But before I fell asleep, the air around me suddenly became colder. I opened my eyes vigilantly, only to find that the door was empty.

But the gloomy air was clearly blowing in from the door, was it my imagination?

Li Mazi was playing with his mobile phone next to him, and Mark still kept his head down. I asked them if they had seen anything unclean come in? Both men shook their heads.

Li Mazi even said disdainfully, this is the largest church in Milan and the place where God lives. How could dirty things come in?

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued to play with his mobile phone. I thought about it for a while, and then I prepared to go back to sleep.

But at this moment, a stronger wind blew in from the door again. This time, even Li Mazi and Mark felt it, and both of them looked at the door strangely.

The gloom at the door is getting heavier and heavier, and the candlelight in the church is being blown from side to side. This is not a good sign! And I came here specifically to attend the funeral today, so I didn’t bring anything with me, so I felt panicked for a while.

Waves of dark wind blew by, finally blowing out all the white candles in the room. Then I saw Yin Xinyue standing outside the door waving to me. Seeing her, I felt excited and stood up to go over.

But after running a few steps, I suddenly realized that Yin Xinyue had returned to China, and what I saw must be an illusion!

Thinking of this, I quickly bit the tip of my tongue and tried to wake myself up. After Yin Xinyue disappeared from my eyes, I took a long breath and was about to tell Li Mazi and Mark to be careful, but I found that everything around me was empty. Where were their shadows?

"Damn it!" I cursed in frustration, and then prepared to go out to look for them.

When he turned around, he saw the bloody Spear of God. His heart moved and he clasped his hands together and bowed devoutly to Jesus. Then he pulled out the spear and went out quickly.

I think it would be more effective to use foreign artifacts to deal with foreign Yin spirits!

Unexpectedly, I chased them out of the church and saw that there was no shadow of the two of them outside, but there was a strong gloomy atmosphere in the air. I knew they were deceived by dirty things, so I hurriedly chased them outside, but I couldn't see them even after running for a long time. Instead, I smelled the female ghost's yin energy in the air, and the further away I went, the more obvious the yin energy became.

I was stunned for a moment, and then thought of a terrifying possibility: the female ghost might have turned into a devil...

She had been tortured a lot by us before, and she must have regarded us as her first enemy subconsciously, so she wanted to trick us out of the church. However, this also shows that the female ghost is very afraid of God!

I looked at the Spear of God in my hand, gritted my teeth and rushed towards the ghost castle where the female ghost was hiding.

Along the way, I was wondering whether the female ghost had turned into a devil? If it doesn't, it's okay. If unfortunately I am right, will the Spear of God still work? Even if it works, can Li Mazi and Mark wait until I get there?

In order to get to the castle before the female ghost, I even called a taxi, but I couldn't catch up with them until I arrived at the hotel door. This was really beyond my expectation, because people walk faster when they are confused. Soon, I became more worried about their safety.

Since I didn’t know if the Spear of God was useful, I went back to the hotel and took out the peach wood sword, ready to fight to the death with the female ghost!

Fortunately, when I entered the narrow path, I immediately saw Li Mazi and Mark walking in. Maybe the female ghost thought they couldn't escape, so she slowed down.

I immediately grasped the hope, took three steps at a time to catch up, and slapped each of them on the face with all my strength.

Unexpectedly, instead of waking up, they stared at me viciously, their eyes glowing red like wild beasts, and then they all kicked towards me. I didn't expect that the female ghost could control them to attack me, and I was instantly kicked to the ground by Li Mazi. Then they didn't give up and rushed over me with bared teeth.

At this moment, their bodies were much heavier than usual. The two of them were weighing as much as a thousand pounds on me. I struggled with all my strength, but to no avail. In the end, he could only bite his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood from the tip of his tongue on their eyebrows!

I only saw the bodies of the two people stagnate for a moment, then collapsed, and the gravity pressing on me also disappeared. I knew they were awake, so I quickly got up from the ground and looked towards the castle angrily.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do now?" Li Mazi, who had returned to normal, asked eagerly.

It seemed that he knew what he had done, but he just lost control of his body. I gritted my teeth and said, "Now that we've come to this point, what else can we do? Let's fight her."

After saying that, he rushed in with the Spear of God.

The moment I entered the door, I felt that the Yin energy inside was much heavier than before, and there was a faint purple light shining in the air. Grandpa said that this is called violent energy, and anything that becomes violent is difficult to deal with.

I wanted to leave, but I immediately cheered up when I saw Mark, who had just lost his father.

When I walked near the podium, I discovered that the mummy of the female ghost was missing. My heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Could it be that the body and soul of the female ghost had merged?

Thinking of this, I looked around nervously, trying to find the location of the female ghost. As a result, the surrounding Yin Qi was like a haze, and I couldn't tell the location at all. Before I could think of what to do, a scream suddenly came from behind me. I quickly turned my head and found Li Mazi and Mark fighting together. Both of their faces were ferocious, as if they wanted to kill each other. appearance.

I just slowed down a beat, and Li Mazi had already strangled Mark's neck. Mark seemed to be unaware of the discomfort and didn't care about it at all. He just kept hitting Li Mazi on the head with his fist.

In just a few dozen seconds, both of them were covered in blood. I knew that the female ghost wanted to watch us kill each other, so I hurried up to wake them up. After Li Mazi woke up, he directly cursed: "What the hell should I do? I got confused by accident!"

"Take this!" I handed the Spear of God to Li Mazi.

The female ghost tried to confuse us twice, but nothing happened to me. Apart from my own strong concentration, it must have something to do with the Spear of God.

I asked Mark to memorize the Bible again!

Since the Taoist Tao Te Ching can soothe the mind and drive away evil spirits, I think the Christian Bible will definitely have a similar effect.

Sure enough, as the solemn Italian words came out of Mark's mouth, the gloom around us quickly became much thinner, as if there was a ray of sunshine that wanted to shine in, creating a warm feeling.

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