Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 486 Spear of God

Mark hurriedly ran outside. The weight of the sculpture was quite heavy. It was okay for him to hold it without moving, but it was much more difficult to carry it while running. After running a few steps, the sculpture swayed in his hand a few times, and then fell to the ground with a 'pop'.

The female ghost reacted immediately, glared at us fiercely, then turned into a red halo and went straight to Dr. Paul's throat.

At this moment, Paul had just touched the body and was untying the rope from the body. When he saw the female ghost rushing toward him, he quickly jumped off the ladder, then picked up the scepter on the ground, handed half of it to me, and said hurriedly. : "This plan won't work. The female ghost's power is beyond my imagination."

After saying that, he ran out of the church first. The female ghost wanted to chase us, but in the end she chose to fly into the air to protect her body.

After we came out, Paul threw the scepter on the road, obviously not intending to take it anymore, so I asked him how could the scepter break?

After all, this scepter was extremely powerful in Paul's hands, and the patterns and Catholic symbols on it showed that it was not an ordinary item. It was beyond my expectation that it was broken directly this time.

Paul shook his head and sighed sadly.

Mark pulled me aside and quietly told me that the scepter was not an ordinary magic weapon and needed to be used with a spell. I didn't recite the spell when I was in emergency just now, so the scepter was broken.

"Mark, I'm sorry..."

Seeing their father and son's faces full of distress, I knew that I had accidentally destroyed someone else's treasure, and I was a little at a loss. But Mark laughed and said that his father had so many treasures that it would not be a problem for one or two to break.

I smiled and nodded, but I was mentally planning to give them some negative things in the future to compensate them.

Before Paul left, he told me that he had just put worm fungi on the female corpse. In that gloomy environment, the worm fungi would multiply rapidly and countless maggots could be born overnight, which could even eat the corpse clean.

But those men in black will definitely not sit idly by, so the maggots can only delay the time when the female ghost turns into a devil, but they cannot change the outcome.

So Paul had to go back and figure out how to deal with the devil, and he also asked us to leave. The implication was that we didn’t have to deal with this matter. How could I agree? Early the next morning, Ruxue and Yin Xinyue were sent on the plane back home.

After watching them leave safely, Li Mazi and I looked at each other and smiled.

Men are never afraid of challenges, they are just afraid of bonds! Now that my lover is safe, I can follow Paul and have a good fight with the devil.

In the next few days, Li Mazi and I ran through the streets and alleys of Milan, and finally found an authentic mahogany sword. This sword had a light red light all over its body, and the hilt was extremely smooth because it had been held in someone's hand for a long time. . Since I have been dealing with antiques for a long time, I recognized it at a glance as something from the Tang Dynasty. I immediately wanted to buy it at a high price, but the boss refused to sell it, but allowed us to return it after using it.

In addition, I also got two pieces of ancient jade with a round texture, which can increase Yang energy when worn on the body. Finally, I drew many talismans in the hotel. After everything was ready, I asked Mark when can we start? He told me that Paul needed another day to prepare and that he could start tomorrow night.

I was very excited after hearing this, thinking that this matter was finally coming to an end, and I just hoped that nothing would go wrong again. For safety reasons, we stayed in the hotel all day, waiting for Paul to take action the next day. Unexpectedly, something happened before the next day.

Mark received a call from the housekeeper, who cried and said that Dr. Paul had passed away!

When Mark told me the news in tears, I was stunned. He immediately followed Mark back to the manor and saw Paul's soaked body in the swimming pool.

Judging from the characteristics of the corpse, Paul had been dead for at least twelve hours. In other words, when Mark and we gathered together to celebrate in advance yesterday, Paul was already dead.

Mark did not blame any of the servants, nor did he investigate how Paul died. Instead, he dealt with Paul's aftermath in a low-key manner. Because Paul was one of the most famous philanthropic businessmen around Milan, he was eligible to enter the Milan Cathedral after his death.

Since the female devil was about to take shape, Mark put Paul's body directly into the coffin and then stored it in the church.

Because Li Mazi and I were not Christians, we were unable to enter the core area of ​​the church and could only wait on the outside.

As the largest Gothic church in the world, everything here looks extremely solemn, and every believer inside seems so pious. Coupled with the sad music, I just feel like my whole body is covered with goosebumps. Pulling Li Mazi Just go outside. Unexpectedly, he not only refused to leave, but also asked me to look towards the center with great interest, saying that the image of Jesus here was different from those in other places.

"Really?" I felt very fresh after hearing this, so I came to the statue of the Crucifixion of Jesus with doubts.

I found that this statue of Jesus had his head raised, his hands and feet were nailed to the cross, and there was a silver-white Roman knight's spear inserted next to him, which was faintly emitting a soul-stirring cold light.

The most bizarre thing is that the tip of this spear has a trace of uncoagulated blood from beginning to end, as if it had just been pulled out of the human body.

After Mark came out after handling the funeral, Li Mazi and I comforted him with a few words. He said that he would inherit his father's legacy and continue to fight against the devil, but he didn't have the skills of his father and didn't know what to do next?

Although Mark claimed that his father drowned while swimming, we all know that this was the murder of Longquan Villa.

Therefore, Mark was prepared to spend a lot of money to hire Catholic priests to help. I quickly shook my head and told him not to have such an idea.

Now that Paul has just passed away, Mark has taken over all his properties, and his position in the company is still unstable. If there is a big commotion at this time, it can easily be used by careerists to take away the family fortune that Paul has worked so hard to leave behind.

After hearing this, he nodded, accepting my opinion, and scratched his hair in frustration. I had no choice but to divert his attention by talking about irrelevant topics. Li Mazi asked him at the right time what the bloody spear was.

"Spear of God!"

Mark glanced at Li Mazi's gaze, replied feebly, and then lowered his head.

Strictly speaking, Mark is an ideal young man.

But suddenly his father was gone, and a heavy burden suddenly fell on him, and he suddenly became panicked and helpless. That night, Mark followed the rules and held a wake for his father in the church. Mazi Li and I stayed with him.

There were only three of us left in the church at Nuoda. The lights in the church were all out, leaving only the thick candles burning slowly.

In the dim environment, the most eye-catching thing is the trace of blood on the Spear of God!

I couldn't hold back my curiosity and asked Mark about the origin of the Spear of God? Mark told me that when Jesus was judged as a heretic by the Roman Empire, Jesus was going to be nailed to the cross and executed. At the moment when Jesus was executed, it was said that there was a strong wind and dark clouds in the whole city of Rome, as if even God was weeping.

Seven days later, in order to confirm whether Jesus was dead, a Roman soldier stabbed a spear into Jesus' stomach. As a result, Jesus' body spurted out blood, and Jesus opened his eyes and was reborn.

This Roman soldier was instantly inspired by Jesus and became a Christian. This spear stained with the blood of Jesus was also called by later generations: the Spear of God!

With the spread of Christianity, Jesus gradually became the supreme god in the minds of Europeans, and this spear also became an artifact of the Milan Cathedral.

It is said that no matter at any time, no matter the wind or rain, the blood of Jesus on the Spear of God will not fade away. It protects the entire Milan, protects all God's people, and drives all devils into darkness!

After listening, I nodded, closed my eyes and took a nap.

Maybe this is the Western femininity?

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