Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 480: Half an hour of shock

That's right, it was these few copper coins that saved Li Mazi's life just now!

Ruxue and Yin Xinyue in the house saw that we were in danger, so they threw the copper coins out at once. The copper coin had passed through the hands of thousands of people and had a strong yang energy. I just felt the hostility emanating from the female ghost, so it turned into several golden lights and injured her.

But these copper coins were also destroyed by the female ghost in an instant. The original bronze surface turned into jet black, and dense cracks appeared, which is enough to show the ferocity of the female ghost.

In other words, copper coins are our last talisman, but they can only injure the female ghost, and chasing her down is simply asking for death. Fortunately, the female ghost is scared. If she knows that we have run out of copper coins, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Damn it, we are really lucky!"

After hearing what I said, Li Mazi sat down on the ground in fear and cursed. It didn't take long for him to start snoring, and he just sat there and fell asleep.

"Brother Zhang, please help me put Mazi on the bed! He is too tired." Ruxue said with a distressed face.

I nodded and carried Li Mazi onto the bed with her. After Li Mazi lay down, I saw the strangulation marks on his neck. Thinking that he had been scratching his neck all day today, I felt something was wrong and wanted to check him carefully.

But he looked so tired now. I sighed and thought I'd better talk about it tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, my hesitation at this moment almost caused Li Mazi to die in a foreign country!

Since Li Mazi slept in my room, I boldly took Yin Xinyue to another room to rest. Anyway, the female ghost was seriously injured and at least she would not come back tonight. After returning to the room, she simply washed herself and fell asleep. However, not long after I slept, I felt a figure moving in front of me.

I was not completely asleep at the time and was still in a light sleep and conscious state, so I knew immediately that there was something dirty in the house. Yin Xinyue hugged me and fell asleep, breathing like a kitten. I was afraid that she would be frightened, so I didn't lift the quilt right away. Instead, I quietly squinted my eyes open, and suddenly I found a big face staring at me at close range. The distance between me and this face was no more than five centimeters. Two big, lifeless eyes seemed ready to burst out at any moment and hit me in the face.

My heart skipped a beat and I almost screamed!

But when I looked at it again, I felt that these eyes were very familiar. I simply opened my eyes completely and realized that it was Li Mazi's face.

I took a deep breath, sat up from the bed, and said angrily: "Why did you come to my room when you didn't sleep at midnight? Are you pretending to be a ghost to scare me?"

After saying that, I took out a cigarette and was about to light it, but Li Mazi grabbed my arm fiercely and said in a gloomy voice: "It's best not to smoke at night."

It didn't sound like his, and the moment he grabbed me, I could feel his skin being unusually cold. I had an ominous premonition in my heart, and my brain was spinning rapidly. Could it be that Li Mazi was controlled by that thing?

But the moment I glanced at the door, my head exploded.

Because the door was locked, we locked it when we entered. Li Mazi couldn't get in without the room card!

In other words, the person in front of me is not Li Mazi at all!

He was probably a ghost, and ghosts are afraid of fire, so he wouldn't let me light a cigarette!

I don't know why this thing came to my room pretending to be Li Mazi, but it must have bad intentions.

I subconsciously wanted to grab my clothes. There was still unused Duran wheat in them. Unexpectedly, as soon as I touched the clothes, Li Mazi suddenly sneered and said, "Don't waste your efforts. Do you think I will be afraid of these wheats?"

After speaking, he bent down and grabbed a large handful of Duran wheat from the ground and threw it all over the sky.

Only then did I realize that the key locations in this room had been covered with durum wheat before dark.

Looking at Li Mazi, who was sneering in front of me, I felt a sense of fear in my heart, and asked pretending to be calm: "Who are you?"

If he was a human, how could he appear in my room silently?

What's more, his body is cold and his movements are stiff and he doesn't look like a living person at all, but he is not afraid of the extremely yang-y wheat.

Could it be that his moral conduct is so strong that he ignores the yang energy in wheat?

Although I was very scared, I still stared at him seriously, trying to find any clues on his face. Li Mazi stopped sneering and looked at me. Just when I could no longer hold on, he knelt on the ground with a thud and begged with tears on his face: "Brother Zhang, please help me, please save me." help me……"

When he said this, it was clearly Li Mazi's voice.

I was no longer afraid at once, and I was keenly thinking of the purple marks on Li Mazi's neck, and asked hurriedly: "Is there something unclean in your neck?"

But he stopped talking, or he could no longer make a sound.

My mouth kept moving, and based on the shape of my mouth, I judged that what I said the most was: Save me!

The more he acted like this, the more anxious I became. I grabbed his arm and shouted, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Don't fucking scare me."

But in the end he was unable to make any more sound, and his whole body gradually became blurred, and finally turned into a pool of blood.

I have seen many horrific scenes, but this was the first time I saw someone around me die in this way. At that time, I couldn't bear it and cried out "Ah".

After this sound, I sat up from the bed suddenly, feeling a chill on my back, and reached out to touch the bed which was covered in sweat stains. Yin Xinyue touched my face from the side and asked with concern: "Brother Zhang, are you having a nightmare?"

"When did you wake up?" I asked doubtfully.

But she smiled and said: "I didn't sleep at all! Ruxue and I slept all day, and now we can't sleep at all. We lie in bed and play with our mobile phones all the time."

"What?" I was stunned after hearing this, and subconsciously looked towards the place where Li Mazi turned into blood. I saw that there were neatly laid durum wheat, and there was no blood at all.

The cigarette case was still firmly placed in the place before going to bed. Looking at the time again, it was only half an hour since we returned to the room.

Only then did I realize that I was really having a nightmare, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Yin Xinyue quickly wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and asked me what on earth I was dreaming about.

I was so distraught that I didn't even bother to talk to her, so I hurriedly put on my clothes and knocked on the door of Ruxue's room.

Soon the door opened, and Ruxue walked out in pajamas and said angrily: "Why aren't you sleeping yet? You're going to scare your sister to death if you knock on the door in the middle of the night!"

"Stop making trouble, where is Li Mazi?"

When I saw the bed was empty, an ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart, and my voice became hoarse.

"I'm squatting in the toilet, what's wrong?" Seeing how nervous I was, Ruxue put away her playful smile and asked inexplicably.

At the same time, he reached out and knocked on the toilet door: "Mazi, why are you still coming out?"

Before I finished speaking, the door opened by itself. I looked inside, and then I felt bad all over.

There was no one in the toilet at all!

"Where would he be in the middle of the night? And you came to him suddenly. Did you find anything?" Ruxue was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses and asked in a panic. She also felt that something was wrong. .

I clenched my fists subconsciously, gritted my teeth and asked Ruxue, when was the last time I saw Li Mazi.

"Just a few minutes before you came!"

Ruxue almost cried when she said this. After hearing this, I was about to go downstairs to chase after her. Xinyue just came out of the room. I told her to stay in the room with Ruxue and stay awake at all times. No matter what happens, don’t open the door. Be sure to wait until dawn!

After saying that, I hurriedly went downstairs regardless of their inquiries, and ran to the hotel surveillance room to check the surveillance. The Italian guy inside enthusiastically helped me find the scene from a few minutes ago. I could clearly see Li Mazi heading towards the back of the hotel. Walk along the narrow path.

Just when I was about to chase him, the young man grabbed me and said in jerky Chinese: "Friend, it's best not to go to that place at night. It is said that there are devils there."


I was stunned after hearing this, thanked him, and then quickly chased in the direction of Li Mazi.

Every nation has its own things that they fear. Eastern nations fear the Jade Emperor and ghosts, and Western nations fear God and Satan. It is true that there is some superstition in this, but who can say with certainty that these things do not exist?

This Italian guy was a local, and he was definitely not lying when he said the place was unclean, which made me increasingly anxious.

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