Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 507 Trip to Japan

After finally having some free time, I plan to go on a trip to relax my nerves. I plan to invite the T-shirt man with me this time.

Yin Xinyue said it would be better to go to Japan, right? It is the peak tourist season for Japan right now, and she has long wanted to go to Kyoto, but unfortunately she has never been able to find the time. She might as well take a trip to realize her dream now.

Although I don't have much affection for Japan, Yin Xinyue wanted to go so much that she agreed.

I called Mazi Li, and he readily agreed. He planned to take Ruxue with him to eat sushi in Japan. The man in the T-shirt didn’t have any objections to this trip, so the trip to Kyoto was finalized.

A week later, we landed at Osaka Airport by plane. When we exited the airport, a man was waiting there holding a pick-up sign with my name on it.

This is a translator I hired on a travel website called Xiao Gao.

Xiao Gao is probably in his twenties, wearing a pair of glasses, and has a gentle manner. He is a Chinese student who came to Japan to study, and he works as a translator during the holidays to earn some tuition.

I went over to say hello to him, and Xiao Gao took my hand and said enthusiastically: "I have already booked bus tickets to Kyoto for a few of you. It will be at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. I will take you around today. Do you want to go there?" Don’t you want to go to the duty-free shop to buy something?”

Xiaogao has already exchanged Japanese yen for us. My first impression of him was quite good. I thought this young man was not only eloquent but also cheerful. He should be a competent translator.

Yin Xinyue said that she would wait until later to buy things, so let’s find a hotel to stay in first! So Xiao Gao called two taxis and the group set off towards the city. On the way, he booked a hotel using his mobile phone.

We didn’t have much luggage, we only had some belongings, which we handed over to the waiter at the hotel front desk for safekeeping, and then we went out to eat.

Xiao Gao asked whether we should eat Japanese food or Chinese food. Chinese food is very popular in Japan, especially Sichuan food, but Japanese people can't eat spicy food, so most of the dishes have been changed to sweet.

We all have the same opinion. Since we are here to visit, of course we must try the local flavor!

Xiao Gao took us to a restaurant specializing in sushi. The customers sat around a large round table with a conveyor belt on top, leading to the kitchen at both ends. The kitchen is surrounded by glass, and you can clearly see that several chefs are making sushi with live fish and crabs. The prepared sushi is placed on the plate on the conveyor belt, and you can eat as you go, and then use the leftover plate. Come to account.

Yin Xinyue discovered an interesting thing. After eating, the plates can be put into a recycling port, and five plates can be used to draw prizes. She and Ruxue played for a long time, drew a few cartoon stickers, and asked us to try our luck.

Li Mazi eagerly tried it a few times, only to get a badge and put it on immediately.

I only drew a small doll, and when I looked at the man in the T-shirt, he drew a bunch of gashapons with no expression on his face, almost always succeeding, which amazed us...

Although the taste of the sushi was just that, I was very happy with the meal. Li Mazi praised: "Not to mention, the service of the little Japanese devil is really good. I feel like I am a god."

"Mainly because Japanese people are very interesting, these restaurants usually create some gadgets for foreign guests to play while eating." Xiao Gao explained.

I asked him: "Will you stay here after graduation?"

"I major in ancient architecture, and I plan to serve the motherland in the future." Xiao Gao smiled lightly.

"Why come to Japan to study ancient architecture?"

"In fact, many houses in Kyoto are in the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty in China and are quite well preserved. Tang Dynasty buildings are almost invisible in China, so it is necessary to come here to study! The famous architect Liang Sicheng also studied in Japan at that time major in ancient architecture." Xiao Gao explained.

I praised him for his ambition. After dinner, Yin Xinyue and Ruxue were going to visit the shops in Osaka. Of course, Li Mazi and I had to accompany them, but I felt a little embarrassed to have the T-shirt man follow behind. He didn't speak the whole way, and he was carrying a sword on his back, as if he was not in the same world as us.

From time to time, Japanese female students stop and scream "Kakuy" at the man in the T-shirt, and some take out their mobile phones to take photos with him. The girls here are much more active than those in China.

We strolled around the mall for a while. Yin Xinyue and Ruxue went into a clothing store to pick out clothes. We guys found a coffee shop outside to rest. Xiao Gao said that if we wanted to go to that kind of place in the evening, he could introduce it to us. .

"What kind of place?" I asked.

"Japanese custom shops are similar to nightclubs in China. Male tourists who come to Japan usually go there. These places are membership-based, and you need to be introduced by an acquaintance before you can play." Xiao Gao said after taking a sip of coffee.

I smiled bitterly: "Didn't you see that we all brought our wives with us? Do you want us to go back and kneel on the washboard..."

"It doesn't matter, we can help you make up an excuse." Xiao Gao said with a smile, I thought to myself that this guy is too good at flattering.

I felt a little conflicted in my heart, but Li Mazi asked with a sleazy look on his face what fun was there in a place like Xiaogao? In the end, we agreed to find a less exposed store to visit, just to gain some knowledge, because I was indeed a little curious.

I said to the man in the T-shirt: "It's a rare trip, so why don't you come with us?"

"I'm a Taoist priest, how can I go to a place like that?" The man in the T-shirt glanced at us coldly.

Xiao Gao advised him that just having a drink and chatting would not violate the precepts.

The man in the t-shirt hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

After dinner that night, the four of us made an excuse to go to the animation city, and then took a taxi to the custom shop. The feasting and feasting atmosphere made us very uncomfortable.

Soon a mamasang in kimono came over, bowed deeply, and then greeted Xiao Gao. It seemed that they were very familiar with each other.

I found a place to sit down and ordered some drinks and snacks. Not long after, four girls in sexy clothes came over and bowed to us. After Xiao Gao introduced them one by one, they sat over, one by one, holding our arms. Chat enthusiastically.

This embrace made me feel a bit at a loss, and the man in a T-shirt next to me went straight into a meditative state of looking at my nose, nose, and mind.

Li Mazi immediately got into the mood and chatted with others using a few blunt Japanese words learned from the travel brochure. I was convinced that we could still have such a happy conversation despite the language barrier.

After several glasses of champagne, Li Mazi became even more shameless. He followed the example of other guests and folded up a 10,000 yen note and stuffed it into the girl's chest. The girl beat him coquettishly. I looked at Li Mazi's bright face and thought that if I took a photo and showed it to Ruxue, he would be kneeling on the durian in no time.

Xiao Gao also had a heated relationship with the girls. I finally understood that this place was expensive and Xiao Gao, a poor student, couldn't afford it, so he tried his best to encourage tourists to come here so he could take the opportunity to have fun.

The man in the T-shirt and I sat side by side, which seemed particularly awkward. The juices and drinks in front of us were almost untouched. When the two girls saw that we were silent, they sat next to Li Mazi and Xiao Gao.

I regretted coming to a place like this and wasting money, so I said to the man in the T-shirt: "Go out and get some fresh air!"

"Okay!" As soon as he stood up, he suddenly turned his head and stared in one direction.

Sitting on the sofa opposite was a chubby, middle-aged, bald uncle, who looked like the Taijun in the anti-Japanese TV series. The uncle had a barmaid on each side of his arms, and he smiled very wildly.

There is a young man in white sitting on the right side of the bald uncle. He looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, with fair skin and a cute appearance like a girl. He was holding a big bucket of popcorn and eating it.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously when I saw something was wrong in the T-shirt man's eyes.

"There's something evil about it." The man in the T-shirt said, "That boy in white is not a human being!"

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