Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 500: Sister-in-law, please respect yourself

I suddenly became energetic, carefully noted the location of this family, and then looked at it intently. Soon a woman wearing only pajamas ran out and looked for the security guard in a panic.

This eighty percent is Zhou Tian's wife, I immediately walked out of the Internet cafe.

Before the woman could knock on the security room door, I stood in front of her and asked her if her husband was Zhou Tian?

She was stunned after hearing this, and then asked as if grasping a life-saving straw: "Are you the master Zhou Tian said?"

"Tell me now what happened?"

After confirming the woman's identity, I didn't dare to stop for a moment. I pulled her and ran towards the community, asking questions as I ran.

The woman said in a trembling voice: "I was sleeping when I suddenly heard crying, as if someone was sitting next to me crying. When I opened my eyes, I found that it was Zhou Tian who was crying. But he seemed to be a different person. It feels strange to me.”

"Tell the important point!"

When I got close to the door, I could clearly hear the crying inside, so I lowered my voice and spoke to her.

The woman nodded repeatedly and said, "Zhou Tian is caught in something dirty. Before his consciousness disappears, let me ask you for help."

"I know, don't worry."

I took out the Sirius Whip and hid it behind my back, then asked her to open the door. After entering the room, I immediately saw Zhou Tian lying rolling in the hall. At this moment, his eyeballs had disappeared, and his empty eye sockets were filled with blood.

The woman screamed when she saw this scene, then sat down on the ground and trembled. After hearing the sound, Zhou Tian suddenly sat up and cursed fiercely: "Smelly cousin, if you ask me to kill you again!"

After saying that, he covered his eyes again and rolled on the ground, completely treating me like air.

The woman immediately covered her mouth and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I pointed to the door and signaled her to go out first. After she left the room, I slowly pushed forward, but Zhou Tian always pretended that I didn't exist.

"Who are you? Why are you pestering him?"

I clutched the Sirius Whip with cold eyes, trying to frighten the thing attached to Zhou Tian.

Unexpectedly, this Yin spirit didn't fall into the trap at all. It dominated Zhou Tian's body and crawled in front of me in a flash. It licked the blood flowing out of its eyes with its tongue and said with a mocking look on its face: "You are no match for me... …”

“Whether it’s your opponent or not, you won’t know until you beat him!”

Since it didn't want to continue talking to me, it had no choice but to be aggressive. I roared and swung the Sirius Whip at lightning speed.

This whip hit Zhou Tian's neck firmly. Zhou Tian let out a scream, and his body was thrown two meters away, lying on the ground motionless.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a burning pain in my back. When I turned around, I was shocked to find that a red mist appeared behind me and was constantly entering my body.

It seemed that the pain came from the red mist. I immediately took out a handful of refined salt I had prepared from my pocket and sprinkled it on it. After a sizzling sound, the red mist in front of my eyes dissipated, but the pain reappeared in my back.

The red mist seemed to be deliberately teasing me. No matter which direction I faced, it would appear from behind me. Gradually, my movements slowed down, and a chill came from my heart.

I couldn't help but sneeze, knowing that the red mist was slowly eroding my Yang Qi! If Red Mist succeeds, I'm afraid I'll have to answer here.

Just when I was racking my brains to think of a way to resist this fog, it suddenly changed its direction, and billowing red fog emerged from all directions at the same time.

They were intertwined with each other like hemp ropes, forming a large airtight net that tightly surrounded me.

In the old lady's bungalow, this was how the Yinwu dealt with the rosewood.

Rosewood couldn't do anything about it, so it kept shaking. If it persisted, it would only lead to death.

My brain was spinning rapidly, and before my sight was completely obscured by the red mist, I saw a pot of cactus under the window sill, and I immediately had an idea.

Plants like prickly pear and cacti that absorb dust and purify the air contain strong yang energy and are perfect for driving away filth and yin. I hurriedly fell to the ground and rolled next to the cactus. I picked it up and smashed it on the ground with all my strength. , the crispy prickly pear suddenly broke into countless pieces.

I quickly picked up a piece of meat without thorns and put it in my mouth. The slightly bitter taste suddenly spread in my mouth, generating a heat.

As the heat spread throughout my body, I felt that my whole body became much lighter, and most of the pain from the red mist drill on my body disappeared.

After seeing the power of prickly pear, my confidence increased greatly. Whenever the heat was about to disappear, I would find another piece of prickly pear and put it in my mouth to chew. Gradually, the red mist became thinner.

Suddenly, the black mist gathered into a line and slowly moved towards the door. It seemed that it was exhausted and wanted to escape. How could I have missed this opportunity? He immediately rushed forward and whipped him violently with the Sirius Whip.

The red mist would let out a shrill cry every time it was whipped. After a few strokes, the power of the Sirius Whip disappeared, and the red mist took the opportunity to slip away.

I quickly went to Zhou Tian to check, and found that his eyes were back to normal, but his face was very ugly, and it was obvious that he had been severely shocked.

Although he would not die if he continued like this, it would shorten his lifespan. I called his wife into the house and asked her to cook a bowl of ginger soup for Zhou Tian to drink while I sat in the living room and rested.

Since the Yin spirit called Zhou Tian's wife a stinky cousin, I think it must have been cheated on by his own wife before he was alive, and even Zhou Tian's wife had cheated on her before.

This is a clue! But considering the family harmony issue between Zhou Tian and the old lady, I won’t use this trick until the end.

Soon the woman made a bowl of ginger soup and fed it to Zhou Tian. Then she said many words of gratitude to me and asked me if I had wiped out the dirty things.


I almost spit out the water I just drank, and explained helplessly: "That thing is not simple. I was lucky to be able to drive it away just now. It is not that easy to kill it."

After hearing what I said, the woman was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhou Tian who was lying on the bed like a dead pig, and asked in a daze: "Sir, do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Huh?" I looked at her puzzled.

Unexpectedly, she bit her lip gently, stood up suddenly, and unbuttoned her pajamas, revealing a large expanse of white. Then she pounced on me blankly, opened her lips and kissed me on the mouth.

It all happened so fast that by the time I reacted, the only sound left in my ears was the heavy breathing of the two of us.

After all, I am a normal man, and I haven’t touched a woman for a long time, yet I somehow managed to cater to her.

Seeing that I didn't refuse, the woman seemed to be inspired and couldn't wait to untie my belt. Her hands couldn't help but tremble due to excessive excitement.

At this time, Zhou Tian, ​​who was lying on the bed, suddenly turned over. I suddenly came to my senses, pushed the woman away, and quickly read the "Tao Te Ching" to wake myself up.

She didn't know what I was doing and wanted to pounce on me again. She moaned almost crazily: "Can you please give it to me?"

"Sister-in-law, please respect yourself!"

This time I didn't get stuck again. I walked directly to the door and said with a cold face: "I came to your house just to help you get rid of your vagina. If you do this again, I will leave immediately."


After hearing this, Zhou Tian's wife looked stunned, then sighed heavily, and tears fell down. She cried and asked, "Do you think I'm particularly mean?"

I looked at her and said nothing.

"After so many years of marriage, he has never satisfied me. I even took the initiative every time. He is a real loser. What can I do? I am also a human being, and I also want to taste what it's like to be a woman!"

The woman suddenly became excited, pointed at Zhou Tian and shouted loudly. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, thinking that this guy Zhou Tian looks so tough, why is he so useless?

But I didn't care about their private life as a couple, so I just chatted with her for a few words and then went into the room to rest.

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