Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 478 High heels in the corridor

It didn't take long for Li Mazi to come back, with a large bucket of milk in his hand. After entering the door and placing the milk on the ground, he gasped for air.

Because this time we are just traveling, we didn’t bring anything with us at all. It’s unrealistic to buy things like black dog blood and peach wood piles in a foreign country right now. Even if we try our best to get them, I’m afraid it will hurt us. The baby inside the snow, so I thought of using milk.

Many people know that wiping cow tears on your eyelids can see ghosts, but few know that milk can ward off evil spirits. Because breast milk has the property of nurturing offspring, it has the yang energy to exorcise evil spirits, and the cow itself is a psychic animal, so milk is a good anti-evil item and will not cause side effects.

To be on the safe side, I first added some milk to the cup of pus and then observed it. I saw the originally turbid thick water making a sizzling sound, then becoming clear at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turning into a colorless and odorless liquid together with the milk!

Li Mazi was so excited when he saw this scene that he quickly stepped forward to feed Ruxue milk. Yin Xinyue also quickly wiped Ruxue's body with a towel dipped in milk. With the constant sizzling sounds, Ruxue's face gradually turned red, and the blisters on her body gradually disappeared, and the thick water turned into black and smelly sweat.

I felt that the yin energy was almost gone, so I asked Yin Xinyue to mix the remaining milk with water and give Ruxue a milk bath to remove the remaining dirt from her body. While Ruxue was taking a bath, Li Mazi knew that Ruxue was fine, and the worry on his face finally diminished. I patted him gently and asked him again if he remembered what happened at that time.

Since that thing was using Ruxue's body to strangle Li Mazi, it must be afraid!

Then when it leaves Ruxue, it will more or less show its flaws, such as a shadow flashing out or the surrounding air inexplicably speeding up, etc. Based on Li Mazi's experience, he would never ignore these details. I think he was too worried about Ruxue before, which led to unclear ideas.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi thought seriously for a long time after hearing this, and finally shook his head and insisted that he saw nothing. My heart that had just been relieved tightened again. Li Mazi would definitely not lie to me, which means this thing is not simple!

Also, why did it let go of Li Mazi at the last minute?

The strangling marks on Li Mazi's neck were shocking, which meant that the thing was rushing to kill him, but in the end it accidentally let him go. There must be something wrong with this.

Thinking of this, I re-examined the room. Unfortunately, the room was very well decorated and did not violate the Feng Shui taboos at all.

I regretted not bringing a compass, otherwise I could directly judge the location of the ghost based on the direction of the compass pointer. There was nothing weird in the house at the moment, and I had no idea what to do for a while.

Fortunately, after Yin Xinyue gave Ruxue a bath, Ruxue woke up, but her face was still a little pale.

Li Mazi bit his lip and asked a little embarrassedly: "Brother Zhang, is there any way to help Ruxue get better as soon as possible?"

"I pulled out so much pus just now, which caused a lack of water in the body. Just drink more water and it will be fine. Don't worry." I comforted him and told him not to worry.

Li Mazi breathed a sigh of relief, then his face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said that he must beat that thing to pieces this time, and he will never be reincarnated, otherwise he will not be a human being!

Actually, what I want is to evacuate as soon as everyone is fine. I really don’t want to get into trouble in a foreign country. But Li Mazi was so determined that I knew it was impossible to persuade him, so I had no choice but to fight against this evil spirit.

But there is a question before us: Did Li Mazi accidentally recruit this dirty thing from outside? There is something wrong with the hotel itself.

If it were the former possibility, our situation would be very passive. Because Ruxue was in poor health and worried that the thing would come back with a killing blow, we didn't sleep that night. I didn't dare to let the two girls rest until daybreak.

Then I asked Li Mazi to go downstairs together, looking for something that could be used for self-defense. Unfortunately, the domestic gadgets were nowhere to be found on the streets of Italy. After a busy morning, I only found a small bunch of domestic copper coins in an antique shop. .

The surface of these copper coins is mottled, but the palms of your hands will feel warm and full of yang energy. With them, you will have no problem in self-defense. But it's not enough to completely eliminate that thing.

During lunch, Li Mazi asked for pasta. I never had any special requirements for food, so I ordered a portion of noodles with him. Li Mazi was satisfied with the meal and asked the clerk to pack two more portions and said he would bring them to Ruxue and Xinyue.

The clerk could speak simple Chinese, so Li Mazi asked gossipingly how they made this side. The clerk smiled and said: Duran wheat.

After hearing this, I suddenly thought that wheat can be used to deal with dirty things!

Plant seeds are all spiritual, and seeds with a hard texture are more effective. So often when I encounter unclean things, I will choose to chew soybeans.

Soybeans are hard to find right now, but durum wheat can be used instead. Duran wheat is the hardest type of wheat, and the effect is definitely no worse than soybeans when used properly.

I couldn't help but get excited, and took Li Mazi to the store to buy a small bag of dulam wheat and brought it back to the hotel.

When I got back, the two girls were already awake. I divided the small bunch of copper plates I bought into four parts, and each of them carried a few coins, so they could be used for self-defense in times of crisis.

Ruxue's face improved a lot after eating. She had already heard what happened from Yin Xinyue, but like Li Mazi, she found nothing.

She only remembered that her head suddenly sank while she was asleep, and then she lost consciousness. After saying this, she had a trace of guilt on her face.

"It's okay. That thing will definitely appear again tonight. I don't believe it. It's so powerful that it doesn't show any flaws at all!" I said sternly.

After that, I let them continue to rest, and then together with Li Mazi, we sprinkled durum wheat at the doorways of the two rooms, near the windows, and on the edges of the beds.

While doing these things, I found that Li Mazi always scratched the marks on his neck intentionally or unintentionally. I quickly asked him if his neck was uncomfortable?

"It's nothing, just itchy..."

Li Mazi waved his hand and said it was okay, and I felt relieved. Then I used white paper to draw a few more talismans. Although the effect was not as good as the yellow talisman paper, the essence and blood could save lives at critical moments.

Last night, after all this, I felt at ease. After washing myself, I fell asleep. In the evening we went downstairs to have dinner together, and I noticed that Li Mazi scratched his neck much faster!

Even Ruxue thought it was abnormal and asked Li Mazi what was going on. He smiled and showed his big yellow teeth and said that his neck was itchy.

We all suggested that he go to the hospital, but Li Mazi insisted that he was fine. Besides, I had wiped milk on his neck before, which had forced the yin energy out, so no one said anything else.

When we returned to the hotel, it was completely dark. Except for the room we were in, the entire hotel seemed extremely quiet. Whenever we spoke, we would hear an echo immediately afterwards.

After what happened last night, Ruxue seemed to be much less courageous, and kept trembling in Li Mazi's arms.

I gently turned off the lights in the room and closed the curtains, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

Li Mazi scratched his neck and asked me if this was okay? What if that thing comes and makes no sound.

"Don't worry, we have sown durum wheat on its only path. As long as it dares to come, it will definitely make a sound!"

I spread my hands and pretended to be relaxed, but I was inevitably nervous.

No one spoke anymore, and the only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock. Li Mazi and I hadn't slept a wink since last night. We were waiting for sleepiness to set in and couldn't help but doze off. Especially Li Mazi, his eyelids kept rolling, and he only had two matchsticks in his eyes.

"You two, lie down for a while. If there is any movement, I will call you." Yin Xinyue said distressedly.

I yawned, looked at Li Mazi and said, I can still hold on, you go and take a rest.

"Well... okay!"

Li Mazi was really exhausted, so he didn't refuse, muttered something vaguely and climbed into bed. But at this moment, the sound of high heels suddenly came from the corridor.

It only lasted two seconds, but there were more than ten sounds of high heels hitting the ground. It was like someone was running in high heels and then disappeared the next moment!

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