Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 477: Let’s go to Europe!

After returning from Baotou, Li Mazi began to quit drinking, closed his shop, and devoted himself to taking care of the pregnant Ruxue. He even spent less time doing business with me.

In Li Mazi's words, he hasn't spent time with Ruxue properly since he got married, so he took this opportunity to repay her!

Seeing that it was rare for us to have free time, Yin Xinyue took leave from the company and came back to accompany me. She even asked me to take her on a trip like a little woman.

I smiled and asked her where she wanted to go?

Yin Xinyue said that she would go to Europe to see the medieval castles and the beautiful sea of ​​flowers. Considering that Li Mazi and his wife have been staying away from home recently, I had no intention of inviting them together.

Unexpectedly, early in the morning on the day of departure, Li Mazi appeared at the door of my antique store carrying a mountaineering bag and supporting Ruxue. He said with a lewd smile: "Brother from the Zhang family, you still want to travel secretly? You have to do it this time. Just take us with you, and you’ll pay all the expenses.”

I suddenly had a black line on my face and looked at Ruxue speechlessly: "Ruxue, can you do it with your body?"

"No problem, it's only been two months."

Ruxue smiled and stroked her belly, and gave me an OK gesture. I nodded and said nothing.

Because Yin Xinyue worked for a multinational film and television company and could obtain a visa from within, she completed all the procedures in minutes. The excited Li Mazi shouted long live his sister-in-law.

I felt very sweet after hearing this.

In the next half month, we first went to four Nordic countries and to Denmark, Andersen’s hometown. Then he moved to France, went to Provence to witness the world of lavender, and then visited EU countries along the way.

These countries are not big, they are about the same as a province in China, but the scenery along the way is really beautiful, as if we have entered a new fairy tale world.

This is my first time going abroad. What I feel most deeply is that people in developed countries know how to live and enjoy!

Yin Xinyue and Ruxue went shopping all the way, and they were only responsible for buying and not carrying. At first, Li Mazi and I could bear it, but after running around for days, Li Mazi and I lost a lot of weight. Finally, we couldn't stand it anymore and proposed to return to China. .

Unexpectedly, Ruxue had to go to Milan, a famous Italian city, and Li Mazi and I had no choice but to continue to work as coolies.

After a day of shopping in Milan, I also visited the Milan Conservatory of Music in the evening, and then I found a hotel nearby to stay.

After I returned to the room, I simply washed up, then lay on the bed and fell asleep soundly. I even skipped sex. Yin Xinyue was so angry that she kept kicking me.

Fortunately, she was also exhausted and fell asleep after struggling for a while, and I fell asleep immediately.

When I was sleeping soundly, I suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door, and it seemed like someone was calling my name vaguely.

I cursed subconsciously, turned over and prepared to ignore it. As a result, the knocking on the door became louder and louder. Finally, Yin Xinyue was woken up. She sat up and pushed me: "Brother Zhang, it seems that Li Mazi is calling you."

I had no choice but to brace myself up, put on my clothes and went to open the door. I cursed angrily: "You kid is up in the middle of the night, why are you knocking on the door?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cry in Li Mazi's voice: "Brother from the Zhang family, please save Ruxue, how can I survive if she is in trouble!"

As soon as I heard this, I instantly fell into the ice cave and was chilled from head to toe.

Only then did he see that Li Mazi was sweating profusely and his face was red, as if he was holding his breath.

Looking down, a purple mark suddenly appeared on his neck!

I was stunned for a moment, then turned to the bathroom and poured a basin of cold water on my head to cheer myself up. Then I walked out without even wiping my hair and asked nervously: "Have you seen what it is?"

Li Mazi has experienced many storms and waves, and few things can make him so panicked.

And when I looked at Li Mazi just now, I felt that the strangulation mark on his neck was surrounded by a layer of black air. He must have encountered something dirty!

"I was sleeping soundly, and suddenly I felt difficulty breathing, and then I woke up! When I opened my eyes, I suddenly saw Ruxue riding on me and strangling my neck with a rope." Li Mazi said.

"At first I thought she was playing tricks on me, but she became stronger and stronger, and her face became more and more ferocious. She clearly wanted to strangle me! And I felt that she suddenly became much stronger. , I couldn’t exert any effort at all. I thought I was done playing like this, but at the most critical moment, Ruxue suddenly stopped and then fainted on the bed. Go and have a look!"

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he didn't stop at all. He picked me up and ran to his room. Yin Xinyue knew something was wrong, so she quickly put on her clothes and followed.

When I walked into Li Mazi's room, I immediately saw Ruxue lying on the bed. I found that her face was as pale as white paper. I hurriedly walked to the bed and tried to help her up. Unexpectedly, I felt a rush of energy as soon as I touched her. chill.

Ruxue's body is too cold!

I frowned and tried to move her arms. I felt that her limbs were becoming stiff, so I quickly asked Yin Xinyue to get hot water and wipe her body with a hot towel.

"Brother Zhang, you must save her, I beg you!"

Li Mazi was so anxious that he was sweating profusely but couldn't use any strength. He could only keep begging me.

The biggest advantage of him is that he values ​​feelings. Chu Chu's death almost made him depressed. Finally, he and Ruxue feel happy together. I have to ensure Ruxue's safety no matter what!

According to Ruxue's current situation, the most important thing to do is to feed her talisman water to expel the yin energy from her body.

It's a pity that she is pregnant now, and the baby's soul is only two months old and has not yet formed. Drinking a talisman's water will probably drive away the baby's soul.

"how so?"

While I was scratching my head, Yin Xinyue suddenly screamed. Li Mazi and I looked over like a reflex, and we were shocked to find that pus began to ooze from all the places on Ruxue's body that had been applied with hot towels.

Light yellow pus flowed out from the blisters. Li Mazi collapsed when he saw this scene, sat down on the ground and cried loudly.

"Li Mazi, cheer up, Ruxue will definitely be saved, you believe me!"

I grabbed him off the ground and shouted hysterically: "Go and buy some milk. The higher the purity, the better."

Li Mazi didn't seem to hear my words and looked at Ruxue with dull eyes. I slapped him on the face and said that if you still want to save Ruxue, just do as I say.

"Yes, save Ruxue! She can still be saved!"

Li Mazi finally came to his senses, got up and rushed outside the hotel.

After he went out, I took a disposable paper cup and placed it next to Ruxue, letting Xinyue continue to wipe her body. Whenever there was pus flowing out, I would catch it in the paper cup.

It didn't take long for Ruxue's limbs to be wiped, but her face became paler. Yin Xinyue was frightened and asked me, crying, if Ruxue was hopeless.

"I have no idea……"

I sighed and replied painfully. Then he found a magnifying glass, picked up the connected pus and observed it carefully.

According to what Li Mazi said, it didn't take long from the time Ruxue wanted to strangle him to the time we entered the house. There are not many tricks that can make a person's whole body fester in a short period of time. According to my understanding, only the domestic Miao witchcraft can achieve this effect!

It is said that a poison master only needs someone else's hair or saliva to inflict poison, which can cause serious illness for several months, or full-body ulcers. Countless small bugs that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye will squirm in the body and eventually break out, torturing the person to death.

If Ruxue is really bewitched, there is really no way to save her! Fortunately, I looked carefully with a magnifying glass for a long time and found no bugs, which basically ruled out the possibility of witchcraft.

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