Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 482 Music Genius Paganini

People! Sometimes it's very weird. Last night when I was in danger, I wanted to pull Mazi Li and run out. I didn't want to stay in this church for a second longer. But now that it was dawn and the danger was gone, I became curious about the identity of the female ghost.

That female ghost must have been dormant here for a long time, otherwise this church would not be able to emit such strong Yin Qi!

Moreover, it repeatedly turns into a red halo and strangles people's necks, which proves that it is not a ghost but a Yin spirit, a Yin spirit attached to negative things.

Yinwu merchants are naturally curious about Yinwu, just like farmers and the land. When they see crops growing well in other people's fields, they want to take a look.

It has nothing to do with whether it is yours or whether you can get it.

This is a professional habit!

Li Mazi understood what I was thinking, and he himself was also very interested in obscene things. The two of us immediately searched around the church, and finally found a violin in a dusty suitcase.

When the female ghost appeared for the first time yesterday, she used the sound of the violin to confuse us. And at this moment, I can also feel the Yin energy emanating from the violin. The female ghost's negative object is obviously this violin!

But from the outside, there is nothing special about this violin. Even the wooden body has cracks in several places. The only thing that interests me is that the four strings of the violin are light red, which is the same as last night. The rope Li Mazi used to hang himself was very similar.

Even so, I couldn't see any way to use the strings, and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Li Mazi pushed me, rolled his eyes and asked, "Brother Zhang, this thing can breed such ferocious spirits, it must be worth a lot of money. Should we sell it?"

"Forget it, Immortal Lu is right, there must be rules in everything."

I sighed, put the violin back intact, wiped the dust off the surface of the suitcase, and then left with Li Mazi calmly.

On the way back, I noticed that the marks on Li Mazi's neck had disappeared, leaving only a gray mark. This was a normal physiological phenomenon and would disappear within a few days, and I was completely relieved.

After returning to the hotel, Ruxue and Yin Xinyue's eyes instantly turned red when they saw us. The two of them cried and said that they thought they would never see us again. It took us a long time to coax them.

After something like this happened, we no longer had the intention to continue traveling. But considering that Li Mazi and I needed a rest, we planned to stay for one last day and then fly back to China.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up, the purple marks on Li Mazi's neck appeared again!

It was even thicker than at the beginning, and the thumb-like marks were filled with blisters the size of rice grains. Bloody pus would flow out at the slightest touch. Li Mazi didn't even dare to speak, couldn't drink or eat, and even swallowing a mouthful of saliva would cause him tremendous pain.

He even typed a line of text on his mobile phone for me to read when Ruxue was not present: "Brother from the Zhang family, I'm so tired this time, please give me a good time!"

My heart started bleeding after reading this, but I didn’t know what to do? The neck is different from other parts. If it is not treated properly, the result will be death!

In desperation, I could only leave Yin Xinyue and Ruxue in the hotel again, and took Li Mazi towards the black church at the back. This time, even if Lu Dongbin didn't agree, I had to insist on killing the female ghost.

I took a step back, but she didn't know how to harm Li Mazi. I can't swallow this feeling!

When I went downstairs, I met the hotel guy who reminded me last night. When he saw the two of us doing well, he gave us a thumbs up. You probably think it’s amazing that we can come back alive from the devil’s hands, right?

I was worried about Li Mazi's injury, so I just nodded politely and continued walking down.

Unexpectedly, the young man was shocked when he saw the marks on Li Mazi's neck, and said in a panic: "Your friend has been poisoned. He must detoxify quickly, otherwise he will die."

He spoke confidently, as if he understood the symptoms very well, so I patiently listened to him.

It turns out that the church behind the hotel is called: Ghost Castle.

Everyone who has been there will be inexplicably strangled in their sleep, and then purple strangulation marks will appear on their necks. Fortunately, there was a miracle doctor nearby who could cure this disease, and those who were infected were spared.

I was stunned after hearing this and asked uncertainly: "You mean, although that place is haunted, no one has ever died, right?"

"That's right." The young man nodded and said.

During the conversation, we introduced ourselves to each other. He is a native of Italy and works as a waiter in the hotel. His name is Mark.

Then he said enthusiastically: "Zhang, I know the address of that doctor. Do you need me to take you there?"

"Thank you then." I said with some emotion.

Then I got into Mark's car with Mazi Li. On the way, I kept thinking about a question: since the female ghost has never directly killed anyone, she is not a vicious spirit at all.

Then why did she insist on pestering Li Mazi?

What's more, judging from the situation in the morning, the female ghost had already let Li Mazi go, so why did she suddenly change her mind? Did something unexpected happen?

I decided to wait until Li Mazi healed his neck before going to the church. If possible, I would help the female ghost and form a good relationship.

The doctor Mark mentioned was called Paul, and he lived on a large farm in the west of Milan, about ten miles away from the hotel, passing through countless bridge crossings along the way. But Mark seemed very familiar with the business. Before entering Dr. Paul's farm gate, I quietly asked him why he was so familiar with this place.

This kid laughed and said that Dr. Paul was his father. I didn’t know what to say at that time...

When we saw Dr. Paul, he was playing golf. He was a middle-aged man with a rich appearance, a high nose bridge, a fat body, and small but twinkling eyes. Generally speaking, he is a person who looks wretched like Senior Mouse, but possesses unique skills.

What I didn't expect was that Paul could speak fluent Chinese. He was very professional. He only asked how far Mazi Li's condition had progressed. There is no mention of how we provoked the female ghost or what we experienced.

After Li Mazi finished speaking, Dr. Paul asked us to wait a moment, and then he entered the villa by himself, not knowing what to do. He came out less than a quarter of an hour later, with a small bowl of black paste and a bottle of golden olive oil in his hands.

Paul asked Li Mazi to drink every drop of the olive oil, and then evenly applied the dark paste to Li Mazi's strangulation marks with his own hands.

Through the confidence of their father and son, I felt that this thing would definitely work, but I didn’t expect the effect to be so obvious. After applying it, I just heard Paul read something in Italian, and then the marks disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Within the effort of burning an incense stick, Li Mazi was already able to speak.

Of course, I know very well that this is by no means a normal medical skill, but no matter what, it can be cured, and there is no need to gossip about what sect the person comes from.

Considering that I wanted to check out the ghost castle before returning to China, I bit the bullet and asked Paul about the situation there.

He smiled, picked up a cup of coffee, and asked: "Friends from China, have you heard of Paganini?"

"Well, I know this is a great violinist!" I said, nodding.

For me, Paganini is just the world-famous father of the violin, and I don’t know much about him other than that. But since Paul mentioned him, the violin in the suitcase is probably related to Paganini!

Unexpectedly, after hearing what I said, Paul suddenly became emotional: "No! He does not deserve the word great; he is a devil, a complete devil!"

It turns out that Paganini was just a street performer at first. His works were not loved by the audience, and he could only make ends meet with the violin troupe every day. Later, a young and beautiful female violinist fell in love with him and passed on her unique skills to Paganini.

Paganini's life changed dramatically, but the violin he played was never as good as his lover and master.

Later, Paganini brutally killed his female master, then disemboweled her and used her intestines to make the four strings on the violin.

From then on, the music produced by Paganini seemed to have a kind of magic power, intoxicating the world and constantly winning various honors.

In his later years, Paganini suffered from severe mental illness and eventually passed away. As he lay dying, he told the truth to the people around him and expressed his repentance. The title of Paganini's devilish genius gradually spread...

After hearing all this, I felt sour and felt worthless for the female master. I can't understand what kind of mentality Paganini had when he killed his lover?

No wonder the female violinist’s ghost lingers.

But even if she had overwhelming resentment, she would control her heart at the last moment and never take anyone's life.

"You want to help her?" Paul asked with interest.

Although we didn't make it clear at this moment, we all understood that the other party was eating this bowl of rice, and everything was unspoken.

I nodded simply and said with a smile, "Shouldn't I help?"

"Good luck to you, my dear friend, and good luck to her."

Paul laughed, gave me a hug, then turned on his horse and started galloping around the farm.

When I left, I gave Mark a piece of jade pendant that I had carried with me for many years. This piece of jade was begged for me by my grandfather before he was alive. It can turn danger into good luck and avoid disasters. Mark did not refuse and kept it generously.

This makes me willing to become friends with this father and son from the bottom of my heart!

It was already dark when we returned to the hotel. In order not to worry Ruxue and Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi and I bypassed the hotel and went directly to the church, preparing to lure the female ghost out and ask her what her obsession was.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I approached the door of the church, I smelled a stench, which was exactly the same as the smell emanating from the female ghost when we first met her. Li Mazi also felt something unusual, because if there was no one in the church, the female ghost would not appear, but if there was someone, who would it be? After all, the locals dare not come in.

We didn't turn on the flashlight, and quietly groped forward after entering the door.

I vaguely heard someone talking, speaking in Chinese, and I seemed to have heard this voice somewhere before.

Because they were too far apart and the other party's voice was low, we could only understand the general meaning. This Chinese man actually threatened the female ghost and told her to haunt Li Mazi again, otherwise she would scatter her soul!

"You're so fucking stupid, I want to see who you are!"

As soon as Li Mazi heard this, he couldn't bear it any longer. He immediately jumped up and rushed towards the figure.

I was so angry that my compatriots were plotting against me abroad. What the hell was this?

Forget it if it happened once or twice. Now it seems that since we entered Milan, we have been included in the opponent's calculations.

When the other party heard the noise, he raised his flashlight and shined it over. He was obviously stunned for a moment when he saw us. Then he stopped caring about the female ghost and turned around and ran towards the back of the church. By the time Li Mazi and I caught up, the man had disappeared and was running faster than a rabbit.

But when we were about to leave, Li Mazi stepped on a hard object and looked down to see that it was a domestic mobile phone.

I quickly opened it and looked at it, trying to find some clues from the phone, but I was shocked to find that his recent call records were...

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