These people seemed to be very afraid of Paul. The leading man in black said angrily: "Do you really want to interfere in our affairs at Longquan Villa? Have you thought about the consequences?"

"You three, you can leave."

Paul didn't bother him at all. He glanced at Ruxue and Li Mazi on the ground before waving his hands disdainfully.

After listening to it, I was instantly filled with enthusiasm, and I felt as passionate as watching a European and American blockbuster.

The three men in black seemed very angry after hearing this. They stared at Paul eagerly, as if they wanted to take action. At this time, Paul raised the scepter horizontally and muttered something quickly. Then I felt that the temperature behind me suddenly dropped a lot, and it was not difficult to see from the horrified eyes of the three men in black that there was indeed something behind us. .

I just wanted to turn around to see what it was? Mark next to me stopped me and shook his head at me.

I had no choice but to give up this idea and focus on staring at the group of men in black. I saw them hesitating on the spot for a long time before reluctantly bowing to Paul, and then hurriedly left from the back of the church.

After they left, I quickly stepped forward and untied the rope from Ruxue. Seeing that she was not injured, I let out a sigh of relief. Then he woke up Li Mazi, and after asking, he found out that he was just knocked unconscious, and the men in black did not hurt him.

I don't understand why they just knock people out here? Just ask Paul. The hand he showed just now has proven his strength and can definitely help me.

Paul did not speak after hearing this, but looked around. When he saw the roof, he suddenly took a breath of air. Mark and I quickly followed and looked over. We were shocked to find a female corpse hanging upside down above our heads, with long blond hair hanging upside down. It floats and sways with the wind.

I took out a flashlight and shone it carefully, and found that it was a mummy. Except for the hair, all other parts of the body were shriveled, and the clothes on the body were faded and rotten. It looked very disgusting.

I noticed that the clothes the female corpse was wearing looked a little familiar. I thought about it carefully, wasn't this the same classical satin that the female ghost was wearing? Could this be the body of the female ghost in the violin?

"Father, what's going on?"

Mark looked at Paul and asked in a trembling voice: "Why is her body here?"

I've always judged people very accurately, and Mark is the kind of person who can stay calm no matter what he encounters. But this female corpse made him lose his composure, and my heart sank.

"It seems that the purpose of this group of Orientals is not just to harm Zhang, they want to awaken the devil! Are they crazy?" Paul said angrily, and after speaking, he hurriedly led us away from the Ghost Castle.

After returning to the hotel, Paul asked Mark to stay with us in the hotel while he went to prepare some things, and told us that we were absolutely not allowed to go out until he came back.

Only then did I know that the hotel we were staying in was owned by their family. I thought Mark was a waiter before, but it turned out that he was the prince here...

"Mark, can you tell me about the female corpse? I don't quite understand what your father said." I couldn't wait to ask as soon as Paul left.

Mark nodded and started telling me.

What Westerners call devils are essentially the same as the ghosts in our country. They both belong to a kind of spirit body.

The difference is that Yin spirits can be controlled by experts, but the devil is not restrained and has no consciousness. It has only one purpose, which is to kill all living things around it. Therefore, Westerners hate devils!

When Paganini confessed his crimes before his death, some kind-hearted people buried Paganini's female master and placed the violin made of intestines in the coffin, hoping that she would be relieved soon. Ascend to heaven.

Unfortunately, the female ghost was injured too deeply and refused to leave for a long time.

The nature of a ghost makes her harm people, but because of her most primitive kindness, she does not harm people's lives.

The reason why Paul opened a hotel here was to keep an eye on the ghost castle and save those who were harmed by the female ghost. There was a vague understanding between the two parties.

But now that group of mysterious people dug up the body of the female ghost and hung it upside down on the church. This will make the female ghost's soul angry, and it is easy for the corpse and the Yin spirit to merge into one, coupled with the nourishment of the Yin energy of the ghost castle , and finally turned into a devil. The mysterious man threw Li Mazi and Ruxue inside because he wanted the female ghost to absorb their souls and take shape as soon as possible!

After listening to Mark say all this, I felt both hate and fear in my heart. What I hated was that they were raising devils who had no relatives, and what I was afraid of was that our enemies were so insane.

"Zhang, if you offend such a person, I'm afraid you'll be in big trouble..." Mark patted me on the shoulder and said.

I couldn't help but feel dizzy after hearing this, and at the same time I was almost certain that these men in black were indeed from Longquan Villa. To me, they are the only enemies that are so cruel and powerful.

It was already three o'clock in the morning after talking to Mark. Li Mazi and I helped Ruxue go upstairs. She was quite polite to me, but treated Li Mazi coldly. It seems that Ruxue is still heartbroken that Li Mazi misunderstood her. I can't help them. They can only rely on Li Mazi's ability to coax his wife.

After sending them back to their rooms, I returned to my room. Yin Xinyue was already lying on the bed and asleep, with her mobile phone in her hand. I opened my phone and saw that it was a photo taken by the four of us while playing.

I couldn't help but feel distressed and held her in my arms.

"You're back?"

After Yin Xinyue was hugged by me, her body trembled suddenly and she woke up. She was not overly happy when she saw me, but asked sadly: "Ruxue, how are you?"

"Silly wife, everything is over." I hugged her tightly and told her everything.

After hearing this, Yin Xinyue immediately smiled on her face, and the previous gloom was swept away. She smiled and said, "I knew Ruxue would not betray everyone."

"Go to sleep! We have to go back to China tomorrow."

In view of the current situation, it is impossible for Li Mazi and I to leave before the female ghost is solved. After all, Paul only intervened in this matter to help us. But when we stay here, I am afraid that the two girls will be in danger, so I am ready to let them return home early. .

Although Yin Xinyue didn't want to leave us behind, she still agreed wisely.

After Yin Xinyue fell asleep, Li Mazi and I went downstairs. Not long after, Paul came back. In addition to the wooden scepter, he also had a bronze mirror and a bust sculpture of Paganini.

On the trail to the Ghost Castle, Paul told us that he wanted to use Paganini's sculpture to attract the ghost of the female ghost, and then take the opportunity to climb up the rafters and take down the female corpse. As long as the body and soul are separated, the man in black's conspiracy to raise the devil will be self-defeating!

But the female ghost has been cultivating for hundreds of years. I am afraid that a Paganini sculpture alone cannot deceive the female ghost. Therefore, someone needs to hold a bronze mirror in one hand and the sculpture in the other to reflect themselves and the sculpture in the mirror. inside.

Mirrors are yin, especially this kind of medieval bronze mirror. As long as a stranger looks at it, the breath of his own soul will remain on it, and the female ghost will mistake it for Paganini's soul.

But this job is very dangerous. The female ghost is about to become a devil now, and her anger increases sharply. If she fails to dodge, she may lose her life. Originally, Mazi Li and I were competing to do this, but Paul unexpectedly asked Mark to be the one to hold the mirror.

Because Li Mazi and I didn’t speak Italian and would definitely betray the female ghost when she spoke, we had no choice but to obey Paul’s arrangements.

After entering the Ghost Castle, Paul wrapped Paganini's sculpture in clothes, then moved a rusty iron ladder from the back and placed it underneath. After that, Paul slowly climbed up. Li and I Mazi quickly helped him.

Mark also quickly showed off the Paganini sculpture, and soon a sinister wind swept out from the small house at the back. Then the figure of the female ghost appeared on the podium. When I saw her face clearly, I couldn't help but gasp. The mouth was cold, just like Paul said, the female ghost's face had turned livid, her eyebrows turned purple, and her lips were unusually scarlet!

When she saw me, she showed a trace of suspicion on her face, and then she saw Paul who was climbing up. When she saw that we were trying to take down her body, she immediately became furious and rushed towards us with her fangs spread wide. .

All this happened so fast. Before Mark could react, the female ghost had already arrived in front of us. In my haste, I picked up Paul's staff and drew it towards her. The female ghost was ejected several meters in an instant, but the right The staff broke directly into two pieces, my tiger's mouth was also shattered, and blood flowed all over my palm.

Fortunately, this bought Mark time. I heard him say something in Italian, and the female ghost who was glaring at me suddenly looked over. After seeing Paganini’s sculptures. The female ghost showed an unprecedented ferocity, and I could feel the resentment rising from several meters away!

But she didn't rush over immediately, but stood there and hesitated.

When Mark saw that it was almost time, he immediately raised a bronze mirror to shine on himself, and a lifelike Paganini's head instantly appeared in the blurry mirror.

Seeing this, the female ghost no longer hesitated and rushed towards him with a scream!

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