Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 502 Dragon-Shaped Ancient Jade

I thought for a while, then placed the box on the floor, then drew the shapes of several knives and swords with blood around the box, and finally sprinkled a layer of refined salt on the outlines of these weapons.

After doing all this, I nodded with satisfaction. The Yin spirit had both of its legs cut off. It must be particularly afraid of swords, and the blood and salt that make up the sword are both the most yang things. It would be strange not to frighten its courage. !

In order to prevent the evil spirit from trying again, I asked the little boy to go back to the hotel to help me get my backpack, and also told him not to disturb the old lady as much as possible.

I felt a little embarrassed when I just subdued it and let it do things, but it jumped away with a happy face.

After he left, I was completely free and ready to help Zhou Tian's wife up, but I was horrified to find that she was no longer breathing and even her body was a little stiff.

Only then did I realize that the woman outside the door was not someone else at all, but her soul!

It must have been a ghost that rushed in and got on her while I wasn't paying attention, then drove her soul out, and then tricked me into going back to the old lady's hotel.

After thinking about all this, I couldn't help but feel scared. If I didn't know how to pray for spiritual spells, Zhou Tian and his wife would be dead today.

I immediately came to the door and found that the woman's soul was still sitting there. I was relieved and used the soul-calling spell to put her into the paper crane.

Within ten minutes, the little boy came back with my bag. I opened it and saw that the magic talisman, peach soul flower and other things were all there, and I suddenly felt at ease.

"Xiao Lin, I want to give it its soul now! Go out and wait a moment, don't enter the house."

I pointed at Zhou Tian's wife and said to the little boy, because its soul is unstable and may be absorbed into the woman's body by the spell. Then there will be an embarrassing situation of one body and two souls.

As for Xiaolin, I named him after Zhang Jiulin’s Lin. He seemed very satisfied with the name I gave him and flew out with a smile on his face.

I also smiled from the bottom of my heart, got up and turned off all the lights in the room, lit a white candle next to the woman's head, then released her soul from the paper crane, and used the resurrecting spell to combine her soul and body. One body.

Some say spiritualism is complex, others say it is simple. In fact, spiritualism itself is not difficult. The key lies in the reason why the soul leaves the body, the time when the soul leaves the body, and the distance between the soul and the body.

If these three relationships are straightened out, the soul will naturally be able to resurrect!

Then I carried her back to bed, put Xiaolin into the paper crane, and then affixed magic charms to all the corners of the room. After making sure that the evil spirits could not enter, I fell down on the sofa and fell asleep.

It was already noon when I woke up the next day. When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the bed. It seemed that Zhou Tian and his wife had put me in bed after they woke up.

When I walked out of the room, I saw Zhou Tian chatting with the old lady. Her wife was cooking, chatting with each other from time to time, looking happy and happy.

I was immediately puzzled, thinking that this guy Zhou Tian has changed his gender or something? How did you become so filial?

Before, I decided to do some tricks after disposing of the vaginal objects, in order to teach this unfilial son a lesson, but now that he has corrected himself, I feel relieved.

I coughed lightly, stepped forward and said, "Madam, when did you come here."

Hearing my voice, the three members of their family stopped what they were doing and looked at me. How could Zhou Tian still look as domineering as yesterday? He walked up to me excitedly and knelt down directly to me, thanking me for saving my life.

Although his wife did not kneel down, she stood by and looked at me with a grateful face. However, her expression was a bit complicated. She might still remember her seducing me last night. I smiled at her vaguely and told her not to take it to heart. Then I looked at the old lady and discovered that the old lady had a plaster on her leg. .

"Auntie, what are you doing?" I asked in a panic.

It takes a hundred days to break the muscles and bones. For the elderly, such injuries are actually the countdown to life. Besides, she was fine last night, so why did she suddenly...

"Don't worry, young man. I just accidentally knocked it. It's not a problem."

The old lady said with a face full of relief. I noticed that her eyes kept looking at the room. Maybe this was her first time here since her son got married.

So compared to happiness, the injury on her leg is nothing to her.

The old lady refused to say more, so I asked Zhou Tian what was going on? His eyes immediately turned red. As soon as he stood up, he made another loud noise, knelt down in front of the old lady and cried bitterly: "Mom, I'm sorry for you!"

It turns out that I went to bed after handling the matters here yesterday and forgot to reply to the old lady. As a result, the old lady was worried about the safety of her son and daughter-in-law, so she rushed here from the hotel in the middle of the night.

She was old and had inconvenience in her legs and feet, so she accidentally fell down in the middle of the journey. She had to crawl all the way for the second half of the journey, and finally fainted not far from the entrance of the community.

Fortunately, a cleaner who got up early in the morning to work found her and took her to the hospital, otherwise the old lady would have frozen to death.

When Zhou Tian and his wife woke up in the morning and saw the mess on the floor and me lying on the sofa, they recalled what happened last night and felt guilty.

As the saying goes, people who are about to die are good at words. The soul of Zhou Tian, ​​who survived the disaster, received a baptism. After hearing the call from the hospital again, he ran to the hospital like crazy.

Scenes of his mother's love and care for him emerged in his mind, and Zhou Tian completely repented.

When Zhou Tian said all this, tears kept falling down. His wife and old lady also cried bitterly. I was infected by the atmosphere and wiped a few tears away.

"Brother Zhou, it's not too late."

I wiped my eyes and said loudly: "As long as you don't let me feel cold again in the future, you are already being filial!"

Yes, no child can repay the kindness of his parents. It is a blessing to be able to make them not feel cold!

The copper box is still lying in the same place as yesterday, and the swords I drew around it are still in their original appearance. However, the talisman on the window has been burned in several places. It seems that the thing did come back last night, but it was just because of the shock of the talisman. Didn't dare to enter the house.

Anyway, I have the box in my hands, so I don't have to worry about it not coming back.

Through these several contacts, I became very interested in this vaginal object. After dinner, I used a cutting machine to cut open the box while the sun was shining.

The moment I opened the box, a dazzling light came out from inside. I closed my eyes subconsciously, and when I opened them again, I saw a square object wrapped in a handkerchief.

I took out the handkerchief and felt it was heavy and hard. When I looked carefully, I couldn't help but open my mouth.

This handkerchief is actually made of gold silk, with a dragon pattern embroidered on it!

Although I can't immediately identify the age of the handkerchief, its quality and workmanship have a strong royal feel.

In ancient times, people who could tattoo dragon-shaped patterns on their handkerchiefs must have a distinguished status!

I couldn't wait to untie the handkerchief to see what treasure was inside, but it turned out that it was just an irregular jade stone.

I am in the antique business and have studied jade quite thoroughly, so I recognized it at a glance as an ancient piece of jade, perhaps even from the pre-Qin era.

However, jade has always been marketable and priceless. Compared with gold and silver, the collection value of jade is far greater than its actual value, and is affected by multiple factors such as texture, color and luster.

Therefore, even if this piece of jade is a genuine antique, it loses its collection value due to its irregular appearance and flaws in its body.

"Master Zhang, is this jade worth anything?"

Zhou Tianmin asked enthusiastically from the side, but looking at his appearance, it was clear that he didn't understand jade.

"It's an antique, but it's not valuable."

I told the truth, and Zhou Tian nodded with some disappointment after hearing this. Seeing him like this, I suddenly realized that I had not told them the rules of the femininity merchant before, and I was a little embarrassed for a while.

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