Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 517: Driving the tiger away from the mountain

This scene happened so suddenly that Li Mazi was hit and almost fell down.

Xiao Gao didn't know why he went crazy, he grabbed the fox statue and took it out of the warehouse!

Without further ado, we chased out quickly. Urashima yelled for help, and many priests and witches rushed out of the temple to stop Xiao Gao. But at this moment, Xiao Gao was just like the young lady who was possessed by the evil spirit in the custom hall that day. She was so strong that she knocked away several priests with her shoulders and ran towards the courtyard.

I asked the men in T-shirts to surround Xiao Gao in two directions. Xiao Gao protected the fox statue with his hands, his eyes were blood red, and he grinned fiercely at us.

I picked up the Sirius whip and whipped it away wildly. Xiao Gao kept running around the stone lantern and almost succeeded several times, but in the end the whip got wrapped around the stone lantern! He was as nimble as a loach, and there were rockeries and trees in the courtyard, so we couldn't catch him.

At this time, Chiba ran up and shouted: "Don't chase him, the real fox guard has been taken out of the shrine."

"What did you say?"

I glanced at Xiao Gao. He was hiding behind the rockery and looking around, as if he was waiting for us to chase him.

I bit the tip of my tongue, and the pain made me shudder. When I looked again, I saw that the fox statue Xiao Gao held in his hand was clearly a stone.

It must have been real when he snatched it from Urashima. After he went out, someone answered him and quickly moved the fox statue. But we were fooled around by Xiao Gao, giving the real murderer time to escape with the fox statue.

The man in the T-shirt and I exchanged glances and hurriedly chased down the mountain. A van parked on the side of the road, and the bald man whom we had met once at the custom museum was revealed through the window. He smiled at us maliciously and drove away. .

My eyes widened. It was unbelievable that he had stolen the fox statue in broad daylight from under our noses.

Chiba ran down the mountain road and saw the car driving away. She was so anxious that she yelled: "Are you two idiots? You can run away! What should I do now?" She squatted down and held her head in annoyance.

I suddenly noticed that the way she spoke was not very similar to Chiba's, and Chiba's Chinese was not as fluent.

The man in the t-shirt also noticed it. He pulled out the Han sword and pointed it at her throat, and coldly spat out a line of words: "Who are you?"

Chiba was startled, and a big fluffy tail suddenly popped out from behind him, and he raised his hands.

At this time, the real Qianye and Yin Xinyue came down the mountain road and were shocked by the scene in front of them. The fake Qianye slowly changed his appearance under everyone's eyes. It turned out to be the little fox who teased us last night.

"Tell us exactly what happened!" the man in the T-shirt said.

The little fox lowered his ears: "Oh!"

When we returned to the shrine, Xiao Gao had been arrested. Several priests were pressing him down. He was frothing at the mouth and biting randomly. I took out a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talisman and put it on him, and then he stopped.

The man in the t-shirt unscrewed the kettle that Xiao Gao brought with him and took a sniff. He was poisoned by the same poison as the girl from the custom hall. The demon fox spit into it and controlled his mind. Maybe it was buried before we came to the shrine. Foreshadowing.

"What's the relationship between the boy in white and you?" the man in the T-shirt asked the little fox.

The little fox glanced at the people around him, looking a little scared and unwilling to speak.

I asked Chiba: "Can you find a secluded room so we can interrogate her?"

Chiba nodded: "I will take you there."

Then a few of us escorted the little fox to an empty room, while Xiao Gao stayed and asked Urashima to take care of him. After entering the room, the little fox jumped to his feet and cursed: "You are so kind, you are treating me like a donkey. I have helped you many times, but you still take advantage of me." Being a bad guy?"

"Help? Was that called a help last night?" I asked.

The little fox folded his hands and snorted: "That's just to test your abilities. I didn't hurt you."

"Little vixen, you still have the nerve to say this, I almost collapsed last night!" Li Mazi became furious when he thought of what happened last night.

Ruxue kept staring at me and asked me in a low voice: "Brother-in-law, is she really a monster?"

When the little fox heard this, he bared his fangs and was so scared that Ruxue hugged Li Mazi's arm tightly. The little fox introduced himself: "My name is Otama, and the boy in white is called Yatama. We are both Tamamo-mae." Your Majesty’s bodyguard.”

"Then aren't you very old?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"That's not true... we actually sleep most of the time."

What Otama said next surprised everyone. He and the boy in white were monsters refined by Tamamo Mae with his own soul. They were equivalent to Tamamo Mae's clones, but their magic power was really limited and they were only proficient in some illusions and charm techniques.

After the fox demon Tamamo Mae was killed by Abe Seimei, the two of them were sealed in two glass beads, which were made into the two eyes of the silver fox guardian. They were enshrined here. They said they were enshrinements, but they were actually seals!

As time passed, the power of the seal gradually weakened, and they ran out. Yatama saw that there were no more powerful people in this era like Abe Seimei, so he wanted to resurrect Tamamo Mae. So he hooked up with a businessman named Tanaka. The feng shui of the shrine was destroyed by Tanaka, so he was naturally responsible for stealing the fox statue.

Compared with Yatama's character, Otama is much kinder. She knows that Tamamo Mae has been sealed for more than a thousand years and her resentment is very strong. Once released, the consequences may be disastrous! But she couldn't stop Yadama on her own, so she happened to find out that we could draw that kind of talisman, so she led us from the hotel to the shrine to participate in this matter.

After saying this, Oudama suddenly knelt down and begged: "I can help you stop Yadama, but I have a request. Please don't hurt him."

I pondered: "Does the fox statue have anything to do with the seal in front of Tamamo?"

"It doesn't matter!" Oyu shook his head.

"Then why did he steal it?" I wondered.

Chiba explained at this time: "The silver fox guard is the shrine's treasure. Once the news of the theft is announced, the impact will be very bad. Mr. Urashima will take the blame and resign. It is very likely that the shrine will be acquired by someone."

"Being acquired?" I asked.

"Shrines also have property rights and belong to the government. If they are not managed well, the person in charge will be replaced." Chiba said.

According to this idea, the person who comes out to buy the shrine must be the bald man. I asked Otama: "Why does Tanaka want the shrine?"

"Perhaps Odama told him that there are treasures, gold mines, etc. under the shrine. Tanaka is a bankrupt businessman." Odama said calmly.

"How do you know so clearly?" I asked.

"If it were me, I would lie to him like this. We foxes are all very good at lying!" She smiled proudly, revealing a pair of small tiger teeth. She and Yayu were like twins, with similar ways of thinking and growing up together. Big, nothing can be hidden from the other party.

"You still look proud!" Li Mazi complained, and Oyu made a face at him.

"What's actually there?" I asked, "Is the seal in front of Tamamo located here?"

Odama nodded: "Master Tamamozen is sealed in the mountain behind the shrine!"

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