bu's eight capable generals, and the weapons he used were awesome!

Anyway, I didn't have a good impression of Hou Cheng, and I wasn't modest, so I asked Li Mazi to carry the ax to the car. The black iron box must be valuable, but considering that it was the last antique of the Hou family, I kept it.

After returning home, I specially asked the big bald head to choose a sweet-looking princess from another nightclub. Diaochan was a singer, and she was actually the same type of person as the nightclub princess.

When I told her that I wanted her to pretend to be Diao Chan and talk to Lu Bu's ghost, she was immediately frightened and refused to take the job. She also said that she didn't want to live to make money but not spend it.

"Lu Bu will not hurt you. His biggest weakness is Diao Chan! And he also knows that Diao Chan is dead. Now he wants you to help him and let him rest in peace. Please!"

I said it sincerely, but the other party still refused.

The big bald man directly took out a pistol and put it against the head of Princess Yichang, and said angrily: "You dare to negotiate terms with me, believe it or not, I will kill your whole family!"

She was frightened and looked at me as if asking for help.

I just pretended I didn't see it and turned my head to the side. She had no choice but to agree.

After that, I searched all the positive records about Lu Bu on the Internet and integrated those contents into one document.

After everything was ready, my heart suddenly felt empty. After Li Mazi got the two weapons, he finally returned to his true nature of being greedy for money. He stretched out his hand and patted me on the face and asked me what I wanted.

"I just think things are too simple. We basically didn't encounter any danger this time..." I said.

"If the big bald head and I hadn't tried our best to help you, you would have been killed by Lu Bu. Isn't this considered dangerous?" Li Mazi cursed.

I nodded. Li Mazi was right. Maybe I was overthinking.

In view of the bad reputation Lu Bu left in history, I was afraid that he would change his mind at the last moment and attack us, so I specially drew many magic talismans and distributed them to everyone, and then made a temporary sword in the hardware store.

I have learned the spell from the man in the T-shirt to invite the Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin. If Lu Bu changes his mind, I will ask the Sword Immortal to help me when I have to.

Time passes little by little, and the sky becomes darker and darker...

Time arrived soon after. Since the lime dehydrated and solidified into hard lumps, Da Baldy specially invited the construction team to help dig.

This process is what I'm most worried about, for fear that Lu Bu will suddenly become violent and go on a killing spree. Fortunately, he remained calm from beginning to end. It wasn't until the construction team completely left that he appeared in front of us through the dark wind.

"Thank you, General Lu."

After I finished speaking, I took a few steps back to let the princess playing Diao Chan pass, and then motioned for everyone to hide in the corner.

The princess followed my instructions and spoke lovingly: "General, after thousands of years, Chan'er finally sees you."

After all, she is a singer. Her voice is very seductive. Coupled with the Han Dynasty costumes I gave her, she looks like Diao Chan every minute.

"Madam, Fengxian is incompetent and has made you suffer!"

After Lu Bu finished speaking, he knelt on the ground with a thud. I felt the ground tremble when he knelt down.

Li Mazi and Da Baldou were also shocked and opened their mouths wide. They all knew that Lu Bu loved Diao Chan, but no one would have thought that Lu Bu would kneel down. You must know that women did not have any social status in the Han Dynasty, so there is a saying: brothers are like brothers and wives are like clothes.

The singer was probably moved by Lu Bu, and she actually shed tears. She rushed up to throw herself into Lu Bu's arms, but she failed.

Lu Bu's attempt to take her into his arms also failed. After all, he was just a ghost, and strictly speaking, he was not even a soul.

Lu Bu was stunned for a long time with his arms open, and then said calmly to the singer: "I know you are not my Chan'er, Chan'er has died a long time ago. Let's go! Thank you for allowing me to fulfill this wish. "

After hearing this, I felt sad. It turned out that Lu Bu had always felt sorry for Diao Chan, so he wanted to kneel down to her to express his inner guilt.

After the singer left, I quickly stepped forward, handed the prepared information to Gao Erhu, and asked him to read it.

"Lü Bu, courtesy name Fengxian, was the most powerful general in the Eastern Han Dynasty! He once killed the national traitor Dong Zhuo and was named Marquis of Wen by the court for his meritorious service in the country. Later, he shot a halberd at the gate and prevented a catastrophe. And Lü Bu and Diao Chan became heroes. Good stories about beauties, passed down for a long time..."

Gao Erhu recited affectionately.

When Lu Bu listened to all this, his expression changed from dull to moved, and he even shed a few tears in the middle. At the end, he returned to his heroic character, laughed and asked Gao Erhu if this was true?

"Back to Marquis Wen, these are all true. Although there are some scoldings on you, no one is perfect. Just have a clear conscience!"

Gao Erhu said calmly, and my heart skipped a beat after hearing this, because according to my request, Gao Erhu just said it was true, but he added something!

Given Lu Bu's character, he would most likely be furious after hearing this. I subconsciously clenched my umbrella and prepared to fight with him. Unexpectedly, Lu Bu instead of getting angry, actually raised his head and laughed wildly.

"You have a clear conscience, and you are worthy of being a good son of Bingzhou!"

I breathed a sigh of relief and felt that Lu Bu was not as unkind as the book said. Now only Hou Cheng was left unsolved. I asked Lu Bu if he was ready to meet Hou Cheng.

"I am his master, how can I wait for him?" Lu Bu snorted coldly, then shook his sleeves and ran back into the pit.

I knew he wanted Hou Cheng to come over and beg him, so I signaled Li Mazi to release Hou Cheng's ghost.

Li Mazi nodded and quickly took out the pair of axes from the car, where Hou Cheng's ghost was residing.

After walking into the hall, before I could say anything, Hou Chenggong came out of the ax with a whoosh. He looked left and right, and finally locked his eyes on the deep pit. Then he quickly took a few steps forward, knelt on the ground with a bang, and cried heartbreakingly: "The criminal Hou Cheng pays homage to the lord!"

"Let's go out first." I said to Li Mazi and Da Baldou.

After all, they were ancient people, but as I walked out, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in the darkness, and before I could react, I heard Hou Cheng's shrill scream.

I realized something was wrong and quickly turned around. I was shocked to find that a golden halberd had been inserted into Hou Cheng's body. The huge force directly pinned Hou Cheng to the wall.

I was stunned for a moment, completely attracted by the light of Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Fang Tian's painted halberd was seen spinning rapidly, and Hou Cheng's screams became louder and louder. Finally, he twitched a few times and turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated in the air.

Then Fang Tian's painted halberd fell to the ground with a clang.

"Didn't we agree on peace talks? Why did we start working?" Li Mazi asked in a daze.

"No matter how Hou Cheng pleads, it is true that he betrayed Lu Bu. Lu Bu can be forgiven by us, but we will never forgive Hou Cheng!"

I murmured. Li Mazi was stunned after hearing this, and then asked me with wide eyes, had all this been expected?

"That's right!" I admitted with a sneer. The reason why Lu Bu agreed to me was because I quietly made a deal with him.

The content of the deal was that I deceived Hou Cheng into front of him, and as long as I could kill Hou Cheng, Lu Bu would be willing to leave.

"Brother Zhang, what the hell..."

Li Mazi punched me in the face, but in the end he failed to land. He sighed and said, "You have changed. You are no longer the innocent and kind-hearted Zhang Jiulin I know."

"I just don't want Ruxue's child to be born without a father, and I don't want Xinyue to cry every day. Do you think we can defeat the God of War Lu Bu?" I shouted at Li Mazi.

He was stunned, looked at me silently, and then we both laughed in unison.

Lu Bu left, leaving behind Fang Tian's painted halberd, plus Hou Cheng's tiger-headed double axe, and we got two evil objects at once.

It didn’t take long for ancient weapon collectors to come to my door, and I finally sold Hou Cheng’s tiger head ax for three million.

As for Fang Tian's painted halberd, I have no plans to take action for the time being, not only because Fang Tian's painted halberd is unparalleled in the world, but more importantly, every time I see Fang Tian's painted halberd, I can think of this grudge that spans thousands of years.


Whether it is kindness or resentment, as time goes by, what should be forgotten will always be forgotten.

But the good story between Lu Bu and Diao Chan is eternal.

Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win over countless others in the world.

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