Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 484 Dr. Paul

I suddenly thought that Ruxue was rummaging through her purse when she left, and now I realized that she was looking for her cell phone. This mobile phone may have been left behind intentionally by the mysterious person, and the phone records inside were naturally created by him on purpose, just to cause internal conflicts among us!

Now that Ruxue has left, we have to drop everything to find Ruxue, and then the female ghost will have enough time to wait for an opportunity to kill Li Mazi.

It's just that I don't understand that Li Mazi has been my deputy since his debut and has never made any enemies. Even if we offend someone unintentionally, the other party's first target should still be me. Why go to all the trouble to harm Li Mazi?

At this moment, Li Mazi's face was full of guilt, but he was at a loss at the door of the hotel.

Ruxue has been away for a long time. The surveillance shows that she called a taxi. As for where the car went, we have no idea.

"Brother Zhang, do you think Ruxue is in danger?"

Li Mazi squatted on the ground and said with a decadent look: "Ruxue is just a pregnant little girl and does not pose any threat to others. She will not be in danger, right?"

I frowned and didn't know how to answer. The other party tried so hard to provoke us, how could he let Ruxue go?

There is no doubt that Ruxue was kidnapped.

Things seemed to be back to the time when Li Mazi and his son were kidnapped by the enemy. There was nothing they could do except wait for a call from the other party.

And I think since the other party was able to take away Ruxue’s cell phone right under our noses, he must not be alone. Maybe our every move is under someone else’s surveillance!

Believing that they would call soon, I asked Li Mazi to wait for me outside and walked into the hotel toilet to start contacting the man in the T-shirt. He returned to Hong Kong some time ago and said that a wealthy businessman there asked him to solve the problem. After that, there was no news and I don’t know where he is now? I would like him to come and help me if possible.

Because I discovered that the real enemy is not a female ghost, but a living person hiding in the dark, and they are most likely from Longquan Villa.

After the call was connected, the man in the T-shirt asked straight to the point: "What's the matter?"

I'm afraid he will never get rid of his taciturn habit. I sighed, quickly told him what had happened, and asked him if he could come to Italy to help.

According to the character of the man in the T-shirt, he should have agreed immediately after I said it. Unexpectedly, this time he was silent for a while before slowly speaking: "I can't go."

After hearing this, I was stunned and realized that his voice was weak, as if he was injured, so I quickly asked him if something had happened. He hummed and said that he and Zen Master Bai Mei took over a business together, but now they are in trouble. It seems that the people from Longquan Villa are behind it, so he can't help me.

"Then you should be more careful. You don't have to worry about this. I will find a way." After I finished speaking, I hung up the phone.

The man in the T-shirt has always been frank with me. If he said no, he must be in big trouble. Moreover, the situation he and Master Baimei are facing now are most likely worse than mine, so I feel worried for them.

Then I thought about it and had no choice but to call Senior Shu. Unexpectedly, the old man was not idle now. He said that the place where he lived had been discovered by his enemies. He had a huge fortune but didn’t even have a slum. None, and now he is evading pursuit all day long.

Although the old man, Senior Mouse, is usually very unruly and loves to bully us juniors, he never hesitated when we needed his help, so what he said is definitely true. I can only Ask him to be more careful and then hang up the phone sadly.

Only then did I realize that although I had taken on so many businesses, I couldn't do it without the help of the T-shirt man, Zen Master Baimei, Senior Rat and grandpa. Now that they can't help me, I can't do anything!

When I thought about it, I suddenly realized a problem: we were all restrained at the same time. This has never happened before.

Hope this is all just a coincidence! I thought anxiously in my heart, and then went out to wait with Li Mazi.

Not long after, Ruxue's cell phone rang. Li Mazi stood up and grabbed the phone, answered it and shouted hysterically: "I promise you whatever you want, don't fucking hurt Ruxue!"

The person on the phone was silent for a while, and then said coldly: "It's very easy to let me let her go. Come to the Ghost Castle by yourself, and listen clearly that it's you who do it yourself!"

After hearing this, I couldn't bear it anymore and yelled into the phone who you are and why you want to harm us.

The other party sneered and said: "Zhang Jiulin, if you don't want this girl to die, don't follow her! Otherwise, both of them will die. Of course Li Mazi doesn't have to come, haha."

After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Li Mazi glanced at me and asked me to go back to the hotel and wait. After saying that, he turned around and ran towards the narrow path. I grabbed him and cursed: "You don't want your fucking life. Are you going to die?"

Li Mazi stopped after hearing this, smiled helplessly at me, and then continued walking forward. I was stunned for a moment and didn't stop him again.

It was his wife and children who were taken away. If he doesn't stand forward, who can?

In comparison, this kid is much more relaxed than me. The worst outcome for him is to die with his lover, but I can't save him even if I want to, so I can only follow Li Mazi from a distance.

Since the sword fairy Lu Dongbin shocked the female ghost last time, the layer of gloom outside the ghost castle has dissipated a lot. Through the moonlight, the seats facing the door can be seen clearly, but nothing can be seen further inside.

Li Mazi shouted to take care of Xiaomeng and Ruxue for me, and then went in without looking back.

This was said to me, and I gave up the idea of ​​following it. It is not difficult to imagine that besides the female ghost, there is more than one enemy inside. If I follow him, I will die. But then I thought about it, those people were definitely not afraid of me, but they wouldn't let me in. What was the reason?

I can't figure it all out. The situation is no longer under my control. If Li Mazi never comes out, I can only hope that these people will keep their promise and let Ruxue go.

I will take her and Yin Xinyue back to China, hide them well, and then do everything possible to find these people to avenge Li Mazi!

I will personally destroy everything about this group of enemies, including their relatives and children, leaving no one behind!

In order not to cause trouble, I planned to go back to the hotel and see Yin Xinyue off first. If something bad happens to Xinyue, I won't even be qualified to handle Li Mazi's funeral!

As I was walking back, I found two people walking towards me. When I looked closer, I realized they were Dr. Mark and Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul was holding a wooden staff. He was visibly relieved when he saw me, and then He opened his mouth and asked, "What's the current situation inside?"

It turned out that Mark saw Li Mazi and I going downstairs in a panic and realized that we were in trouble, so he quickly invited his father. They learned from the surveillance that we had arrived at the Ghost Castle and hurried over to help. us.

After hearing all this, I was indescribably moved. I bowed deeply to the father and son, and then told the story about the mysterious man. Dr. Paul laughed after hearing this, pointed at the ghost castle and said domineeringly: "In this castle, no one else has the right to speak except me!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked in with the scepter in hand. Mark followed his father and gestured to me with an OK gesture to reassure me. I gave him a thumbs up and felt much more relaxed.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. Now that Paul and his son are such local gangsters, am I still afraid?

Paul walked into the church without stopping. I followed him and saw Ruxue tied to a chair and Li Mazi lying on the ground. Next to them stood three men in black. They were covered with black gauze, but it could not hide their Oriental faces.

I looked around and couldn't find any trace of the female ghost. It must be that Li Mazi has been captured and these men in black don't need it anymore.

In fact, they noticed us since we entered the church. The strange thing is that they did not stop or speak when we were coming towards us, but just stared at Dr. Paul and the scepter in his hand from beginning to end!

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