Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 483: Ruxue is a traitor?

"Why, why is this?"

Li Mazi looked at the phone number on his cell phone tremblingly, and his whole body was stunned.

After a long time, he grabbed my arm and asked in disbelief: "Brother Zhang, tell me why she did this. I love her so much!"

Tears fell from the corners of Li Mazi's eyes, and a surge of anger surged in my heart. The last person who spoke to this mysterious man was Ruxue!

I don't know how to comfort Li Mazi, because I even know that Ruxue is probably a traitor.

It was Ruxue who insisted on coming to Milan, and she even chose the hotel. Thinking of this, I even felt that the person who almost strangled Li Mazi to death that night was not the foreign female ghost, but Ruxue herself!

Perhaps she thought of all the kindness Li Mazi had done to her at the last moment and then let Li Mazi go. But I don’t understand how Ruxue got in touch with the mysterious man. Was she bribed? Or was it just a pawn inserted by others from the beginning?

These questions quickly appeared in my mind, but considering Li Mazi's feelings, I still said softly: "Don't get excited yet, there may be some hidden meaning in this matter..."

"Hidden secret?"

Li Mazi wiped her tears and asked self-deprecatingly: "What hidden secret can make her let go of our relationship as husband and wife?"

After saying that, he lowered his head, said nothing, and quickly walked towards the hotel.

I was really afraid that he would go to Ruxue Xingshi to question him, but I couldn't say anything more and could only follow him closely.

When he was about to enter the corridor, Li Mazi suddenly stopped, looked at me with red eyes and said, "Brother Zhang, I, Li Mazi, am not a good person but I know the warmth and cold. You have saved my life many times. This... I can't repay my kindness. If she really betrayed us this time, I will kill her with my own hands and then go to the police station to surrender!"

After saying that, Li Mazi directly knocked on the door. After entering, Li Mazi seemed to be a different person, with a signature smile on his face, and he chatted with Ruxue and Yin Xinyue with great interest. In comparison, I looked like a different person. It was so unnatural that Yin Xinyue secretly asked me several times if I had anything on my mind.

Li Mazi's intention was very obvious. He wanted me to do a random test like snow. So after returning to the room, I told Yin Xinyue everything.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Yin Xinyue heard what I said and shook her head without thinking: "Ruxue is a good girl, you have misunderstood."

I knew that the two of them had a good relationship, but I could only bite the bullet and said: "Emotionally speaking, Li Mazi and I are also willing to believe in Ruxue, but when things have reached this point, we can't just look at feelings. If Li Mazi and I had just Mazi didn't hear what the mysterious man and the female ghost said, so I'm afraid Li Mazi will definitely die tonight."

For this reason, Yin Xinyue finally chose to listen to me. She asked sadly: "Brother Zhang, if the number on the phone belonged to me, would you treat me like you treat Ruxue?"

"Will there ever be that day?" I laughed loudly, and then held Yin Xinyue in my arms.

Yin Xinyue smiled and leaned on my shoulder.

As soon as twelve o'clock arrived, I got up and ran to Li Mazi's room, pretending to be panicked and knocked on Li Mazi's door. He quickly opened the door, put on some clothes and asked me what happened? Ruxue lay on the bed and looked at us with a smile, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Let's go directly to the church. I won't be willing to accept the ghost!" I said loudly.

As he spoke, he winked at Li Mazi. Li Mazi was slightly startled and quickly understood what I meant. She turned around and asked Ruxue to sleep in a room with Yin Xinyue, and then followed me out of the hotel.

The two of us left the hotel, then sneaked back in, hiding in the corridor and observing Ruxue's every move.

Li Mazi's eyes were wide open, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He was afraid of seeing something he didn't want to see.

I'm afraid too!

In order to cooperate with us, Yin Xinyue went to Ruxue's room after we went downstairs. This was also a tacit understanding between us.

We are helping Ruxue. As long as she no longer contacts the mysterious person, we will not pursue the previous matter. And Yin Xinyue's role is to keep an eye on Ruxue and let her think carefully about whether to be exposed or not.

Unfortunately, the cell phone in my hand still rang, and it was Ruxue calling.


Li Mazi actually smiled when he saw this scene, and then walked towards the room without saying a word, but his body would tremble violently with every step he took. When he reached the door, his body suddenly softened and he knelt straight on the ground.

"Brother Zhang, help me up!" He supported the ground with both hands and tried several times to stand up but failed. He could only say to me with tears.

The corners of my mouth twitched a few times, and I ignored Li Mazi and swiped my card directly to enter.

After entering the door, I only saw Yin Xinyue sitting blankly on the bedside, but not Ruxue. Yin Xinyue glanced at me but said nothing, pointing to the bathroom with a helpless expression.

"Be good, go back to our room and wait for me." I touched her cheek and said with some distress.

Yin Xinyue nodded and left very sensibly. Then I walked gently to the bathroom door, lit a cigarette and waited.

During this time, the mysterious person's phone number in my hand kept flashing, and they were all calls from Ruxue. Li Mazi had already stood up, leaning against the wall and staring blankly at the bathroom.

Finally the door opened, and Ruxue walked out. She was obviously startled when she saw us, and then asked in confusion: "Why did you two come back so quickly? Is the matter resolved?"

"Ruxue, you are still pretending at this time, I am really blind to fall in love with you!" Li Mazi roared hysterically.

After yelling, he stretched out his palm and slapped Ruxue in the face, but pulled it back at the last moment.

"Forget it, let's go! From now on we are strangers."

After all, Li Mazi couldn't bear to hurt Ruxue, so he waved her hand to signal her to leave. This was what I wanted to see, so he moved to give her a way.

Unexpectedly, Ruxue's face was filled with grievances. She rushed forward to hug Li Mazi and asked with a choked voice, "Don't you want me anymore? Is there something I didn't do well?"

Li Mazi had already burst into tears. He gently pushed Ruxue away without saying another word.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Ruxue watched Li Mazi stunned for a long time, then smiled to herself, touched her slightly bulging belly, turned around, put on her clothes, picked up her bag, and left. While searching for something in the bag.

After she completely disappeared into the corridor, Li Mazi knelt on the ground, banged his hands on the floor in pain, and banged his head against the wall.

The feeling of being betrayed by the one you love is so painful. I understand his pain, but I can't watch my brother hurt himself! I went downstairs to bring up a few bottles of wine. Li Mazi and I usually like to buy some side dishes in antique shops and drink a few sips of wine. But that was the most leisure time of our day, discussing business and the future.

Unlike now, neither of them spoke, drinking expensive red wine as cold water, and smoking cigarettes one by one.

Li Mazi kept crying. I didn't know how to comfort him, so I could only cry silently with him.

Who says red wine is not intoxicating? I think Li Mazi is drunk. Who says a man won't shed tears easily?

It's just that I haven't reached the sad point yet.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Mazi and I drank all the wine and smoked all the cigarettes, and the two of us lay on the floor like fools. At this time, a figure walked in, exclaimed when he saw us, and then asked in disbelief: "Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

I looked sideways and saw that the person coming was Mark. I sat up with difficulty, shook my groggy head and said, "Why are you here?"

"I picked up a mobile phone outside. It seems to be made in your country. There is a photo of Mr. Li on it. I think it must have been lost by one of you, right?" After Mark finished speaking, he shook his hand and I took a closer look. Looking at it, I found that it was Ruxue’s mobile phone.

When Li Mazi heard Mark's words, he sat up reflexively and hurriedly asked him when and where he found the phone.

"I picked it up on the path leading to the Ghost Castle in the evening. My father knew where you were going and was afraid that something might happen to you, so he asked me to come over and help you. But when I came, you were no longer there..."

Mark spread his hands, looked at the room that had been ruined by the two of us and asked again: "Zhang, did something happen?"

"Nothing, thank you Mark." I patted Mark's shoulder, then took the phone from his hand, and rushed downstairs like crazy with Mazi Li.

Since Mark had already picked up Ruxue's cell phone, the person who called the mysterious man just now was not Ruxue at all, but someone else.

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