Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 490: Killing in a Dream

Thinking of this, I secretly glanced into the room and found that Zhu Fengchun had not gone to bed yet. He was standing quietly in the room, seemingly holding a white candle in his hand.

This is definitely not Zhu Fengchun himself. Who in the right mind would stay up late at night and light a candle in the house?

I no longer hesitated and asked Li Mazi to quickly open the lock, and at the same time signaled Director Liu to be ready to rush in.

Li Mazi is indeed good at picking locks, but Zhu Fengchun's home is equipped with old-fashioned door locks like those in rural areas, which need to be opened twice to open. Li Mazi opened the first lock easily, but found that there was another lock inside.

Since people outside could only reach in with one hand, but two hands were needed to open the lock, Li Mazi felt worried and scratched his head and cheeks to think of a solution.

When he opened the lock, Director Liu asked me if I saw anything? I nodded and said that Zhu Fengchun must be abnormal and there might be something unclean in the house.

"What should we do? Will shooting work?"

After hearing this, Liu Ming pulled out his pistol, obviously panicked.

"Don't shoot. We are just here to step on the spot today. It's best not to let him find out. If you are discovered, run away but don't shoot. Otherwise, once the thing is angered, it will definitely bite us."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a crisp click and the lock inside opened. You know Li Mazi just used one hand to open it by feel, I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up!

At the same time, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly came from the room, which sounded like he was talking to someone.

I pushed the door forward carefully, trying not to make any noise. Unexpectedly, before I could open the door, there was a loud bang under my feet.

I looked down and realized that there was a beer bottle placed at the door. It was obviously Zhu Fengchun who placed it here intentionally!

Seeing that I had been exposed, I simply stopped hiding and rushed into the house with big strides. The moment I entered the door, the candles in the room suddenly went out...

My vision instantly darkened, and I could only see a blurry shadow flashing past my eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mazi and Director Liu rushed in. Director Liu, who had developed an occupational disease, immediately turned on the lights in the room.

I thought to myself, "Oh no, the light will cover up the negative energy emanating from the dirty things." But it was too late to stop Director Liu, so he could only bite the bullet and intuitively look in the direction where the shadow was fleeing, only to find that the bed was there.

A middle-aged man was lying on the bed covered with a thick quilt. It seemed that this was Zhu Fengchun.

Zhu Fengchun reluctantly sat up, rubbed his eyes and looked at us, as if he had been woken up by us.

He first looked at me with hostility, then saw Director Liu behind me, and said with a stiff expression: "Director Liu, why did you break into my house?"

"Business matters are business. Before the serial murder case is solved, we have the power to conduct surprise inspections and cooperate with us to solve the case."

After Director Liu finished speaking, he winked at me, and I nodded secretly. While he was talking to Zhu Fengchun, he quickly turned around and applied two drops of cow's tears on his eyes, then looked directly towards the window and found that there was a faint black mist surrounding it, probably due to the light shining on it. dissipate.

This showed that I had read correctly before, so I moved my eyes little by little along the path of the black mist, and finally returned to Zhu Fengchun's bed.

Unexpectedly, there was no Yin energy on the bed at all, but the black shadow did indeed run onto the bed the moment the light was turned on.

Could it be that it was attached to Zhu Fengchun?

With this idea in mind, I took out a magic talisman from my pocket and hid it in my hand, and cautiously approached Zhu Fengchun.

He seemed to sense what I was going to do, so he shrank back and asked cautiously: "What do you want to do?"

I ignored him at all and continued to take two steps forward. Then I jumped forward with my legs and put the magic talisman directly on Zhu Fengchun's forehead.

"Are you fucking sick? What are you trying to stick on my head?"

Zhu Fengchun was a little stunned by my slap. After a moment of reaction, he cursed loudly, tore the talisman off his forehead and threw it on the ground.

His voice and expression did not change in any way before and after applying the talisman. I did not see the imaginary scene of dirty things being punched out, and I immediately frowned.

"sorry for disturbance."

I said something to Zhu Fengchun expressionlessly, and then left his house with Li Mazi and Director Liu.

When he went out, Zhu Fengchun even cursed: "The police are amazing, you are doing whatever you want, I have to sue you!"

Until I walked to the car, I still didn't understand where the black shadow had gone. Why did it disappear for no reason, without even a trace of Yin Qi remaining.

"Brother Zhang, why do you look so ugly?" Li Mazi asked with concern.

I sighed and said that what I encountered this time might not be simple, and then told the two of them about the situation.

Director Liu thought for a while and said, "You may have been dazzled and saw it wrong! After all, we went in as soon as the lights went out. Even if the thing had the ability to disappear instantly, Zhu Fengchun would not be able to climb back into bed in such a short time without causing trouble." Make some noise."

Director Liu's words were reasonable, but I didn't believe that I was wrong. Finally, I was going to let them go back first, while I turned around and killed Zhu Fengchun.


Li Mazi refused without hesitation, and Director Liu quickly spoke, saying that since that thing is so powerful, it must be on guard against us. Otherwise, Zhu Fengchun should stop investigating for the time being and see if he can think about it from other places. Method?

"Director Liu, cremation is not popular here yet, right? Do you know where the coffins of the other three people are buried?"

I asked slowly after thinking for a long time. Director Liu was stunned and asked me if I wanted to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy.

"If we can't find any clues, that's the only thing we can do!"

Thinking of the weird scene of Zhu Fengchun holding the candle, I said helplessly.

After returning to the Public Security Bureau, Director Liu arranged a room for me and Mazi Li, and then we went to sleep.

This is a room specially used to entertain leaders. No one lives in it unless there are special circumstances, so it is quite clean inside.

The only drawback is that there is honeycomb coal inside, which has a strong smell. If you keep the windows closed, you are afraid of being poisoned. If you open the windows, the wind outside will rush in instantly.

After much hesitation, I still didn't dare to risk my life, so I opened the window a small crack. Fortunately, the quilt was thicker, so I covered my face and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I suddenly felt difficulty breathing, my head was in chaos as if it was filled with paste, and there was a strong squeezing feeling in my chest.

I subconsciously opened my mouth wide to breathe, but inhaled a breath of cold air. The strong chill instantly chilled me to the core!

But it also cheered me up. My first thought was that I was poisoned by carbon monoxide, which was why I had difficulty breathing. But then I thought about it, the air was so cold, how could I be poisoned by carbon monoxide?

This unscientific!

Before I could figure out what was going on, I felt a cool breath blowing rhythmically on my face, as if someone was blowing on my face.

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of the dark shadow I met at Zhu Fengchun's house. My whole body trembled, and then I bit my tongue hard, and my body instantly returned to freedom. I opened my eyes in a hurry and suddenly found a dark figure sitting beside my bed.

And he was holding a bloody sword in his hand, which was exactly the same as the scene I secretly saw before!

He came after all!

While I was stunned, the black shadow sneered coldly, then raised the sword high with both hands, and slashed straight at my neck.

It seems that the previous few people were beheaded in this way. The truth has been revealed, but I am facing the threat of death!

At the last moment, I suddenly remembered that there was a mirror beside the bed. I quickly grabbed the mirror in my hand and looked at the black shadow.

I only heard the black shadow scream, and then disappeared directly, and the pressure gathered in my chest slowly dissipated.

I quickly sat up and realized that my back was already soaked, and I had exerted too much force and felt a sharp pain in my neck.

After taking a look in the mirror, I found a thin bloody cut on my neck.

If I had been a step later, my head would have moved.

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of struggling next door, and then I thought that Li Mazi and Director Liu would also be the revenge targets of this dark shadow. I immediately jumped out of bed, without even wearing cotton clothes, and ran to Li Mazi's room carrying a mirror. forward.

Through the window, I could see the dark figure holding the sword high and preparing to cut off Li Mazi's head, while Li Mazi was making the final struggle with the flexibility of his body.

Fortunately, the door lock of the house was very crude, so I kicked the door open with all my strength. After entering, I quickly took out the mirror and pointed it at the black shadow.

The shadow's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and he glared at me fiercely before leaving unwillingly.

I was just about to wake up Director Liu when I saw him running over in a hurry with a gun. Apparently he heard me kicking the door.

I let out a sigh of relief, feeling even more afraid of the shadow.

Where is the Public Security Bureau? It is the country's law enforcement agency and represents awe-inspiring righteousness. This kind of place is naturally filled with extremely strong yang energy and is also protected by the gods.

But that dark shadow could come and go freely here. Could it be that he was a person who ignored the imperial court during his lifetime?

Seeing that I didn't speak for a long time, Director Liu waved his hand to indicate that he would go back to sleep, and turned around to walk back.

When I heard the word sleep, I suddenly thought of something and cried out, "I thought of it!"

"Brother Zhang, what did you think of?"

Li Mazi hurriedly asked, and Director Liu also hurriedly came over.

Li Mazi and I were both hit by that thing in our sleep just now, but Director Liu rushed over when he heard the noise, so he was not attacked. And the four people who had an accident before also died on the bed!

This is definitely not a coincidence, the shadow should only be able to kill people sleeping in the bed. In order to verify this idea, I quickly asked Director Liu if he had investigated where Zhu Fengchun slept on the day of the incident.

"He was drunk and fell asleep on the table. I wrote it in the document." Liu Ming recalled it and said slowly.

I nodded and said that's right. Zhu Fengchun escaped because he didn't sleep in bed that day.

"It's amazing. I wouldn't have noticed this even if you didn't tell me. We police officers are not as good as you, an antique dealer!"

Director Liu said and gave me a thumbs up. Li Mazi also took the opportunity to flatter me, but I felt something was wrong.

If Zhu Fengchun escaped death that day because he slept on the table, then why was he not killed in the following days?

Moreover, a dark shadow appeared at Zhu Fengchun's home tonight.

"No, we have to go back and take a look! Otherwise Zhu Fengchun may die!"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel numb. Before I could explain too much, I put on my clothes and pulled the two of them towards Zhu Fengchun's house again.

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