Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 497 Half-life dream of being a painter

"When Zhu Fengchun came here before, it was clearly a mass grave. Many graves even had coffins exposed! But he didn't know what he did. He waved his hand and the place turned into a ruined temple. Then he left. I don't dare to follow you, so I have to stop here and wait for you." Li Mazi said.

"Oh?" I was confused after hearing this, but I quickly came to my senses.

What Cao Cao was afraid of was mirrors, and Zhu Fengchun used mirrors to control Cao Cao.

I'm afraid the real evil thing is not the Seven Star Knife, but something similar to a mirror! Zhu Fengchun must have come here to let Cao Cao's Yin spirit be nourished by the Yin energy of the random graveyard.

Thinking of this, I stopped wasting time and asked Li Mazi to show me the way. We quickly chased towards the place where Zhu Fengchun left.

This trip lasted nearly an hour, and finally I was sure that Zhu Fengchun had returned to his home.

When I was approaching his house, I received a call from Director Liu. Director Liu had already woken up. He simply bandaged himself and left the hospital. He asked me where I was.

"Bring people to Zhu Fengchun's house and prepare to close down the Internet cafe!"

I thought about it and said, it’s time to bring Zhu Fengchun to justice.

After hanging up the phone, I walked towards Zhu Fengchun's house. When I got closer, I found that the courtyard door was open. Zhu Fengchun was wearing Hanfu and had set up a table in the snow. There was a thick stack of rice paper on it, and he was drawing something quickly on the rice paper with a brush.

"Are you waiting for me?" I asked as I walked over.

At this last moment, I felt much more relaxed.

I took a look at Zhu Fengchun's painting. It was a snow scene: under a blanket of white snow, a prosperous town began a new day. Every street vendor was lifelike, and there were many children on the frozen river. Skating, surrounded by worried mothers.

This is a masterpiece comparable to the Along the River During the Qingming Festival. The characters in the painting appear vividly on the paper. Being able to draw such a work shows that the author has love in his heart. I couldn't help but become interested in Zhu Fengchun and asked tentatively: "This painting is good and the picture is very beautiful, but why do you want to be a murderer?"

Zhu Fengchun seemed to disdain to explain, casually tore the painted work into pieces, then pointed at his clothes and shouted: "I have liked Chinese culture since I was a child. I think the things of foreigners are nothing special. Our five thousand years of China Civilization is the most worthy of pride! That’s why I like to wear Hanfu and learn Chinese painting. It can be said that these paintings have condensed half of my life’s efforts.”

"I am a farmer, and it is not easy to paint like this! But when I went to the art exhibition with high hopes, people laughed at me, saying that I am a farmer, how can I paint anything, so I should go back and move bricks! How come? A few months later, I accidentally discovered that my work had become the most popular in that exhibition, but it was not signed by me..."

After hearing this, I was shocked and couldn't help but sympathize with Zhu Fengchun. I immediately advised him: "No matter what, this is not the reason for you to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Stop it! As long as you are willing to plead guilty, Director Liu and I will fight for you." Intercede, you’ll be out of jail in a few years and start over.”


After hearing this, Zhu Fengchun suddenly laughed wildly, and his eyes turned red instantly. He pointed at me and shouted hysterically: "It's because you, the superior city people, look down on our rural areas that the world has become so unfair. You all deserve to die! "

As he spoke, he picked up the rice paper on the table and waved it to the sky. As the rice paper fell all over the sky, I saw that it was full of fierce soldiers, as well as the famous generals of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period, Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Yu Jin, and Zhang Liao. etc.

After Zhu Fengchun threw away the rice paper, he quickly returned to the house, and then came out again. There was a round bronze mirror in his arms. The whole bronze mirror looked extremely smooth and exquisite in craftsmanship, but it exuded a strong yin energy.

I knew that this must be the evil thing causing trouble, and when I saw the portraits of people on the floor, I suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Subconsciously, he rushed to grab the bronze mirror. At the same time, the siren of the police car was heard outside.

Zhu Fengchun was extremely excited when he heard the sound, and sneered and said, come on, come on, we and you will perish together. After speaking, he directly cut his own throat with a knife, and his blood spurted out, instantly staining the entire bronze mirror red.

"Go out quickly and tell Director Liu that no one is allowed to enter the yard, no one!"

I knew I could no longer stop Zhu Fengchun, so I was forced to yell at Li Mazi. He was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and ran out.

The moment he walked out, the world before my eyes changed.

I felt as if I was in an ancient battlefield. The whole world was filled with a murderous atmosphere. Opposite me were thousands of troops, and the leader was none other than the black-faced Cao Cao.

On both sides of him were famous generals from Cao's camp, and behind him were countless soldiers holding weapons. They all looked at me with a sneer, as if they were looking at a toy.

I turned around again, but there was no one behind me.

I didn't expect God to give me such a favor and let me challenge tens of thousands of troops led by Cao Cao alone. I don't know whether I should cry or laugh?

I wanted to escape before they took action, but no matter how I escaped, I couldn't get out of the yard.

I knew that I had been hit by a ghost and hit the wall. Unless Cao Cao and the others retreated, I would not be able to get out at all. Anyway, I am going to die anyway, and I will not sit still and wait for death. I held the Sirius Whip in my left hand and the Peach Soul Flower in my right hand. I roared and rushed towards Cao Cao.

Cao Cao snorted coldly, pulled out the Seven-Star Sword and swung it forward, and a tidal wave of people came towards me.

Fortunately he didn't shoot the arrow, otherwise I would have turned into a hedgehog. After the fight, I found that the strength of these Yin soldiers was not very good, and they could often be defeated with just one whip.

But the power of the Sirius Whip and the Peach Soul Flower was limited, and soon these two treasures became ineffective, while more and more soldiers surrounded me.

I held the last few talismans in my hands, wondering whether I should commit suicide?

But at this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed next to me, and the soldiers leaning in front of me were instantly wiped out, and the rest all returned to Cao Cao.

I looked sideways and realized that the person coming was a man in a T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt is dressed in white, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd high in his hand!

"I'm coming, don't be afraid."

The man in the T-shirt said to me softly, then pointed Fang Tian's painted halberd at Cao Cao and said: "Cao Mengde, today I, Lu Bu, will take your head!"

The evil aura of Fang Tian's painted halberd soared into the sky. Cao Cao was so frightened that he fell off his horse and left in a hurry with the help of a group of generals.

When the last soldier disappeared, the environment in front of me turned into Zhu Fengchun's yard again.

Zhu Fengchun was dead at this moment, and the blood on the bronze mirror in his arms had dried.

I looked at Zhu Fengchun and sighed. He wanted to die and I couldn't save him.

Then he looked at the man in the T-shirt and asked him why he was here?

The man in the T-shirt told me that he was informed by Senior Shu. He was afraid that he would not be able to deal with Cao Cao, so before he came he took out the Fangtian Painted Halberd used by Lu Bu from my antique store.

If the man in the T-shirt hadn't had Fang Tian's painted halberd in hand, Cao Cao would never have been scared away!

Director Liu then led people to clean up Zhu Fengchun's body hastily, and then announced that the case was closed.

Even a fool can tell that the bronze mirror is a treasure. When a young policeman tried to put it into the evidence bag, Director Liu scolded him: "Go, go, what are you going to accept from a broken mirror? Just do what you have to do." .”

After saying that, he smiled meaningfully at me, and I nodded to Director Liu with a smile.

The next day, I performed a ritual ceremony at the mass grave and by the river. I redeemed the souls of those who were wronged, and it was considered a good deed for the local people.

The serial beheading case was finally solved. Zhu Fengchun, who was jealous of the unfair fate, tried to control Cao Cao's ghost to kill innocent people indiscriminately. If Senior Shu had not discovered it in time, many more people would have died.

Afterwards, I asked Senior Shu what he thought of this matter. He thought about it and said: This fucked up society!

I laughed after hearing this.

The social circle we live in is really getting more and more ridiculous. Especially there is a small group of so-called elites who feel that they have education, taste, and good looks, so they look down on farmers from the bottom of their hearts and feel that they stand with farmers. Being together is the most embarrassing thing in the world...

There is also a host named Zhou Libo who even publicly insulted farmers to show how high-end and upscale a big city he is in Shanghai.

But they apparently forgot one thing.

Who are their ancestors? It's a farmer!

Who feeds them? Still a farmer!

The word farmer is simple and unpretentious, facing the loess, but it is the greatest existence of the Chinese nation.

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