Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 501: A Last Stand

Not long after I lay down, the door of the room rang. When I opened the door, I saw it was Zhou Tian's wife. She said anxiously: "Master, my mother-in-law just called to say that the thing went to her place to cause trouble. You Please help me!"


I slapped my thigh fiercely, then put on my clothes and ran downstairs. That yin thing suffered a loss from me, and it was very likely that he would attack the old lady in anger. How could I forget this?

After I ran out of the community, I called a taxi, threw away five hundred yuan, and asked the driver to go to the old lady's hotel as quickly as possible.

After arriving at the inn, I saw the old lady lying on the sofa unharmed. Then I breathed a sigh of relief and asked her what happened.

Unexpectedly, the old lady did not answer me, but asked: "How is my son? Is it safe there?"

Seeing what she meant, she was not on the same page as me at all. I suddenly had an ominous premonition, frowned and asked, "Auntie, did nothing happen to the hotel after I left?"

"I'm just an old woman, what can happen to me?"

The old lady saw my serious expression, as if she had realized something, and said nervously: "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong." I didn't explain much. I immediately ran to the small bungalow at the back, only to find that the box on the Eight Immortals' table was missing!

The old lady who entered the room later opened her mouth wide when she saw this scene, and collapsed on the ground with a face full of disbelief: "I just checked it once before you came here. Why did you say it was gone and then it disappeared?"

"It seems it can't sit still..." I said with a sullen face.

Then he took out the compass and turned it gently around the Eight Immortals Table. When it turned to the southeast, the pointer trembled violently, which showed that there was Yin Qi here, and the box probably slipped away from the southeast.

Then I slowly moved forward according to the pointer's instructions, and suddenly I found a gap of about one square meter in the southeast corner of the house.

The box must have gone out through the opening. Seeing my frown, the old lady explained: "This is a coal fire pit dug in the early years. The hole is used to throw waste cinders out."

"Mom, please stay at home."

It is completely pointless to discuss the purpose of the hole at this moment. I warned, and then, regardless of the dirt, I immersed myself in drilling out through the dark hole, and then started to ask the spirit to take my place.

Generally speaking, you can't open your eyes when praying for the spirit, but I need to use the compass to determine the direction of the departure of the ghost, so I can only bite the bullet and keep my eyes open.

This time the person invited was a little boy wearing a red bellyband. His head was surprisingly large and his eyes were shining with blue light.

Maybe it was the compass in my hand that made him feel threatened, and he kept trembling under me. I looked at him and said, don't be afraid. This compass is used to deal with evil spirits. You can obediently send me to my place. It's inevitable. Your reward.

It obviously understood what I said, and its speed suddenly increased. Everything in front of it was quickly moving away behind it. I always followed the direction of the pointer and finally determined that the box went to Zhou Tian's home.

After stopping, I poured a few more drops of blood on the ground as a reward for the little boy. A kid like him can easily lose his soul, so he did a small favor for us in this industry and exchanged some blood essence to maintain his soul.

Ghosts that work for themselves are much stronger than ghosts that harm others at every turn!

Then I strode towards Zhou Tian's house. Before I entered the house, I saw Zhou Tian's wife sitting at the door. She put her hands on her knees, raised her head, and looked at the roof with dull eyes. Her movements were very strange.

Just when she was about to ask her what happened, there was the sound of objects being thrown in the house. My heart trembled, I turned around and rushed into the room, and suddenly I saw a red shadow floating towards Zhou Tian's room.

Although I only saw a back figure, I still noticed that it was empty below its calves, indicating that the ghost had no legs.

Then I looked at my feet and found that everything in the room that could be broken had been thrown all over. The ground was covered with fragments of water heaters, tables, chairs and benches.

I couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that this Yin spirit is quite weird, it can break things at every turn, and it is so powerful that it can break everything into pieces.

While I was stunned, another scream came from the room, followed by another crackling sound inside.

All my belongings for self-defense were stored in the old lady’s hotel. I was competing with the ghosts for time before, so I didn’t have time to pick them up. Now I can only pick up a few pieces of unused cactus from the ground, and then rush into the house. inside.

The moment I entered, a red mist rushed toward me. Before I could chew the cactus, I was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.


My throat felt so sweet that I couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then there was severe pain in my chest, as if I had been fried in a hot oil pan.

Beads of sweat oozed from my forehead. I was rolling on the ground in pain like a drug addict, my body shaking constantly. I knew that just sucking a piece of prickly pear would relieve the pain immediately, but my hands were shaking so much that I couldn't hold anything at all.

At this time, a figure walked out of the room. I looked out of the corner of my eye and was horrified to find that the person who came was actually Zhou Tian’s wife!

She looked at me with a joking look on her face, holding a broken hacksaw blade in her hand, and said with a sneer: "Looking for death."

This was the voice of a Yin spirit. It seemed that Zhou Tian’s wife was possessed by a Yin spirit. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then she suddenly realized that something was wrong. Since she was possessed by a ghost, who was the woman sitting outside the door?

Before I could think clearly, I felt a pain in my ankle. I looked down and broke into a cold sweat.

She actually sat on my lap and used a hacksaw blade to cut my legs, but I couldn't use any strength in my body!

At this critical moment, the door to the room made a loud bang, and then a vague shadow flew towards the woman's finger at high speed.

As it gradually approached, I saw clearly that it was the little boy with a red bellyband who had just helped me on my way. It didn't stop at all after it came over, and used all its strength to bite Zhou Tian's wife's middle finger.

The middle finger is the place where human essence and blood are most abundant. Especially after being squeezed, the yang energy in the finger will be released instantly. Therefore, after many people are possessed by ghosts, they will use chopsticks to pinch their middle fingers to drive away the ghosts.

The little boy's seemingly sudden move was actually a simple attempt to save me!

The Yin spirit in the box concentrated on sawing off my feet, but was caught off guard by the little boy. After letting out a scream, he left Zhou Tian's wife, then turned into a red shadow without legs and rushed towards the little boy.

Watching the little boy being caught by it, he screamed in pain. I gritted my teeth and roared with all my strength, sat up suddenly, quickly picked up a piece of cactus from the ground and put it into my mouth.

After chewing a few times, the heat dissipated quickly and the pain in the chest subsided.

"Fuck you."

There was no other way at the moment, so I cursed loudly, bit the tip of my tongue hard, and spat out a mouthful of blood on the Yin spirit, which suddenly emitted a puff of smoke.

Perhaps feeling threatened by me, this guy let go of the little boy and then looked at me eagerly.

Judging from its hesitant state, this guy was also scared, and after I used up the blood from the tip of my tongue, I really had nothing left to attack.

The cactus could keep me safe, but it couldn't keep the little boy safe.

For a moment, neither Yin Ling nor I dared to move first. We looked at each other, and the situation suddenly became delicate.

But I knew that this thing would probably react if I dragged it on, so I immediately decided to take a gamble. I turned my head and picked up the Sirius Whip that I had placed on the ground. I pretended to recite a spell and whipped it towards it.

It hesitated for a second, then turned into a burst of red mist and ran away before the whip fell on it.

After it left completely, I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground.

At this time, the little boy floated in front of me and smiled shyly. At this moment, I no longer thought it looked scary. Instead, I felt it was very friendly, so I tried to ask: "Do you want to follow me?"

The reason why I ask this is because my grandfather once told me that there are some helpless little ghosts who really want to be adopted by people in our profession to avoid the end of their souls.

If you are lucky enough to be with the right person, you might be able to return the favor. The little Tao Tong adopted by T-Shirt Man is a good example, and it also has a chance of returning to Yang.

It's a pity that he died trying to help me.

Although adopting a kid in this way is a good relationship, it is fundamentally different from cultists who raise ghosts to harm people. But I'm still not used to having a little ghost around, mainly because I want to find a suitable little ghost for the T-shirt man.

Sure enough, after I asked, the little boy nodded quickly, then lowered his head and played with his fingers, not daring to look at me.

You're probably afraid of being rejected by me, right?

I smiled, found a piece of white paper and folded it into a paper crane, then dropped a few drops of blood on it, signaling the little boy to fly in.

Seeing that I agreed to take him in, the little boy immediately started dancing, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to me three times, and then turned into a wisp of smoke and flew into the paper crane.

Then I stuffed the paper crane into my pocket, and when I walked into the room, I found Zhou Tian dying on the bed, with the copper box next to him.

It seems that the Yin spirit was indeed frightened by me just now and did not dare to return to the Yin object, but this is exactly what I want!

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