Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 516: The Four Spiritual Beasts of Feng Shui

After returning to the hotel, I told Yin Xinyue about accepting the commission. She said happily: "It's so fun to help the shrine catch monsters! It's much more interesting than just sightseeing."

I asked her where Li Mazi went? Yin Xinyue said that Li Mazi and Ruxue were trapped on the stairs for too long and couldn't stand it anymore, so they went back to the house to rest.

The enemy's situation is currently unknown, and I can't make preparations, so I plan to go to the shrine to investigate early tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, we were preparing to set off, but Li Mazi was unwilling to go. He lay on the bed holding the quilt and said: "I won't go this time even if I give you more money. I don't want to meet that person again." Something!"

"Look at how coward you are!" I threatened to tell him about touching the lady's butt, so Li Mazi reluctantly got out of bed.

Ruxue was also hesitant. I gave her the ghost-sealing bag that the T-shirt man had used last night, saying that it could be used for self-defense. She believed it, so she carried it with her with peace of mind.

After breakfast, we arrived at Inari Shrine at around nine o'clock. We thought it was quite early, but there were already many tourists here. Many people lined up to pray to the Inari statue and write their wishes on a small wooden board. .

Yin Xinyue said that she wanted to write a wish, and I said, "There are so many people, let's do business first, and then come and pray at night when no one is around."

We looked around and were stopped by a man wearing a wizard costume, speaking a lot of Japanese. Xiao Gao talked with him and told us: "This is Mr. Urashima, the chief priest of the shrine. He said that tourists are not allowed to come in here."

"Tell him, we are not tourists, we are guests invited by Miss Chiba!" I said.

Xiao Gao translated for Urashima, who was doubtful. At this time, Chiba came over carrying a bucket of water and quickly put down the bucket to explain the situation to Urashima. Urashima's attitude changed drastically and he warmly welcomed our arrival. However, he still had things to deal with, so he asked Chiba to show us around.

Yin Xinyue pulled my sleeve, pointed at Qianye and said, "Is this the legendary witch? She really has a different temperament."

"Thank you!" Chiba smiled slightly.

"Can you speak Chinese?" Yin Xinyue was shocked.

"I have learned Chinese characters." Chiba said.

Li Mazi smiled and praised: "Miss Qianye, you are so beautiful." Ruxue gave her a hard look.

When entering the shrine, I found that a stone lantern in the corner was damaged. Tourists may not be able to see anything, but the man in the T-shirt and I noticed that this stone lantern was different from other stone lanterns. I noticed When I saw a red bird carved on it, I rubbed a little bit of ash from the broken section and smelled it. It was obviously mixed with a faint yin energy!

This stone lantern may be mixed with graveyard soil and used to construct the Feng Shui layout of the entire shrine. Architectural Feng Shui does not mean just using things with a strong yang energy. Sometimes there are also some materials with a strong yin energy. The yang and yin complement each other, which is good. Let the Feng Shui flow.

"If I'm not wrong, there are stone lanterns like this at the four corners of the shrine, engraved with the four Chinese gods of green dragon, white tiger, red bird and Xuanwu." I said.

Qianye nodded in admiration: "Mr. Zhang's eyesight is really good. There are indeed such stone lanterns, but they have been inexplicably destroyed in the past few days..."

"Miss, why do you talk like the Japanese on TV?" Ruxue sneered. She was a little hostile to Qianye, maybe because she resented Mazi Li for peeking at her.

"Japs? Are they monsters?" Chiba looked confused. He grew up in a shrine and probably couldn't watch TV.

I changed the topic and asked her to show us other places.

On the way, Xiaogao corrected Chiba's Chinese grammar. Although Chiba always spoke strangely, she was smart and knowledgeable, and she could speak Chinese normally soon.

Behind the shrine is a farmland, where the people in the shrine grow vegetables for food. There are many tombs in the distance, one after another, covered with green grass. I said to Yin Xinyue: "Let me test you. It is best to put the tombs in front of the building. Or is it better to go back?"

"Back there, it's so ugly in front." Yin Xinyue frowned and said.

"That's wrong, the grave should be placed in the front! Feng Shui says, 'It is better to pile up piles in front of the house than to ask the ghosts behind the house to push them away.' Placing the grave at the back of the house is a taboo in Feng Shui," I explained.

Chiba blinked and said, "Mr. Zhang, we in Japan don't pay attention to Feng Shui, but it doesn't seem to have any impact. Forgive me for being offended, but Feng Shui is nonsense."

"Do you think it has no impact?" I sneered, and then told her that first of all, the shrine has a strong yang energy, and evil spirits dare not come in easily; secondly, most of the people in the shrine never marry, so there is no impact; and finally, the feng shui of this shrine The layout was guided by experts and was very rigorous, but now that only four stone lanterns have been destroyed, it will start to be haunted immediately, let alone in the future?

Qianye suddenly realized and said: "Is there any way to solve it?"

"Who are buried in these graves?" I asked.

"The priests and witches of the past generations are all loyal servants of Inari God. They must have become Buddhas long ago." Chiba pointed to the graveyard in front of him and said: "But there are still many samurai who died in battle buried on this mountain. According to the From your point of view, Feng Shui should be bad, right?"

The mountains are full of bamboos and filled with white mist, which indeed has a strong yin energy.

"I'll fix the feng shui pattern here tonight, and it shouldn't be haunted anymore," I said.

"Thank you." Chiba nodded gratefully.

The man in the T-shirt who had been silent until now suddenly asked: "Who built this shrine?"

Chiba replied: "It is said to have been built by the great Onmyoji Abe Yasukiyo."

"Abe Seimei's grandson?" The man in the T-shirt frowned.

"Exactly." Chiba nodded.

I turned on my phone and checked. In the ancient Heian-kyo period of Japan, onmyoji was a very great profession, and Abe Seimei was the onmyoji employed by the emperor, who was responsible for the feng shui and sacrifices of the imperial palace.

As Abe Seimei's grandson, Abe Taisei, he will inherit the position of Onmyoji.

I secretly thought, could this shrine have some connection with the fox demon Tamamo Mae that was sealed back then?

At this time, there was a commotion in the shrine, and a shrine maiden came over and said a few words to Chiba. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that two tourists had fainted.

Now that we are here, we go over and take a look. The two tourists are lying in a secluded place, a man and a woman, like a couple. Urashima was also there, calling for an ambulance, and I felt something was wrong as soon as I saw the couple's faces.

The man in the t-shirt rolled their eyelids over and said to me: "The yang energy was sucked..."

"Can you save them?" Chiba asked.

I told her that the couple's lives were not in danger and they could just stay in bed for a few days.

There are generally no ghosts during the day, and the only thing that sucks their yang energy is a demon, most likely one of the two demon foxes.

When I saw everyone was here, I suddenly frowned: "No, we may have fallen into a trap to lure the tiger away from the mountain! The other party is heading for the fox statue."

Urashima was shocked and immediately ran to the warehouse to check, followed closely by the others.

When we arrived, Urashima had already opened the cabinet, which was empty. He started yelling, and the man in the T-shirt suddenly reached into the cabinet and pulled out the well-preserved box.

This magic-like scene shocked Chiba and Urashima. The man in the T-shirt said: "It's a trick."

Urashima was worried and wanted to open it himself to confirm. When the fox statue was taken out, Kogao suddenly snatched it from him and ran away!

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