Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 498: This box cannot be touched

Most of the business in the yinwu circle is about dead people. Over time, it is inevitable that you will attract unclean things, or unknowingly damage your own blessings and virtues.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in our industry that we go out regularly to do good deeds. You are not allowed to do anything on the way to do good, and you must be humble and patient with anyone and anything you encounter. Only in this way can you completely get rid of bad luck!

This is a rule that my grandfather has adhered to all his life, and my generation will not break the rule, so just after the Chinese New Year, I asked Li Mazi to come with me to form a good relationship.

But he was too lazy and immediately lost interest when he heard it was Qiongyou. He rejected me because Ruxue was about to give birth to a baby.

I didn't force it anymore. After saying hello to Yin Xinyue, I left the house alone, and then walked on a remote rural road.

Because spring has just begun, there are not many crops to work on in the fields. Most farmers have nothing to do and like to get together to play mahjong. This was the case all the way from Hubei to Hebei. A few times I was invited to the table by fellow villagers to rub a few times, but I was very unlucky.

For nearly half a month, I have been helping the villagers along the way draw peace charms and giving some living allowances to the lonely elderly. Apart from these, I have not really encountered any trouble, and I have arrived in Puyang City before I knew it.

Further north from Puyang is Handan. Since we had just dealt with Cao Cao's affairs near Handan last time, I felt very depressed when I went there again, so I stopped in Puyang.

Every time my grandfather went out during his lifetime, he only lasted ten days and a half. Based on a rough calculation, I should have completed this mission, so I planned to rest for one night and return home tomorrow.

However, what I never expected was that something happened on the last night!

Because it was the last night, I was too lazy to stay overnight, so I took a room in a simple little hotel.

The boss is an old lady in her sixties. She quickly assigned me a room and then took me upstairs with a pot of hot water.

After putting the water down, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she started chatting with me in pure Henan dialect. Through the conversation, I learned that she was a widow and that she and her husband had left this house for their son to get married.

Later, her son bought a house outside and rarely came home. Her husband also passed away, so the old lady converted the house into a small hotel and lived a carefree life.

After hearing this, I admired this diligent old man very much, so I started chatting with her.

When she heard that I was a businessman who specializes in collecting vaginal objects, her eyes lit up and her expression looked very hesitant, but she finally told me to go to bed early and then went downstairs.

Looking at her look, I knew she was in trouble, and it was big trouble, otherwise the old man wouldn't be so worried.

Since she refused to tell me, I couldn't ask any more questions, but I tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep. I always felt that if you want to make a good relationship, you have to start well and end well, otherwise it won't be considered a success.

I immediately stomped downstairs, explained my intention, and then asked the old lady what trouble she had encountered.

The old lady was silent for a while before slowly speaking: "Young man, come with me."

After saying that, she stooped and walked to the back of the hotel. I quickly followed her and found that behind the hotel was a small yard with a lot of debris piled in it. Further inside is a dilapidated bungalow with a roof full of straw. I think this is where the old lady used to live.

As soon as I approached the bungalow, I smelled a faint scent of sandalwood. After the old lady opened the door, the smell became stronger and even a little pungent.

I couldn't help but pinch my nose and asked the old lady why there was such a strong smell of sandalwood in the house. Although this thing wards off evil spirits and insects, if the density is too high, it is also harmful to the human body. Doesn't the old lady know this?

"There is no other way..."

The old lady shook her head helplessly and invited me into the house. Only then did I realize that the Eight Immortals table in the house was actually made of sandalwood, and it was the most precious red sandalwood among sandalwoods!

Red sandalwood, also known as green dragon wood, is an excellent weapon to ward off evil spirits and can bring good luck to people. In feudal society, dignitaries would buy jewelry or furniture made of red sandalwood.

During the Ming Dynasty, almost all the domestic red sandalwood was cut down, and the imperial court sent people to various countries in Southeast Asia to purchase it. This shows how precious red sandalwood is!

I didn't expect that a seemingly ordinary old lady would have such a treasure hidden in her home. I quickly stepped forward and touched it to confirm that it was real red sandalwood. Then I discovered that the incense burner and bowls and chopsticks on the table were all made of sandalwood.

There was a bronze box behind the incense burner. It was the only object on the table that was not carved from sandalwood. I subconsciously reached out to touch it, but unexpectedly the old lady grabbed my hand and said with a fearful expression: " Boy, this box is untouchable."

"Is the problem with the top of the box?" I asked in a low voice.

The old lady nodded heavily, then leaned into my ear and carefully asked me if I saw anything?

Seeing her being so cautious, my nerves became tense, and I turned to look at the box carefully.

I found that the box had small cracks in several places, revealing the light red color inside. Then I realized that this was also a wooden box, but it was painted with a layer of copper paint on the outside.

It is precisely because of this layer of copper paint that I cannot determine the age of this box. The old lady didn't give me any reminder, so I could only peek in through those small cracks.

After a long time, I still didn't see anything strange, so I turned my doubtful eyes to the old lady.

"In that case, let me show you!" The old lady hesitated for a long time before saying.

Then she moved the incense burner away from the table and slowly pulled me back to the door, her face gloomy.

I was just about to ask her what she was doing? The Eight Immortals table in front of me suddenly began to vibrate with a loud bang, and when I looked closely, the copper box seemed to come alive, beating violently on the table.

With every beat, a red mist would emit from the cracks in the box. Instead of dispersing, the mist would gather more and more, covering the entire Table of the Eight Immortals in a blink of an eye.

Although I still don't know what is in the box, it is definitely not easy to suppress the red sandalwood. I can't help but step back nervously, staring at the red mist without blinking, trying to see what it is going to do. What to do.

Unexpectedly, the black mist had no intention of attacking us. After completely covering the Eight Immortals Table, there was no movement. About ten minutes later, the red mist slowly dissipated. When it completely disappeared, a shrill cry came from the box. Voice.

The cry came and went quickly, and calmness returned in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

"Old lady, what on earth is going on?"

I looked at the old lady confused and asked, because her face was very calm when facing the red mist. Obviously, this red mist appeared not for the first time, and it had not harmed her for so many years.

But why was the old lady so nervous before? I think there must be something hidden in this.

The old lady looked at me, then at the box, and finally put the incense burner back on the Eight Immortals table, lit three incense reverently, and then took me out of the bungalow.

After returning to the inn, the old lady sat down, her eyes immediately turned red, and she choked with sobs and said, "To tell you the truth, my old man was killed by that thing..."

I frowned, and after the old lady calmed down, I asked tentatively: "Auntie, can you tell me what happened?"

"Okay, then I'll tell you."

The old lady wiped away her tears and said, she told me to just listen to it as a ghost story and leave it alone.

It seemed that she thought I couldn't hold that thing, so I nodded and didn't say anything more, but listened seriously!

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