Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 508: Demonic

Hearing what the man in the t-shirt said, I asked him, what is that boy in white if not a human being? The man in the t-shirt shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe he is a monster, and his cultivation level is quite high."

Yokai culture is very popular in Japan, and there are many urban legends circulating, but I didn’t expect to encounter yokai in the city.

We simply sat down and stared at the young man in white. Not long after, a girl in a tight skirt walked up to the bald man and bowed. She looked to be in her thirties. Although she was not as young as the other girls, her every move and gesture was beautiful. She is particularly charming, with a curvy figure and two long, white legs exposed under her skirt, which is very hot.

The bald man immediately asked the girl next to him to give up his seat, respectfully poured the woman wine, and the two started chatting.

I asked Xiao Gao who was that woman? He drank a little too much, pushed up his glasses, and said: "Oh, that's the number one in this nightclub, Ms. Mei Imai. Generally, guests who want to name her have to make reservations several months in advance. Unless a particularly respectable big shot comes, she Only then will I personally accompany you."

So, that bald man has quite a lot of background.

Xiao Gao Se stared at Mei Yi for a while, then went to play dice with Li Mazi and a few other girls...

The bald man gave the two girls some tips and sent them away. At this time, the boy in white next to him picked up an empty cup, spit in it, and handed it to the bald man from under the table. I could clearly see this little move. Chu.

The bald uncle poured wine from this cup and invited Mei Yi to drink. Mei Yi declined for a few times, but finally drank half of it.

"That kid is performing sorcery!" the man in the T-shirt said coldly.

I asked Xiao Gao: "Can the young lady here be taken out to get a room?"

Xiao Gao thought I wanted to take some girl to open a room, so he shook his head quickly: "No, no, this store does not provide such services. You must not mess around. If you are found out, I will be blacklisted..."

Li Mazi said with a loud tongue: "Brother from the Zhang family, I thought you were a serious person. You want to open a room after only a few minutes of knowing you. I admire you!"

I was too lazy to pay attention to these two drunkards and said to the man in the T-shirt: "Is it possible that it's some kind of charm trick? The bald man dreamed of sleeping with the top guy in this store, so he hired a monster as a helper."

The man in the T-shirt nodded.

If this is really the case, there is no need for us to interfere, because we have no such obligation.

After Mei Yi finished drinking, nothing unusual happened. She stood up and left.

The boy in white noticed us, smiled strangely at us, got up and went to the bathroom.

"Jilin, look at his shadow." The man in the T-shirt said.

The light in the custom shop was dim, and the boy's shadow on the ground was very faint. I saw a long tail trailing behind the shadow, swaying like a snake. There was also a pair of large and pointed triangular ears on the shadow's head.

"He's a vixen!" I said in surprise.

At this time, another group of guests came. They were a group of men with gloomy faces and black suits. Each of them wore a pair of sunglasses. The leader of the group had a cigar in his mouth. There was a long scar on his right eye and a large hanging knife. The gold chain looks fierce.

Mamasang hurriedly greeted them, with a smile on his face, and took them to their seats with great enthusiasm. I asked Xiaogao who were those people? He said they were from the Yamaguchi-gumi, which is the Japanese underworld.

The underworld here is legal and has its own businesses, such as loan sharking, opening nightclubs, investing in film and television, etc. It is a great spectacle in Japanese society to keep in harmony with ordinary people.

Not long after the Yamaguchi-gumi people sat down, a young lady came over to accompany them to drink. After a while, Mei also came, bowed and sat down next to the boss.

Although these gangsters looked quite fierce, they were well-behaved and did not touch the ladies. They were completely different from those shown on TV.

The man in the t-shirt suddenly walked toward them silently. When the group of boys noticed the man with the sword approaching, they immediately became alert. Xiao Gao was so frightened that he almost woke up from the wine and hurriedly chased after the man in the t-shirt to stop him. I also followed. .

"Brother, brother, come back quickly, they all have knives on them!" Xiao Gao shouted desperately.

At this moment, Mei Yi rolled her eyes, and her two black eyes turned pale. She grabbed the fruit knife on the table and stabbed the boss in the neck.

The boss reacted quickly, stretched out his hand to block it, and the fruit knife stabbed into his wrist firmly, causing him to scream in pain.

When the younger brothers saw this, they all took out daggers. Mei Yi kicked the table with her foot, causing the whole table to flip over and hit the younger brothers with an astonishing force.

Meiyi raised the fruit knife and continued to stab the boss. The boss covered his injured wrist in embarrassment and ran for help. The whole custom shop exploded. The guests stood up and looked over one after another, and the music playing on the stage stopped.

Mei tore open the obstructive short skirt with her hands, revealing her snow-white thighs. She stepped on the sofa quickly and chased the black boss all the way. When she passed by us, the man in the T-shirt suddenly drew his sword and slashed at her.

She jumped back to avoid it. After landing, she put one hand on the ground and grinned fiercely. She looked and acted like a wild beast.

Then he roared and stabbed the man in the t-shirt several times. The man in the t-shirt dodged past slowly and slashed with his sword. Meiyi blocked it with his paratrooper knife, and a dazzling spark suddenly appeared.

"Jilin, find a way to lift the spell on her!" The man in the T-shirt shouted to me while parrying.

I took out a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman, but the two people were going back and forth, making it dazzling and impossible to start.

At this time, Li Mazi ran over. He was completely awakened by the wine and asked me what the hell was going on? I asked him to go to the bathroom and take a look. If he saw a young man in white clothes, I would do everything possible to stop him from performing the spell.

"How to stop it?" Li Mazi asked with a confused look on his face.

"Do you have any salt? Sprinkle it on him. If that doesn't work, sprinkle him with urine."


Li Mazi nodded repeatedly and rushed into the bathroom. The man in the T-shirt suddenly told us to get out of the way, and Mei Yi jumped down from a table and attacked him desperately.

It's not that the man in the t-shirt couldn't beat her, but he was afraid of hurting her life and didn't dare to be cruel. He was in a very passive situation.

The gangsters were also frightened by this gesture. They gathered outside and watched, undecided whether they should rush over to help?

The two of them fought for three or four minutes, and the man in the T-shirt suddenly grabbed Mei's wrist. When I saw the opportunity, I hugged her from behind and put the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman on her forehead.

As if being electrocuted, Mei Yi bent her body backwards, raised her neck and twitched, and finally fainted on the ground.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing that she was subdued, the black boss grabbed a dagger from his younger brother's hand and rushed over in a fierce manner.

As soon as he came over, he was stopped by a sharp sword and almost cut his throat. The man in the T-shirt held the sword in one hand and said to him coldly: "This woman is controlled by witchcraft. She is not the one who wants to kill you." …”

Xiao Gao quickly translated on the side. Boss Hei blinked and replied something. Xiao Gao translated for us.

"Mr. Saito said that you seem to be quite capable. As long as you can help him find the real murderer, he can pay you a generous reward."

"How do you know his surname is Saito?" I asked.

Xiao Gao pointed at the other person's chest to show me. The badge originally pinned to the chest of the black boss had the two Chinese characters "Saito" printed on it. Xiao Gao said that the other person was the leader of the Saito group and a small leader specializing in loan sharking. , is a well-known ruthless character in this area.

I really didn’t want to work for a Japanese gangster, and during the chaos just now, the bald man had already run away, so he said to Xiao Gao: “Tell him, we are just here for tourism and don’t want to meddle in these nosy things.”

Xiao Gao translated this, and Saito frowned and said a few words fiercely. Although I can't understand Japanese, I can still hear him saying "Baga pressure the road", which is definitely not a good thing.

I asked Xiao Gao what the other party said, Xiao Gao wiped his cold sweat and said: "Mr. Saito said, since you know that this woman is controlled by sorcery, you must know something inside! It's best to cooperate, otherwise he will have dozens of ways to deal with you!"

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