Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 481 Lu Dongbin VS European Female Ghost

After entering the small intestine trail, the world around me suddenly became extremely dark. I could only vaguely see a small black dot moving in the distance. I knew it was Li Mazi, so I immediately quickened my pace!

Under my full speed pursuit, the distance between us was quickly shortened to about twenty meters. But the last twenty meters seemed to be magical, preventing me from catching up with Li Mazi.

No matter how much I shouted, he seemed not to hear me and just kept walking forward.

There was not much road ahead of him. Directly in front of him was a black castle that looked like a church, but there was no cross on it. If you look carefully, you can easily see that the air circulation around this building is very fast, just like water patterns. generally.

I knew that this was because the yin energy in the castle was too strong, so I couldn't help but become even more afraid of this opponent. I gritted my teeth and prepared to continue chasing him.

Just two steps after the chase, I suddenly realized something was wrong. Li Mazi was still standing where he was.

According to Li Mazi's previous speed, during the time I stopped to think, he could almost reach the door of the building in front of me, but he seemed to be waiting for me on purpose.

In order to confirm this idea, I deliberately walked and stopped. The result was just as I expected. As soon as I stopped, Li Mazi would stop. As long as I chase him, he will slowly walk forward, making it clear that he wants to lure me in!

It seems that thing not only wants to kill Li Mazi, but also wants to keep me.

This actually reminded me that I had just chased him out of the hotel in a hurry, but I didn’t even bring anyone with me.

If I went in with my bare hands, I would definitely die, but it's not my style to watch Li Mazi go in. For a moment, I didn't know what to do?

Just when I was hesitating, Li Mazi suddenly quickened his pace and walked into the gate of the black castle in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, do you want this!"

I was so angry that I lost my temper and punched the marble wall. In the end, I had no choice but to chase after him.

As I approached the door, I suddenly saw bright lights flashing around me. I turned my head subconsciously and saw iron fences standing on the walls on both sides. The fences were like spears and glowed faintly in the moonlight.

Looking at these 'spears', I suddenly had an idea. I quickly climbed up the wall and broke off half of the spears with all my strength.

This is also thanks to the fact that the spear is hollow, otherwise I might not be able to break it!

With half of the spear in hand, I felt much more at ease, and I pushed open the door and left. After entering, I found that I couldn't see anything inside the castle, and only a gust of cold wind blew by my ears.

I secretly drummed in my heart and turned on the flashlight function of my phone.

As the light came on, I could clearly see the environment inside the castle. This was clearly a church. There were densely packed seats in front of me. There was a one-meter-wide path in the middle. Looking forward along the path, I saw a The podium should be a place where pastors and priests read the Bible.

All churches will erect large crosses to show respect for Jesus, the Savior.

But there is not a single cross in this church, which looks very strange!

I searched around and saw Li Mazi at a glance.

At this moment, Li Mazi was standing on the podium, holding a dark red rope in his hand, standing on tiptoes, ready to hang himself.

I was so frightened that I rushed forward with a roar and kicked the podium. I thought I would kick the podium over and see how you, a ghost, encouraged Li Mazi to hang himself! As a result, I squatted on the ground and couldn't stand up.

Damn it, this podium is made of stone!

I was so painful that I wanted to shed tears, but Li Mazi's face was stiff and he didn't even look at me. He put his head into the noose calmly, as gracefully as a European gentleman.

I could only grit my teeth and stand up despite the severe pain in my feet. I walked up and hugged Li Mazi's thigh tightly, trying to pull him off. Unexpectedly, this guy's body was like a rock, and I couldn't move him even with all my strength.

I'm afraid it's not just a matter of being obsessed with something. Li Mazi was probably upper body, otherwise there would be no reason for him to be so heavy.

Fortunately, I found some unused durum wheat in my pocket, so I quickly took it out and sprinkled it on Li Mazi.

Sure enough, when the wheat grains were sprinkled, Li Mazi shivered all over, and then he fell down from the podium like soft noodles. I quickly supported him.

It is estimated that the yang energy in his body was so violently impacted that he did not wake up immediately. I had no choice but to put him on the ground, then grab the spear and stab him in the back.

Although I didn't look back, I knew from the strong resentment that the female ghost was standing behind me.

It was injured several times by me, and it was probably scared. It quickly dodged back when I swung my spear. But it only took a moment to dodge, and soon it saw that my spear was just a piece of scrap metal, and it immediately gritted its teeth and cursed in a foreign language that I didn't understand.

After saying that, the female ghost rushed towards me, but the speed was not at the same level as before in the hotel. I was no longer so afraid, so I hurriedly took a few steps back. When she rushed towards me, I quickly closed my eyes and recited a series of mantras quickly.

Prepare to invite the swordsman Lu Dongbin!

I have never used this formula since I learned it from the T-shirt man, and I don’t know if it is effective or not?

Although this decorative spear was just scrap metal in my hands, it became a sharp weapon in Lu Dongbin's hands. Although Lu Dongbin is a swordsman, it may be difficult for him to use a spear, but he should have no problem dealing with a half-crippled female ghost.

The wishful thinking was good, but unfortunately my body didn't react at all after reciting the spell, and the female ghost had already pounced on me. I wasn't stupid enough to fight her, so I could only repeat the formula while running.

In the end, the sword fairy was forced into a corner by the female ghost without inviting me. She sneered and turned into a red ring, about to strangle my neck.

"Fuck you Lu Dongbin, you liar, you big liar!"

I cursed desperately, then yelled, grabbed the spear, and stabbed it at the red ring.

Unexpectedly, before I could raise my hand, I received a heavy slap on the face.

"Who the hell is beating me?" Since I was going to die anyway, I didn't care about provoking a few more ghosts, so I just broke the pot and cursed me.

Unexpectedly, just after the scolding, the other side of the face was slapped again, and at the same time a strong voice said: "You brat, will you try to scold me again?"

I was stunned after hearing this, and then I realized that this was Lu Dongbin coming, and I burst into tears instantly!

Before the female ghost rushed up, she hurriedly said: "Sword Immortal, you are finally here. If you don't come, I will be dead..."

"Actually, I've been here for a long time, but I'm just too lazy to care about you. You just want to ask this immortal to help you with a broken iron stick. It's really insulting to gentlemen." Lu Dongbin said angrily in his elegant voice.

I blushed for a while after hearing this, and thought it would be nice to have a broken stick. Before I could speak again, I felt my body suddenly become lighter, and the broken spear in my hand gradually emitted a bright blue light.

It seemed that Lu Dongbin's immortal power was in place. I stopped being polite to the female ghost, raised my spear and stabbed her.

However, the female ghost turned into a red halo and flew around me. I missed several consecutive attacks, just like a yak that can't kill a fly. It was really disgusting.

In the end, Lu Dongbin couldn't stand it anymore and said, "You are so useless," and then my body was no longer under my control.

The spear's blue light shot into the sky in Lu Dongbin's hand, and in the blink of an eye a cloud of gunfire was thrown out, and all of them accurately pierced the halo. Accompanied by several wailing screams, the female ghost finally couldn't hold on any longer and returned to her original form.

She looked at me with fear on her face, then turned into a red shadow and ran away outside. In my mind, I wanted to catch up quickly, but my body was out of control.

Just when I was about to ask Lu Dongbin why he didn't let me chase him, he spoke first: "If you have to be merciful, please be merciful! This is not the Eastern Land. I have already broken the rules by saving you..."

After listening to this, I realized that Lu Dongbin is a Chinese god, but in the West he is an uninvited guest and needs to accept Western rules.

"But don't be afraid! That thing has been stabbed by this immortal and will not trouble you again..." Lu Dongbin said calmly.

After I finished speaking, I felt my eyes go dark. When I woke up again, my body returned to its original state, and there was severe pain in my feet again.

I originally wanted to wake up Li Mazi and ask him to carry me back, but it turned out that this kid couldn't wake up no matter what. And I also told Yin Xinyue that no matter what happened tonight, I couldn't open the door, so I would just sleep here.

Anyway, Lu Dongbin said that the female ghost will not come to trouble me again.

I was lying next to Li Mazi. Instead of being afraid, I was actually a little excited. I was so excited that I finally invited the Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin in person. This was something I had never dared to think about before.

I spent the whole night in excitement. It wasn't until daybreak outside that Li Mazi woke up and asked with confusion on his face: "Brother Zhang, what is this place? Why are we here?"

"Isn't it here? Isn't it an urn?" I rubbed my swollen toes and said angrily.

I told Li Mazi everything that happened last night. After hearing this, Li Mazi said with lingering fear: "Oh! Brother Zhang, you saved my life again..."

"Yeah, I'm actually quite annoyed with you. If you said you were dead, would it save me a lot of trouble?" I teased deliberately.

"You must be reluctant to let go. Although we are not very capable, we are your right-hand assistants." Li Mazi bared his teeth in a smile and stood up to carry me on his back.

"Don't be hypocritical! I don't need it." I cursed, but my heart felt warm.

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