Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 479 The Life-Calling Demonic Sound

I instantly became more energetic and quickly signaled everyone to be more vigilant. Li Mazi seemed to be a different person, the tired look on his face disappeared, replaced by huge hatred!

But when we held our breath and listened with concentration, the melodious sound of violins came from outside, and the music style was very sad.

The sound was exceptionally clear, as if someone was standing outside the door playing.

Even though I don’t understand the violin, I can hear the perfect transition between the different tones in the glissando, and the climax is so expressive that it makes you tear up.

Unknowingly, I was immersed in it, and a blond woman with blue eyes appeared in my mind. She had an oval-shaped face, and had the elegant and elegant temperament of a European woman. She was draped in medieval silk and satin, and she still exuded a sense of beauty even though she was still. Infinite charm, inadvertently I had the urge to strike up a conversation.

At this moment, the woman's face suddenly became extremely resentful, her green eyes flashed with sadness, her beautiful cheeks seemed to have a layer of frost, and her forehead was tightly knitted together, as if something sad had happened to her.

Accompanied by the plaintive sound of the violin, I seemed to understand this woman's sadness, and an impulse surged from the depths of my soul to hold her in my arms and cherish her. At the same time, my legs were walking out of the door uncontrollably!

Fortunately, my brain regained its sanity instantly, and I immediately realized that this thing was confusing us.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, Li Mazi and the others were walking stiffly towards the door with intoxicated faces! My heart skipped a beat and I bit my tongue hard. The blood on the tip of my tongue completely woke me up from the demonic sound.

Looking forward, I saw that Li Mazi was already approaching the door. How could I dare to let him out? I hurriedly stepped forward and slapped him hard on the face, which immediately woke up Li Mazi. He asked me what was going on with a look of horror on his face.

"We are all confused. Hold a few durum wheat grains in your mouth. If you feel something is wrong, chew it hard, but don't swallow it!"

I said quickly, and at the same time took out two copper coins from my pocket and pressed them between Ruxue and Xinyue's eyebrows. Then they all came to their senses and collapsed on the ground. Ruxue was so frightened that she couldn't even speak and kept beating her chest with her hands. Xinyue was not much better, and asked with a trembling voice: "Brother Zhang, what should I do?"

"Since that thing wants to trick us into going out, it means that the dulam wheat is working. As long as we don't go out, there will be no danger..."

After I finished speaking, I handed them some wheat to hold in their mouths, and then called Li Mazi to the window.

"Brother Zhang, can you deal with it?" Li Mazi asked.

"Hard to say." I shook my head.

Then I gently opened the window and looked outside. If the weather outside was good, Li Mazi and I would climb down through the window, then quietly go upstairs to see the true face of the thing in the corridor.

Unexpectedly, there was a thin layer of fog outside, and the street lights on the street became infinitely hazy. If we two living people climbed down from mid-air, we would probably be attacked by the Yin spirit. We might as well go out and fight with the Yin spirit. Three hundred rounds of spiritual battle!

A hint of timidity flashed across Li Mazi's face after hearing what I said, but he soon returned to normal. He put a handful of durum wheat into his pocket as I told him, and then gave his copper coins to Ruxue and Xinyue, telling them to stay in the house and never go out.

After doing all this, he took a deep breath and said: "No matter how sacred that thing is, today either it dies or I die."

I gave Li Mazi a thumbs up, and then opened the door first, with Li Mazi following closely behind me. But just as I stepped out of the room with one foot, I suddenly felt a strong resentment surrounding the door. My heart thumped, and I immediately took back my foot, turned around and winked at Li Mazi.

Li Mazi was just stunned for a moment, then quickly took out a handful of wheat and was ready to throw it out!

As we stopped, I felt the resentment less intense. It seemed that this female ghost knew that we were going out and wanted to play wait and see for us. I smiled coldly in my heart, took off my coat and threw it out.

The moment the coat came out, a red ring-shaped object flashed across my body, pinched exactly at the collar of my coat, and shrunk to the size of a fist.

Seeing this scene, cold sweat broke out on my forehead. If I hadn't sensed danger at the last moment, my neck would have been strangled by now!

The ring-shaped object seemed to realize that it had been deceived, and quickly returned to its original size and prepared to get out of the way. Li Mazi, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly took a step forward and scattered the Duran wheat in his hand with all his strength. go out.

The halo couldn't dodge and was hit squarely. A plume of black smoke suddenly appeared, shaking a few times in mid-air and turning into a figure! I looked carefully and it was the European woman that had appeared in my mind before.

At this moment, her face was covered with maggots, and her two bulging eyes stared at me and Li Mazi fiercely. I was staring at her so hard that I lowered my head subconsciously, only to realize that this female ghost had no stomach!

She was like an old hen that had been disemboweled, with only a thin layer of skin on both sides left from the bottom of the breasts to the top of the crotch, which looked extremely terrifying. And ever since she revealed her true form, she has emitted a strong fishy odor, which is even worse than the smell of small animal carcasses that are stinking in the sun.

Li Mazi pinched his nose with one hand and quickly scratched his neck with the other. Not only did the marks on his neck not fade throughout the day, but they became more obvious at this moment.

It seems that the Yin Qi in his body has not been completely pulled out, I can't help but feel worried!

All this is complicated to say, but it only happened in a few seconds. Before I could recover, the female ghost screamed and flew towards me. She kept changing in mid-air until she got close to my neck. When it turned into a red halo again.

Recalling the life and death scene just now, my potential was stimulated. I immediately leaned back hard and felt a red light flash in front of my eyes and then passed by the tip of my nose.

I found that the bangs in front of my forehead were all cut off, and there was a faint trace of blood in the fallen hair. But in any case, I dodged a bullet. I quickly turned around and looked at the red halo, and at the same time grabbed a handful of Duran wheat and pointed it at it!

Seeing that I was prepared, the female ghost changed direction and flew towards Li Mazi. I quickly threw the grains of wheat away, but she easily dodged them. At first, Li Mazi thought that the female ghost was trying to deal with me and focused all his attention on me. He was caught off guard. His eyes looked at the approaching red light in horror. He was so panicked that he didn't know what to do.

The female ghost's move was extremely ferocious. Hitting it would mean having her neck cut off. Seeing that Li Mazi was about to be killed, I was so anxious that I was trembling but there was nothing I could do. At this critical moment, a piece of golden light suddenly flashed behind Li Mazi. The golden light flew out and collided with the red halo formed by the female ghost, making a crisp sound. Then the halo was knocked back to its original shape and turned into the female ghost. .

It's just that her appearance this time was even more terrifying than before. Her right eye burst out from its socket and drooped limply on her face. The entire right side of her face was deeply sunken as if it had been hit by a stone.

She seemed stunned and raised her neck in confusion, probably wanting to see what had hurt her?

How could Li Mazi and I let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? We just looked at each other and then took out wheat and sprinkled it on her body. This time our joint indiscriminate attack was very effective. In just a moment, the female ghost's whole body was covered. Black smoke appeared, accompanied by a beeping explosion.

Her figure shook violently for a few times, as if she felt scared, and she fled towards the end of the corridor in a flash. Li Mazi gritted his teeth and was about to catch up, but I grabbed him and pulled him back to the room.

After returning to the room, Li Mazi's first sentence was to ask me why I let the female ghost go?

"Do you think that female ghost is easy to deal with?" I sneered.

After saying that, I bent down at the door of the room and picked up the few copper coins and handed them to Li Mazi so that he could take a good look.

"Fuck, how could this happen?"

Looking at the black copper coins, Li Mazi asked with disbelief.

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