Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 491: Broken corpses

On the way, I told Li Mazi and Director Liu my guess. Li Mazi said what if Zhu Fengchun died?

"That's because his fate is bad. We all went to his house, but he scolded us out."

Director Liu cursed angrily, but his concern for Zhu Fengchun was undoubtedly evident. I could see the responsibility of the people's police on his face.

"If he is dead, we can only start with the bodies of the other three people. If he is not dead yet..."

I paused at this point and said coldly: "He is the one who kills people!"

That's right, although I haven't seen what the black shadow looks like until now, I can tell that it is a Yin spirit from the fact that he is holding a sword.

Ghosts do not have weapons. Those who have weapons must be Yin spirits, and most of the weapons they use are Yin objects themselves, just like Lu Bu's Yin spirits used Fang Tian's painted halberd before.

Yin spirits, on the other hand, can coexist with humans under certain conditions. The reason why Zhu Fengchun is alive today is probably because he has some kind of tacit understanding with Yin Ling.

In other words, they have the same personality, or else they can bring benefits to each other!

So Zhu Fengchun must not be a good bird. In order to avoid being discovered this time, I asked Director Liu to stop the car before entering the village, and then told them not to follow too close. I quickly ran to Zhu Fengchun’s house by myself, and then turned over The wall.

I wanted to lie on the wall and observe the situation inside the house, but unexpectedly my hands felt sticky as soon as I touched the wall.

I turned on my phone and took a photo, and I was shocked to find that the wall was covered in human blood. This must have been sprinkled on it just now. It wasn't there when we came here.

I suddenly had a bad premonition and jumped straight into the yard. I hurriedly opened the door of Zhu Fengchun's house and turned on the light immediately.

The next moment, I saw that the quilt on Zhu Fengchun's bed was stained red with blood, and the walls and floor near the bed were covered with densely packed pieces of meat, including human internal organs.


I just felt my stomach turning, and I couldn't help but retching.

At this time, Li Mazi and Director Liu also caught up. Seeing the scene in the room, their expressions changed suddenly. The next moment, they all fell to the ground and vomited.

After a long time of vomiting and feeling comfortable, Li Mazi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and asked with a pale face: "Brother Zhang, is this too damn scary? How about we..."

He didn't finish his words, but his unwillingness to care about this matter was quite obvious. We can't afford to offend evil creatures that can kill people.

Even Director Liu couldn't resist anymore. The corners of his mouth twitched and he said, how about just closing the case like this? The criminal suspect Zhu Fengchun committed suicide in fear of crime and ignited a gas tank at home...


Before Director Liu finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by me. I pointed at their noses and cursed: "It's been a while, haven't you noticed? This black shadow can't kill anyone at all." Indiscriminately, we just took a look and were chased all the way to the police station. What about other people? If this thing is not solved, I don’t know how many people will die in this small county."

After saying all this, I just felt that the anger in my body was vented. I sat down on the ground and said feebly: "Don't worry about this matter. I will do it myself! That thing is really difficult to deal with. There is no need for you to take risks. "

"Nonsense, when have I ever left you behind?" Li Mazi suddenly stepped forward and patted me on the shoulder: "I am your brother after all. You and Xinyue are not married yet, so I have to think about it for you. "

I was stunned for a moment, looking at him and not knowing what to say.

Li Mazi grinned and said: "Since you want to take care of it to the end, my brother will accompany you."

"I'm sorry, I was frightened by the scene just now. But since you are not afraid, why should I, a person with the national emblem on my head, be afraid of nothing?"

Director Liu took out his pistol, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fuck your mother!"

I looked at them and smiled stupidly.

After resting for a while, Director Liu notified people from the police station to collect the bodies, and then he was going to take us back to take a nap, and then go visit the gravesites of the three previous deceased people when we woke up.

As a result, as soon as we left Zhu Fengchun's house, we saw a figure hiding in the corner. He ran away when he saw us.

His footsteps were heavy, he was obviously alive!

Li Mazi and I relied on our reaction speed to survive until now. We could catch up with him and knock him down in a matter of minutes.

"Little Quail, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

After Director Liu saw the other person's appearance clearly, he kicked the pistol back into his pocket, and then explained to me that this man was a villager in the village, and he was a bit of a petty thief on weekdays, so the villagers nicknamed him Little Quail. This little quail has a good nature and should be fine.

The little quail hesitated for a long time before telling us hesitantly: "I was just looking for a place to pee, and when I saw Brother Zhu going out, I wanted to steal something to pay off my gambling debt while no one was coming to his house."

I was stunned after hearing this. Zhu Fengchun went out. Who was that pile of minced meat in the room?

After the little quail finished speaking, he ran away without us paying attention. He was probably afraid of being arrested and taken to the police station. Director Liu had no time to care about him. He asked me in a panic what was going on?

Li Mazi swallowed, looked back at Zhu Fengchun's house, and was so frightened that he was speechless.

The blood on the walls of his house and in the bedroom was very fresh. The people whose bodies were mutilated inside were undoubtedly recently killed. I thought about it and decided to arrest Zhu Fengchun first to see how he would argue this time! Anyway, I made up my mind to have a showdown with him, so I asked Director Liu to drive forward and chase him. Unexpectedly, the cement road in their village was only half-built, and after crossing the small bridge outside the village, it turned into a dirt road.

Director Liu accidentally drove the car into a ditch. The car body tilted instantly and almost rolled over. I was about to go down to push the cart when I heard a crashing sound in the cornfield nearby!

The corn in the field had been harvested long ago. After an autumn wind and rain, the leaves on the corn stalks had fallen off. I looked along the bare corn stalks and saw a figure with his back to the corn stalks. Let us hide inside and shuttle through the cornfields.

"Zhu Fengchun, stop!"

I yelled subconsciously, because no one else would be here except him at night.

When he heard it, his body suddenly stopped, and then he quickened his pace and ran in. Fortunately, the area was relatively empty. It didn't take long for us to catch up with the black shadow, only to find that this person turned out to be a little quail.

Director Liu was already in his forties or fifties. After all this trouble, he breathlessly cursed: "Little Quail, do you really want to go to jail?"

"Don't dare, don't dare. Director Liu, what are you going to do?"

The little quail was talking, but his hands were touching the back of his butt intentionally or unintentionally. I looked at him carefully, then my heart pounded, and I shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

Li Mazi, who was about to go over, immediately went into alert mode after hearing my shout. Liu Ming also grabbed the gun immediately. Even the little quail looked at me with confusion.

"Who the hell are you!" I walked straight up to the little quail and shouted sternly, holding the magic talisman tightly with my hand in my pocket.

I felt something was wrong the first time I saw him. After we separated in front of Zhu Fengchun's house, we immediately drove in this direction to catch up. There was no reason for the little quail to arrive in the cornfield before us. This in itself was very suspicious.

What's more, when I looked at him just now, I noticed that the clothes this kid was wearing were different from what he was wearing just now. There must be something wrong with him!

After Director Liu heard what I said, he quickly reacted and put his gun directly to Little Quail's forehead and asked, "Who are you?"

When the little quail saw the gun pressed against his head, he panicked, fell to his knees with a thud, and kept kowtowing: "Director Liu, I didn't kill him, I really didn't kill him..."

Only then did I notice that he was holding a wallet behind his buttocks, which seemed to be bulging with a lot of banknotes. When he opened it, he found Zhu Fengchun's ID card inside, which had obviously been stolen by the little quail in front of him.

He kept kowtowing in the snow and begging us to let him go. The fear in his eyes was very strong, and I noticed that his body was shaking violently when he spoke.

"Brother Zhang, is it possible that there is a mistake? Do you think this boy is pretending?" Li Mazi looked down on the little quail and asked with a curl of his lips.

I didn't say anything. I just stood there and took a deep breath. Then I closed my eyes and felt where the little quail was. I vaguely saw three sunfires burning brightly in front of me, which meant that there was nothing wrong with the little quail. I breathed a sigh of relief, opened my eyes and told Director Liu and Li Mazi not to be nervous, then glared at the little quail and said: You'd better tell the truth, otherwise you will be a murderer, do you understand?


The little quail nodded repeatedly, and then started to speak hesitantly.

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