Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 499: The Strange Story of the Copper Box Demon

It turns out that the old lady's husband is a veteran who participated in the counterattack against Vietnam. He also received the Medal of Honor for killing several Vietnamese Japs. However, after he was demobilized and returned to his hometown, the local government did not arrange a job for him, and did not even provide him with the most basic subsidy.

The couple, who were nearly middle-aged at the time, had no choice but to return to their hometown and prepare to farm to make a living. However, their farmland was confiscated on the grounds that they were military personnel and did not belong to the peasant class and had no right to allocate land.

In desperation, the two had no choice but to open up wasteland in the back mountain that no one wanted. Unexpectedly, they dug out a copper box in the mountain.

"Mom, you mean, this dirty box existed decades ago?" I couldn't help but interrupt the old lady after hearing this.

Logically speaking, if the box is so dangerous, the couple will be unlucky when they dig it out. Why has it been fine for decades and only now is it causing trouble?

"Yes, it has been there for a long time."

The old lady sighed and looked at the wall behind her with dull eyes. I followed and looked over, and I was surprised to find a black and white photo hanging there. The man in it was wearing a military uniform, with several military medals hanging on his chest. A confident smile spread across his face.

I suddenly felt a little blocked in my heart. If these heroes who guard the country's borders cannot even enjoy their old age, what hope does this nation have?

After resting for a while, the old lady continued: After digging out the copper box, the old man was so happy that he planned to sell it to get some money, because at that time we basically couldn't even eat..."

"Auntie, the country is sorry for you."

My nose couldn't help but feel sore after hearing this, and I said sadly.

At that time, the couple wanted to sell the box, but later they discovered that the box was not made of copper and was worthless. But when they saw that the box was very beautiful, they did not want to throw it away, but kept it at home.

Because the box had no opening, the box would be broken if it was opened by force, so I was reluctant to open it.

Later, through their hard work, they gradually lived a good life with no worries about food and clothing, and even had children when they were old. The couple thought they would be happy forever, but unexpectedly everything changed when their son turned eighteen.

Their son is named Zhou Tian. He has been a sunny boy since he was a child. He is filial and sensible and is very popular among relatives and friends. Everyone thinks that he will be successful when he grows up.

No one expected that Zhou Tian would suddenly become gloomy after his eighteenth birthday. He would lock himself in his room all day long and would not go out. He would not talk to other people and would even cry uncontrollably at night.

At first, the old couple thought Zhou Tian was troubled. After asking several times, their son ignored him, so they stopped asking any more questions. I thought that my son would be fine after a while, but I didn't expect that things were getting more and more serious...

One night, the old couple was asleep and suddenly woken up by a loud noise, followed by Zhou Tian's shrill cries from upstairs.

They quickly put on their clothes and ran upstairs to take a look. They found that Zhou Tian had smashed the large color TV they had just bought at home, turning the entire TV into countless pieces the size of a palm.

Zhou Tian himself was lying on the debris on the ground, covering his eyes and rolling back and forth, crying loudly as he rolled, as if he had suffered a huge injustice.

The old couple didn't have time to feel sorry for the TV, so they hurried forward to pull their son up and forcefully opened his hands. Then a scene that they would never forget appeared: Zhou Tian's eyeballs were gone, and the two empty eye sockets were leaking. There's blood pouring out!

The old lady was stunned for a long time, then rolled her eyes and fainted.

After all, Zhou Tian's father was a soldier. Although he was old, he could still carry out tasks. He immediately prepared to carry his son to the hospital, but Zhou Tian, ​​who was usually skinny and skinny, became extremely powerful and knocked his father unconscious.

When the old couple woke up the next day, they found that Zhou Tian's eyes were fine and the fragments of the TV were still there, which showed that what happened last night was true.

They understood very tacitly that their son might have encountered something dirty, so they went to ask a knowledgeable gentleman to take a look.

The gentleman promised to come, but after seeing the copper box, he ran away and never dared to take this business again!

The old lady was unwilling to give in and invited several famous gentlemen, but no one dared to take over. Later, they could only throw away the box, hoping to get peace. Unexpectedly, the old man died that night.

"My old man died miserably!"

At this point, the old lady burst into tears again. I knew that she had reached the most critical moment, and I had the courage to ask what happened that night.

"I was asleep when I suddenly saw the old man appear in front of me. He cried and asked me to enshrine the box with sandalwood, saying that this could save his son's life! He also said that the thing he regretted most was taking the box home. , you can’t avoid what’s coming.”

"After the old man finished speaking, he waved to me. His body moved further and further away until he completely disappeared. When I woke up, I found that the old man had passed away. He was holding the box tightly with both hands, whimpering."

After saying this, the old lady could no longer control herself and burst into tears.

From her description, I can basically conclude that there is a yin object in the box, or the box itself is a yin object, otherwise the old man would not let the old lady enshrine the box before he died.

Since it is a negative thing, I am sure to get rid of it!

However, judging from the fact that the femininity object started making trouble when Zhou Tian was eighteen years old, the owner of the femininity object must have something to do with the number eighteen during his lifetime.

After the old lady was tired of crying, I asked her where Zhou Tian lived now. She said that she was in Puyang city, and that she had been worshiping the box devoutly since the old man's death. Zhou Tian returned to normal. After graduating from college, he successfully married a wife and had children, bought a house in the city, and lived a good life.

"Then why doesn't he take you over to live with him?"

I noticed that the old lady's expression was dark when she mentioned her son, so I asked one more question.

After hearing this, she said with some embarrassment that Zhou Tian had never been home since she knew there was something strange about this box. Moreover, he was afraid of his wife and had no intention of taking the old lady to live with him. He just left the old lady to fend for herself.

"This traitor! This is too much."

I gritted my teeth and said, deciding to teach Zhou Tian a lesson after I finished dealing with my vagina!

Then I asked the address of Zhou Tian's new home, and then told the old lady not to put incense on the box tonight. I wanted to see what this evil thing could do to Zhou Tian.

Before going out, the old lady repeatedly asked me to protect Zhou Tian, ​​saying that this was the only flesh and blood of the couple, and if something happened to Zhou Tian, ​​she would not be able to survive.

The mother is worried when the son travels a thousand miles, but the son is not worried when the mother travels a thousand miles! I was touched by the motherly love of the old lady. When I rushed to Zhou Tian's home, I couldn't help but think of my parents.

I haven't seen my father and mother since I was a child.

Although my grandpa is very kind to me, I know that my parents' love is something that my grandpa can never give me. Zhou Tian is lucky, but he doesn’t know how to cherish it! I shed tears as I thought about it, and it wasn't until the driver urged me to get out of the car that I came back to my senses.

After getting off the car, I wiped my tears and found that Zhou Tian lived in a high-end community similar to a villa complex. The independent houses inside looked very luxurious, which was in sharp contrast to the old lady's small hotel.

When I entered the community gate, the security guard refused to let me in. I had no choice but to say that I was Zhou Tian's cousin and ask him to contact Zhou Tian.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face entered the security room with a frown, and muttered as he walked: "When did I get a cousin?"

"Zhou Tian, ​​I have something to tell you."

This middle-aged man was obviously Zhou Tian, ​​so I stopped pretending to be a cousin and said straight to the point.

After hearing this, he looked at me cautiously: "Who are you and why are you looking for me?"

"Your mother asked me to come here, let me take a step to talk." Seeing the eager eyes of several security guards around me, I simply took Zhou Tian outside the community.

Zhou Tian asked confused: "What's wrong with my mother?"

"Your mother is fine, but you are about to be in danger." I was so angry at his attitude that I said angrily, and then told him that from now on, I have to protect his safety 24 hours a day, so he has to take care of his food. control.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Tian laughed after hearing this, took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and threw it on the ground. Then he looked at me with disdain and said that if you want to defraud money, just say it, don't beat around the bush.

After that, he simply turned around and went home, never looking at me again.

I looked at the 100 yuan on the ground and suddenly felt that Zhou Tianshuo was really fucked!

His mother worked hard to open a hotel, but because the business was not very good, she could only earn a hundred yuan a day, but he was doing it here.

For a moment, I really wanted to turn around and walk away, letting the copper box kill this bastard! But when I thought of the pitiful appearance of the old lady, I softened my heart. In the end, I had no choice but to open a window-side machine in an Internet cafe opposite the community.

When it was close to twelve o'clock, I turned off the computer and looked sideways at the gate of the community.

If that evil thing really comes to trouble Zhou Tian tonight, Zhou Tian will definitely believe what I said during the day, and he will definitely go back to the old lady to find me.

There was no pedestrian outside at the moment. Looking through the street lights, the security guard in the security room was dozing off. All the houses in the community had their lights turned off, and they looked peaceful.

I stared like this for more than half an hour. Just when I felt that nothing would happen tonight, a woman's scream came faintly in the distance, and then the lights of a house turned on!

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