Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 496: Ruined Temple

It's a pity that Yin Ling is different from human beings after all. Currently, this person only represents a trace of Cao Cao's thoughts, which is far from the number one hero of the Three Kingdoms a thousand years ago, let alone normal communication with me.

I suddenly felt a little regretful. After thinking about it for a while, I asked Director Liu to close the door to prevent the wind and snow from affecting the Bagua array.

Then I jumped out of the window, came to another room, and released the ghosts of Zhang Yang and Wang Zhuangzhuang.

So far, a total of four people have been involved in the accident. Zhu Fengchun is Cao Cao's accomplice, and Li Tiansheng's body was chopped into pieces, and his soul must have been scattered, so Zhang Yang and Wang Zhuangzhuang are the best clues!

The grievances on them have been absorbed by the Baigui Bag. After they came out, their expressions were dull and their eyes were distracted. They looked at me confusedly like an old man in their twilight years, and their movements were stiff and a bit like robots.

This was obviously a sign that the soul was gone. I secretly thought it was dangerous and quickly took the time to ask: "Tell me, how did you die?"

"Death?" Both of them raised their heads and started crying.

They cried very sadly, and their voices were sad and desolate, like shouts from hell. My scalp couldn't help but feel numb, and then I yelled angrily: "Stop fucking crying and answer the question quickly."

Don't listen to the sound of ghosts crying, otherwise people will be fascinated!

Maybe my glaring image was too cruel, or maybe the Hundred Ghost Bag was too intimidating to them. Wang Zhuangzhuang and Zhang Yang looked at each other and spoke slowly.

It turns out that the four people involved in the accident all knew each other, but they only met once. Some time ago, they shared a taxi in Linzhang County on their way home.

The taxi was a black car, so the police failed to find this clue.

It stands to reason that when these four migrant workers go home to celebrate the New Year, they should rush home to see their wives and children as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, Zhu Fengchun kindly invites the other three people to sit at his home.

The people in the village were honest, and what Zhu Fengchun said was very true. In addition, it was already late at night, and the other three people did not want to trouble their wives and children, so they followed him home after some hesitation.

Zhu Fengchun didn't entertain them much that night. He fried peanuts, made a plate of Chinese cabbage and a plate of bacon.

Then the four of them heated the coal stove and chatted over wine.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone became a little drunk and started talking more. They couldn't help crying when they talked about their tragic experiences while working in big cities.

At this time, Zhu Fengchun lowered his voice and told everyone that there was a treasure hidden in a nearby ruined temple. As long as everyone worked for it, everyone could live a good life. He asked them if they were interested?

Under normal circumstances, no one would believe Zhu Fengchun's words, but a few people were so drunk that they took shovels and hoes and followed Zhu Fengchun to the ruined temple in the lower reaches of the Zhang River.

After arriving there, everyone, led by Zhu Fengchun, smashed the Bodhisattva statue in the temple and found that there was a statue of Cao Cao inside the Bodhisattva statue.

After hearing all this, I couldn't help but frown and asked uncertainly: "So, Zhu Fengchun knew that there was something weird about this Bodhisattva statue at that time?"

"He knows that he killed us on purpose." Wang Zhuangzhuang's ghost said through gritted teeth, but there was nothing they could do, because with Cao Cao's ghost around, they couldn't cause trouble to Zhu Fengchun.

After seeing the statue of Cao Cao, most of the people's drunkenness immediately subsided. Rural people were all superstitious. Everyone felt that there was another statue of a god inside the statue, something was not right, and they wanted to leave quickly.

Who would have thought that Zhu Fengchun suddenly smiled coldly and asked, "Do you still want to run away after drinking my wine?"

It turned out that he had drugged him inside. As expected, Wang Zhuangzhuang and the others were tied up by Zhu Fengchun before they could go out.

Then Zhu Fengchun used a syringe to draw some blood from each of the three people, and then smeared it on the eyes and lips of the statue of Cao Cao. Then Zhu Fengchun sat cross-legged across from him and began to chant silently.

Then something happened that the other three people will never forget for the rest of their lives! The dark statue of Cao Cao actually came to life, walked to Zhu Fengchun and pulled him up, and then the two people started talking quietly.

By the next day, they found themselves lying in the wilderness with nothing unexpected happening to them. In addition, the scene last night was too bizarre, so I selectively forgot about it.

But he didn't expect that within a few days, they would be beheaded one after another!

After hearing all this, I couldn't help but clenched my fists. It was already quite obvious. Zhu Fengchun, a birdman, had learned the magic from nowhere, and he actually used the blood and essence of three rural men to awaken Cao Cao's evil spirit! At the same time, he used the lives of three people as a bargaining chip to ask Cao Cao to help him.

The reason why our industry is called "lower class" is because of the existence of these black sheep. Zhu Fengchun did something he shouldn't have done. I will get rid of him no matter what!

After making up my mind, I asked Wang Zhuangzhuang's ghost if he could remember where the ruined temple where the statue of Cao Cao was placed was? It nodded lightly, and then slowly walked towards me.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood what it meant. I raised my hands and interlocked with Wang Zhuangzhuang's ghost.

Then I closed my eyes, and the route from the police station to the ruined temple clearly appeared in my mind!

After doing all this, I bowed to Wang Zhuangzhuang somewhat solemnly. Because his soul is already very weak, and if he continues to guide me through soul communication, his soul will be hurt by my Yang Qi.

Then I was afraid that it would really lose its soul, so I could only put them into the Hundred Ghost Bag again.

When I turned back to see Cao Cao, I was surprised to find that the Door of Death had disappeared!

Moreover, all the mirrors on the wall fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Where is Cao Cao's shadow in the Bagua array?

"Oh shit!"

I cursed angrily and ran forward to take a look. I was shocked to find Director Liu lying on the ground with blood on his head and twitching non-stop. When he saw me, he wrote "Zhu" on the ground with an unwilling face, then rolled his eyes and fainted.

Zhu Fengchun, it must be Zhu Fengchun who showed up at the last moment to sneak attack Director Liu and destroy my Bagua Spirit Mirror Array!

I gritted my teeth and called 120, asking them to come to the police station to rescue Director Liu. Then I picked up Sirius Whip and Peach Soul Flower and chased outside.

The snow has stopped at this moment, and there is a rare wind. The existence of snow is very good at preserving the Yin Qi left by Cao Cao. I followed the smell of Yin Qi and found that the place he went to was the ruined temple.

Zhu Fengchun must have a conspiracy to take Cao Cao back to his place of residence at this time!

I was secretly cautious, but when I came to the ruined temple, I couldn't help but open my mouth, because the entire ruined temple was full of antiques, including the blue bricks on the ground, the red tiles, the incense burner in the temple, etc. It has a history of at least thousands of years.

As an antique dealer, I could tell at a glance that this ruined temple was a historical site. I never expected that the small town of Linzhang County would hide such a treasure.

I live in the south, so it's not surprising that I haven't heard of a ruined temple here, but Wang Zhuangzhuang and the other three are locals, but they haven't heard of it either. I'm afraid things are not that simple. I looked at this ruined temple again and finally found something wrong.

This ruined temple was shaking slightly before my eyes!

Everything around me was at a standstill except for the temple that was shaking, which was really scary. I hesitated for a moment before bracing myself to go in and take a closer look.

But at this moment, someone suddenly shouted from behind: "Don't go in."

This was Li Mazi's voice. Just as I was about to turn around, I suddenly remembered that Li Mazi was still unconscious in the police station. How could he be here? My heart suddenly thumped, and I subconsciously tightened my grip on the Sirius Whip.

Seeing that I didn't respond, Li Mazi said again: "Brother Zhang, this ruined temple is a shadow! It's not real. The ruined temple is actually a mass grave."

I shuddered when I said this, and when I looked at the ruined temple again, I was so scared no matter how much I looked at it.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mazi came towards me from behind. I knew I couldn't wait any longer, so I simply swung the Sirius whip behind me hard and shouted loudly: "Don't come here."

"Brother Zhang, it's me." Li Mazi grabbed the Sirius Whip and said nervously.

I took a closer look and saw that it was really Li Mazi.

The fact that he was able to catch the Sirius Whip without getting hurt showed that he was definitely not a ghost.

"Aren't you unconscious? Why are you here?"

I let out a long breath, and then asked in confusion, while carefully looking at the ancient temple in front of me.

"I don't know when I woke up. Anyway, I heard Director Liu scream, and then I woke up. Just as I was about to get up, I saw Zhu Fengchun destroying your formation and running away with Cao Cao's ghost... …”

At this point, Li Mazi paused, scratched his head and then said, "I don't know where you are, and I don't know what to do. I can only catch up with you."

Looking at his wretched appearance, I patted his shoulder with some emotion.

"Let's get down to business, guess what I just saw?" Li Mazi suddenly asked me with burning eyes.

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